(尚晋 译)
1 克里姆林宫、红场和圣瓦西里大教堂鸟瞰/Aerial view of the Kremlin, Red Square, and St. Basil's Cathedral(摄影/Photo: Iwan Baan, 供图/Courtesy of Diller Scofidio + Renfro)
地处中心位置的扎里亚季耶公园与圣瓦西里大教堂、红场和克里姆林宫只有几步之遥。这个历史悠久的地段满载着俄罗斯集体主义的过去与不断发展的追求。作为一个折射历史的万花筒,这个约14.16hm2的地段从19世纪起就是一个犹太居民的飞地,后来又成为一栋斯大林式摩天楼夭折的摇篮,以及俄罗斯大酒店的所在地——直到2007年拆除之前它都是欧洲最大的酒店。在随后的5年中,这个占市中心1/4的莫斯科房地产核心地段一直被围起,等待诺曼·福斯特对其商业中心的用途进行拓展规划。2012年,莫斯科市与总建筑师谢尔盖·库兹涅佐夫组织了一场设计竞赛,将这处历史上的私有商业地段改造成公共公园。由Diller Scofidio + Renfro建筑事务所领衔,与哈格里夫斯事务所和Citymakers组成的国际设计联合体从代表27个国家的90个方案中脱颖而出。
(尚晋 译)
Centrally located steps from St. Basil's Cathedral, Red Square and the Kremlin, Zaryadye Park sits on a historically charged site saturated by Russia's collective past and evolving aspirations. As a historic palimpsest, the 35-acre site has been populated by a Jewish enclave in the 1800's, the foundations of a cancelled Stalinist skyscraper, and the Hotel Rossiya-the largest hotel in Europe until its demolition in 2007. For five years, this central piece of Moscow real estate-encompassing a quarter of downtown Moscow-remained fenced as plans to extend its use as a commercial centre by Norman Foster were underway. In 2012, the City of Moscow and Chief Architect Sergey Kuznetsov organised a design competition to transform this historically privatised, commercial territory into a public park. An international design consortium led by Diller Scofidio + Renfro with Hargreaves Associates and Citymakers was selected out of ninety submissions representing 27 different countries.
As the first large scale park to be built in Moscow in the last fifty years, Zaryadye provides a public space that resists easy categorisation. It is at once park, urban plaza, social space, cultural amenity, and recreational armature. To achieve this simultaneity, natural landscapes are overlaid on top of constructed environments, creating a series of elemental face-offs between the natural and the artificial, urban and rural, interior and exterior. The intertwining of landscape and hardscape creates a "Wild Urbanism", introducing a new offering to compliment Moscow's historically formal, symmetrical park spaces. Characteristic elements of the historic district of Kitay-Gorod and the cobblestone paving of Red Square are combined with the lush gardens of the Kremlin to create a new park that is both urban and green. A traditional stone paving system knits hardscape and landscape together-generating a blend rather than a borderencouraging visitors to meander freely. Zaryadye Park is the missing link that completes the collection of world-famous monuments and urban districts forming central Moscow.
2 俯瞰莫斯科河对岸历史悠久的奥西波夫公寓楼/Moscow River overlook view towards the historic Osipov tenement building (now the Balchug Kempinsky Moscow hotel)(摄影/ Photo: Iwan Baan, 供图/Courtesy of Diller Scofidio + Renfro)
3 总平面/Site plan
4 场地剖面/Site section
5 场地东西向剖面/Site section: East-West
Traversing between each corner of the park, visitors encounter terraces that recreate and celebrate four diverse, regional landscapes found in Russia: tundra, steppe, forest and wetland. These zones are organised in terraces that descend from northeast to southwest, with each layering over the next to create a total of 14,000 square metres of enclosed, programmed spaces integrated into the landscape: nature and architecture act as one. Visitors can enjoy a river overlook cantilevering 70 metres over Moscow River, media centre, nature centre, restaurant, market, two amphitheatres and a philharmonic concert hall.
The sectional overlay also facilitates augmented microclimates that seek to extend the typically short park season. These passive climate-control strategies included calibrating the typography of one of the park's landscaped hills and the amphitheatre's glass crust to leverage the natural buoyancy of warm air. As a result, wind is minimised, plants stay greener longer, and the temperature rises gradually as visitors ascend the slope. Warmer air is retained during the colder months, while in the summer, motorised glass panels open to expel heat through the roof. These natural zones provide places of gathering, repose and observation, in concert with performance spaces and enclosed cultural pavilions. In addition to these programmed destinations, a series of vista points provide a frame for the cityscape to rediscover it anew. Each visitor's experience is customised for them and by them.□
6 历史教堂鸟瞰/Aerial view of historic churches
7 莫斯科河远景与河堤/Moscow River overlook & embankment
8 圆形剧场的露天座位与框架/Open air seating with framed views(摄影/Photo: Iwan Baan, 供图/Courtesy of Diller Scofidio + Renfro)
项目信息/Credits and Data
客户兼竞赛组织者/Client, Competition Organiser: 莫斯科市首席建筑师谢尔盖·库兹涅佐夫/City of Moscow, Chief Architect Sergey Kuznetsov
团队负责人兼概念总体规划设计师/Consortium Lead, Concept Masterplan Designer: Diller Scofidio + Renfro (USA)
团队/Team: Charles Renfro(合伙人/Partner), David Chacon(项目总监/Project Director), Brian Tabolt(首席设计师/Lead Designer), Ayat Fadaifard, Seongbeom Mo, Dino Kiratzidis, Gabriel Bollag, James Murray, Zoe Small, Trevor Lamphier, Mike Robitz, Lindsay Harkema, Jose Tijerina, Kelsey Olafson
景观和总体规划设计师/Landscape and Masterplan Designer: Hargreaves Associates (美国/USA)
当地合作伙伴,城市设计师/Local Partner, Urban Designer: Citymakers(俄罗斯/Russia)
气候工程和能源顾问/Climate Engineering and Energy Consultant: Transsolar(德国/Germany)
工程顾问/Engineering Consultant: Buro Happold(英国/United Kingdom)
公园管理/Park Management: Central Park Conservancy(美国/USA)
成本顾问/Cost Consultant: Directional Logic(美国/USA)照明设计/Lighting: ARUP(美国/USA)
本地植物专家/Native Planting Expert: Arteza(俄罗斯/Russia)
建筑师和工程师/Architect and Engineer: MAHPI(俄罗斯/Russia)
承包商/Contractor: Mosinzhproekt(俄罗斯/Russia)
场地面积/Site Area: 14公顷/14hm2
展馆/附表分类/Pavilions/Enclosed Program Breakdown: 7000m2(媒体中心/Media Centre), 3000m2(自然中心和冰洞/Nature Centre and Ice Cave), 2000m2(餐厅/Restaurant), 2000 m2(市场/Market)
状态/Status: 2013年赢得竞赛,2017年秋季开业/Competition Selection 2013, Opened Fall 2017
LI Cundong: The Zaryadye Park is an iconic park, not only because of its overhung skywalk looking over Moscow River and the surrounding streets, but also for the diverse buildings, watercourses and vegetation in the park. Most importantly, the design of this project has blended people's activity spaces, landscape infrastructures and the natural environment all together. Visitors are able to enjoy the relaxing lifestyle and appreciate the unique urban surroundings. The viewing platform, in particular, facilitates augmented microclimates to enhance the park's modernity and comfortability. This project has revived the activeness of the ancient city centre. (Translated by Jue Chen)
Binke Lenhardt: Zaryadye Park in the centre of Moscow is different from common Russian parks, linking naturally the urban with the nature, it is entirely open to all sites of the city, with no formal axis, but consists of multidirectional pathways and gathering points, punctured with diversified structures. It is a civic park and public plaza with the objective of social interaction and cultural awareness, all at the same time. The overlook cantilevering 70m over Moscow river gives a final, uplifting and futuristic touch that widens the common public park experience and reflects its recreational role in the modern city life.
9 圆形剧场玻璃天棚及人工山/Glass canopy and artifical hill of Amphitheatre(摄影/Photo: Philippe Ruault, 供图/Courtesy of Diller Scofidio + Renfro)
10 自然中心花卉园/Florarium in Nature centre(摄影/Photo: Iwan Baan, 供图/Courtesy of Diller Scofidio + Renfro)