

中国海商法研究 2020年4期




中图分类号:D996.19  文献标志码:A


A review of Lloyds Standard Form of Salvage Agreement (2011)

—concurrently comments on revision of

China Maritime Arbitration

Commission Standard Form of Salvage Agreement (1994)

WANG Xiao-yi

(School of Law,Jimei University,Xiamen 361021,China)

Abstract:Salvage at sea is a particular legal system in maritime law, since the end of the 19th century, contractual salvage based on the principle “no cure, no pay” is its main form. Among various standard form of contract, Lloyds Standard Form of Salvage Agreement (LOF), approved and published by the Council of Lloyds, is most widely used at present, which has been revised several times to become more adaptable to the practical needs. This paper, by translating the latest adition of LOF as well as the Special Compensation of Protection and Indemnity Clause (SCOPIC) chosen to be incorporated therein, comments on the main provisions of LOF regarding the parties obligation, special compensation, rights of termination, etc., then gives the suggestion to absorb and learn from its merits,hoping to amend and perfect the Standard Form of Salvage Contract of China Maritime Arbitration Commission

([STBX]1994, thus enhancing its applicability in salvage practice.

Key words:salvage at sea;salvage convention;special compensation


《劳氏海难救助协议标准格式》(Lloyds Standard Form of Salvage Agreement,简称LOF)是英国劳氏委员会于1908年发布,用于缔结海难救助合同的协议范本,至今已有逾百年历史。LOF自发布以来,经过多次修订,但“无效果,无报酬”(no cure,no pay)始终都作为LOF下海难救助报酬给付的基本原则,该原则也为《1910年统一海上救助若干法律规则的国际公约》所吸纳,并延续至《1989年国际救助公约》(简称《89年救助公约》)。

20世纪70年代,发生了多起重大的海上油轮污染事故,比较有代表性的有Torrey Canyon轮①、Amoco Cadiz轮②和Cristos Bitas轮③溢油污染事故。这类事故的救援难度极大,尽管救助方竭尽全力,却最终因无财产获救而无法获得救助报酬,或是根据获救财产价值计算的应得救助报酬不足以弥补救助方所投入的救助成本,这无疑会打击其在救助海上财产的同时勇于负担海洋救助责任的积极性。显然,坚守“无效果,无报酬”原则已经无法适应20世纪的海上生态环境保护需要。为此,劳氏委员会对LOF进行了一次重要修订,形成LOF1980版本。在有关油轮救助的报酬问题上,LOF1980突破了“无效果,无报酬”原则,创设了“安全网”(safety net)条款,首次把油轮对环境造成的污染与船舶、货物和有风险的运费一并列为施救对象,只要救助人在救助遇险油轮时没有过失,并为防止或减轻油污染损害付出了努力,即使救助作业没有取得成效,或只有部分成效,仍可请求油轮船东支付一笔补偿,数额相当于因进行救助作业而合理投入的成本再加上不超过15%增额。

《89年救助公约》认可并接纳了LOF1980的这一突破,在以“无效果,无报酬”为原则的第13条“救助报酬确定标准”(criteria for fixing the reward)条款基础上,增设了第14条“特别补偿”(special compensation)条款,并对只适用于油轮救助的LOF1980“安全网”条款进行了批判继承和发展,将救助对象从油轮扩大至对环境构成污染危险的任何船舶或船上货物。




目前,LOF的最新版本是LOF2011版④,其中并入的SCOPIC条款为2007年版本。新版本LOF沿袭了第一版所确立的救助报酬给付基本原则——“无效果,无报酬”(no cure,no pay),醒目地将其置于文本首页提请订约各当事方注意。从内容上看,LOF2011共分为三个部分。第一部分将海难救助法律关系中的当事方及其代表人、被救财产、订约时间、订约地点、获救财产的后续安置地点等基本信息,以简明的表格形式提供给各方填写。第二部分共列出十二條海难救助当事方权利和义务的核心条款。第三部分则是与协议履行相关的四个补充说明事项。



LOF2011第二部分A款约定了救助方应尽最大努力进行救助的基本义务。在救助作业结束后,救助方还应当及时将获救财产送至协议中指定的或事后商定的安全地点,履行这一义务是评定救助作业是否取得成效(cure)的关键因素之一。在该款中,对救助方履行义务的程度要求是“尽最大努力”(use their best endeavours),同时在B款中,也要求救助方要尽“最大努力”防止或减轻环境污染,可见LOF对救助方施救行为主观能动性的发挥有着较高的要求,但这种表述也带有很大的不确定性和弹性。
















根据LOF2011K款,船长有权代船舶所有人签订救助协议。传统英美法下,在通讯不发达的年代,船长在订约时被视为是“紧急处分代理人”(agent of necessity)。遇险船船长以紧急处分代理人身份签订的救助协议对遇险船的船舶所有人和船上的货主均有约束力。这点在《89年救助公约》的第6条中也有明确规定,该条赋予船长较为广泛的订约权。然而,需要注意的是,尽管公约赋予船长具有代船上货物所有人订立救助协议的权利,但在英国的一些判例中,法庭认为,货主是否要受遇险船船长所签订的救助协议的约束,关键在于“紧急处分代理”关系是否真实存在①。而早前的Pa Mar 461案确立了“紧急处分代理”的构成要件:(1)确有必要请求救助(it was necessary to take salvage assistance);(2)遇险船船长无法同船上货物的货主联系,以取得其指示(it was not reasonably practical to communicate with the cargo owners or to obtain their instructions);(3)遇险船船长或其船东应出于维护货方利益的善意行事(the Master or shipowners acted bona fide in the interests of the cargo);(4)由遇险船船长或其船东来签订救助合同,在当时情况下是合情合理的(it was reasonable for the Master or shipowner to enter into the particular contract)。[1]在相应举证责任上,如果船上货物所有人对船长代其签订救助协议有异议时,应由救助方举证证明满足了前述要件后,遇险船船长所签订的救助协议才对船上的货主产生约束力。因此,在实践中,如果时间允许,船方最好通知船上的货物所有人救助协议的签订事宜,协同货物所有人以及其他财产所有人的代表共同在LOF2011表格第九栏上签名,以避免后续不必要的争议。








“第2条 被救助方的义务




第3条 救助方的义务






“第9条 特别补偿












附:Lloyds Standard Form of Salvage Agreement(2011)中译文及Special Compensationof P&I Clause (2007)中译文


(Approved and Published by the Council of Lloyds)



A Contractors basic obligation: [WTBZ]The Contractors identified in Box 1 hereby agree to use their best endeavours to salve the property specified in Box 2 and to take the property to the place stated in Box 3 or to such other place as may hereafter be agreed. If no place is inserted in Box 3 and in the absence of any subsequent agreement as to the place where the property is to be taken the Contractors shall take the property to a place of safety.


B Environmental protection: [WTBZ]While performing the salvage services the Contractors shall also use their best endeavours to prevent or minimise damage to the environment.


[WTHZ]C Scopic Clause: [WTBZ]Unless the word “No” in Box 7 has been deleted this agreement shall be deemed to have been made on the basis that the Scopic Clause is not incorporated and forms no part of this agreement. If the word “No” is deleted in Box 7 this shall not of itself be construed as a notice invoking the Scopic Clause within the meaning of sub-clause 2 thereof.


D Effect of other remedies: [WTBZ]Subject to the provisions of the International Convention on Salvage 1989 as incorporated into English law (“the Convention”) relating to special compensation and to the Scopic Clause if incorporated the Contractors services shall all be rendered and accepted as salvage services upon the principle of “no cure-no pay” and any salvage remuneration to which the Contractors become entitled shall not be diminished by reason of the exception to the principle of “no cure-no pay” in the form of special compensation or remuneration payable to the Contractors under a Scopic Clause.


E Prior services: [WTBZ]Any salvage services rendered by the Contractors to the property before and up to the date of this agreement shall be deemed to be covered by this agreement.


F Duties of property owners: [WTBZ]Each of the owners of the property shall cooperate fully with the Contractors. In particular:

(i) the Contractors may make reasonable use of the vessels machinery gear and equipment free of expense provided that the Contractors shall not unnecessarily damage abandon or sacrifice any property on board;

(ii) the Contractors shall be entitled to all such information as they may reasonably require relating to the vessel or the remainder of the property provided such information is relevant to the performance of the services and is capable of being provided without undue difficulty or delay;

(iii) the owners of the property shall co-operate fully with the Contractors in obtaining entry to the place of safety stated in Box 3 or agreed or determined in accordance with Clause A.





G Rights of termination: [WTBZ]When there is no longer any reasonable prospect of a useful result leading to a salvage reward in accordance with Convention Articles 12 and/or 13 either the owners of the vessel or the Contractors shall be entitled to terminate the services hereunder by giving reasonable prior written notice to the other.


H Deemed performance: [WTBZ]The Contractors services shall be deemed to have been performed when the property is in a safe condition in the place of safety stated in Box 3 or agreed or determined in accordance with clause A. For the purpose of this provision the property shall be regarded as being in safe condition notwithstanding that the property (or part thereof) is damaged or in need of maintenance if (i) the Contractors are not obliged to remain in attendance to satisfy the requirements of any port or habour authority, governmental agency or similar authority and (ii) the continuation of skilled salvage services from the Contractors or other salvors is no longer necessary to avoid the property becoming lost or significantly further damaged or delayed.


I Arbitration and the LSSA Clauses: [WTBZ]The Contractors remuneration and/or special compensation shall be determined by arbitration in London in the manner prescribed by Lloyds Standard Salvage and Arbitration Clauses (“the LSSA Clauses”) and Lloyds Procedural Rules in force at the date of this agreement. The provisions of the said LSSA Clauses and Lloyds Procedural Rules are deemed to be incorporated in this agreement and form an integral part hereof. Any other difference arising out of this agreement or the operations hereunder shall be referred to arbitration in the same way.


J Governing law: [WTBZ]This agreement and any arbitration hereunder shall be governed by English law.


K Scope of authority: [WTBZ]The Master or other person signing this agreement on behalf of the property identified in Box 2 enters into this agreement as agent for the respective owners thereof and binds each (but not the one for the other or himself personally) to the due performance thereof.


L Inducements prohibited: [WTBZ]No person signing this agreement or any party on whose behalf it is signed shall at any time or in any manner whatsoever offer provide make give or promise to provide or demand or take any form of inducement for entering into this agreement.




1 Salvage security. [WTBZ]As soon as possible the owners of the vessel should notify the owners of other property on board that this agreement has been made. If the Contractors are successful the owners of such property should note that it will become necessary to provide the Contractors with salvage security promptly in accordance with Clause 4 of the LSSA Clauses referred to in Clause I. The provision of General Average security does not relieve the salved interests of their separate obligation to provide salvage security to the Contractors.


2 Incorporated provisions. [WTBZ]Copies of the applicable Scopic Clause, the LSSA Clauses and Lloyds Procedural Rules in force at the date of this agreement may be obtained from (i) the Contractors or (ii) the Salvage Arbitration Branch at Lloyds, One Lime Street, London EC3M 7HA.

并入条款。本协议签订之时适用的SCOPIC条款、LSSA条款和劳合社程序规则的文本可以从(1)救助方,或(2)劳合社救助仲裁分会(位于伦敦莱姆街1号,EC3M 7HA)获得。

3 Awards. [WTBZ]The Council of Lloyds is entitled to make available the Award, Appeal Award and Reasons on (the website) subject to the conditions set out in Clause 12 of the LSSA Clauses.


4 Notification to Lloyds.The Contractors shall within 14 days of their engagement to render services under this agreement notify the Council of Lloyds of their engagement and forward the signed agreement or a true copy thereof to the Council as soon as possible. The Council will not charge for such notification.




This SCOPIC clause is supplementary to any Lloyds Form Salvage Agreement “No Cure-No Pay” (“Main Agreement”) which incorporates the provisions of Article 14 of the International Convention on Salvage 1989 (“Article 14”). The definitions in the Main Agreement are incorporated into this SCOPIC clause. If the SCOPIC clause is inconsistent with any provisions of the Main Agreement or inconsistent with the law applicable hereto, the SCOPIC clause, once invoked under sub-clause 2 hereof, shall override such other provisions to the extent necessary to give business efficacy to the agreement. Subject to the provisions of sub-clause 4 hereof, the method of assessing Special Compensation under Convention Article 14(1) to 14(4) inclusive shall be substituted by the method of assessment set out hereinafter. If this SCOPIC clause has been incorporated into the Main Agreement the Contractor may make no claim pursuant to Article 14 except in the circumstances described in sub-clause 4 hereof. For the purposes of liens and time limits the services hereunder will be treated in the same manner as salvage.



2.Invoking the SCOPIC Clause

The Contractor shall have the option to invoke by written notice to the owners of the vessel the SCOPIC clause set out hereafter at any time of his choosing regardless of the circumstances and, in particular, regardless of whether or not there is a “threat of damage to the environment”. The assessment of SCOPIC remuneration shall commence from the time the written notice is given to the owners of the vessel and services rendered before the said written notice shall not be remunerated under this SCOPIC clause at all but in accordance with Convention Article 13 as incorporated into the Main Agreement (“Article 13”).



3.Security for SCOPIC Remuneration

(i) The owners of the vessel shall provide to the Contractor within 2 working days (excluding Saturdays and Sundays and holidays usually observed at Lloyds) after receiving written notice from the contractor invoking the SCOPIC clause, a bank guarantee or P&I Club letter (hereinafter called “the Initial Security”) in a form reasonably satisfactory to the Contractor providing security for his claim for SCOPIC remuneration in the sum of US$3 million, inclusive of interest and costs.

(ii) If, at any time after the provision of the Initial Security the owners of the vessel reasonably assess the SCOPIC remuneration plus interest and costs due hereunder to be less than the security in place, the owners of the vessel shall be entitled to require the Contractor to reduce the security to a reasonable sum and the Contractor shall be obliged to do so once a reasonable sum has been agreed.

(iii) If at any time after the provision of the Initial Security the Contractor reasonably assesses the SCOPIC remuneration plus interest and costs due hereunder to be greater than the security in place, the Contractor shall be entitled to require the owners of the vessel to increase the security to a reasonable sum and the owners of the vessel shall be obliged to do so once a reasonable sum has been agreed.

(iv) In the absence of agreement, any dispute concerning the proposed Guarantor, the form of the security or the amount of any reduction or increase in the security in place shall be resolved by the Arbitrator.







If the owners of the vessel do not provide the Initial Security within the said 2 working days, the Contractor, at his option, and on giving notice to the owners of the vessel, shall be entitled to withdraw from all the provisions of the SCOPIC clause and revert to his rights under the Main Agreement including Article 14 which shall apply as if the SCOPIC clause had not existed. PROVIDED THAT this right of withdrawal may only be exercised if, at the time of giving the said notice of withdrawal the owners of the vessel have still not provided the Initial Security or any alternative security which the owners of the vessel and the Contractor may agree will be sufficient.



5.Tariff Rates

(i) SCOPIC remuneration shall mean the total of the tariff rates of personnel; tugs and other craft; portable salvage equipment; out of pocket expenses; and bonus due.

(ii) SCOPIC remuneration in respect of all personnel; tugs and other craft; and portable salvage equipment shall be assessed on a time and materials basis in accordance with the Tariff set out in Appendix “A”. This tariff will apply until reviewed and amended by the SCR Committee in accordance with Appendix B(1)(b). The tariff rates which will be used to calculate SCOPIC remuneration are those in force at the time the salvage services take place.

(iii) “Out of pocket” expenses shall mean all those monies reasonably paid by or for and on behalf of the Contractor to any third party and in particular includes the hire of men, tugs, other craft and equipment used and other expenses reasonably necessary for the operation. They will be agreed at cost, PROVIDED THAT: (a) If the expenses relate to the hire of men, tugs, other craft and equipment from another ISU member or their affiliate(s), the amount due will be calculated on the tariff rates set out in Appendix “A” regardless of the actual cost. (b) If men, tugs, other craft and equipment are hired from any party who is not an ISU member and the hire rate is greater than the tariff rates referred to in Appendix “A” the actual cost will be allowed in full, subject to the Special Casualty Representative (“SCR”) being satisfied that in the particular circumstances of the case, it was reasonable for the Contractor to hire such items at that cost. If an SCR is not appointed or if there is a dispute, then the Arbitrator shall decide whether the expense was reasonable in all in the circumstances. (c) Any out of pocket expense incurred during the course of the service in a currency other than US dollars shall for the purpose of the SCOPIC clause be converted to US dollars at the rate prevailing at the termination of the services.

(iv) In addition to the rates set out above and any out of pocket expenses, the Contractor shall be entitled to a standard bonus of 25% of those rates except that if the out of pocket expenses described in sub-paragraph 5(iii)(b) exceed the applicable tariff rates in Appendix “A” the Contractor shall be entitled to a bonus such that he shall receive in total

(a) The actual cost of such men, tugs, other craft and equipment plus 10% of the cost, or (b) The tariff rate for such men, tugs, other craft and equipment plus 25% of the tariff rate whichever is the greater.






6.Article 13 Award

(i) The salvage services under the Main Agreement shall continue to be assessed in accordance with Article 13, even if the Contractor has invoked the SCOPIC clause. SCOPIC remuneration as assessed under sub-clause 5 above will be payable only by the owners of the vessel and only to the extent that it exceeds the total Article 13 Award (or, if none, any potential Article 13 Award) payable by all salved interests (including cargo, bunkers, lubricating oil and stores) before currency adjustment and before interest and costs even if the Article 13 Award or any part of it is not recovered.

(ii) In the event of the Article 13 Award or settlement being in a currency other than United States dollars it shall, for the purposes of the SCOPIC clause, be exchanged at the rate of exchange prevailing at the termination of the services under the Main Agreement.

(iii) The salvage Award under Article 13 shall not be diminished by reason of the exception to the principle of “No Cure-No Pay” in the form of SCOPIC remuneration.








(i) The Contractor shall be entitled to terminate the services under the SCOPIC clause and the Main Agreement by written notice to owners of the vessel with a copy to the SCR (if any) and any Special Representative appointed if the total cost of his services to date and the services that will be needed to fulfil his obligations hereunder to the property (calculated by means of the tariff rate but before the bonus conferred by sub-clause 5(iii) hereof) will exceed the sum of:

(a) The value of the property capable of being salved; and

(b) All sums to which he will be entitled as SCOPIC remuneration

(ii) The owners of the vessel may at any time terminate the obligation to pay SCOPIC remuneration after the SCOPIC clause has been invoked under sub-clause 2 hereof provided that the Contractor shall be entitled to at least 5 clear days notice of such termination. In the event of such termination the assessment of SCOPIC remuneration shall take into account all monies due under the tariff rates set out in Appendix A hereof including time for demobilisation to the extent that such time did reasonably exceed the 5 days notice of termination.

(iii) The termination provisions contained in sub-clause 9(i) and 9(ii) above shall only apply if the Contractor is not restrained from demobilising his equipment by Government, Local or Port Authorities or any other officially recognised body having jurisdiction over the area where the services are being rendered.



(2)在SCOPIC条款依据其第2条之规定被援用后,船舶所有人可以随时终止其支付SCOPIC酬金的义务,但应至少提前5个完整工作日通知救助方。此时,对 SCOPIC酬金评定应考虑按附录A中列出的费率计算的所有应付款项,为遣散救助方所耗费的超出5天通知期限的合理时间,也应计算SCOPIC酬金。


10.Duties of Contractor

The duties and liabilities of the Contractor shall remain the same as under the Main Agreement, namely to use his best endeavours to salve the vessel and property thereon and in so doing to prevent or minimise damage to the environment.



11.Article18 — 1989 Salvage Convention

The Contractor may be deprived of the whole or part of the payment due under the SCOPIC clause to the extent that the salvage operations thereunder have become necessary or more difficult or more prolonged or the salved fund has been reduced or extinguished because of fault or neglect on its part or if the Contractor has been guilty of fraud or other dishonest conduct.



12.Special Casualty Representative(“SCR”)

Once this SCOPIC clause has been invoked in accordance with sub-clause 2 hereof the owners of the vessel may at their sole option appoint an SCR to attend the salvage operation in accordance with the terms and conditions set out in Appendix B. Any SCR so appointed shall not be called upon by any of the parties hereto to give evidence relating to non-salvage issues.



13.Special Representatives

At any time after the SCOPIC clause has been invoked the Hull and Machinery underwriter (or, if more than one, the lead underwriter) and one owner or underwriter of all or part of any cargo on board the vessel may each appoint one special representative (hereinafter called respectively the “Special Hull Representative” and the “Special Cargo Representative” and collectively called the “Special Representatives”) at the sole expense of the appointor to attend the casualty to observe and report upon the salvage operation on the terms and conditions set out in Appendix C hereof. Such Special Representatives shall be technical men and not practising lawyers.



14.Pollution Prevention

The assessment of SCOPIC remuneration shall include the prevention of pollution as well as the removal of pollution in the immediate vicinity of the vessel insofar as this is necessary for the proper execution of the salvage but not otherwise.



15.General Average

SCOPIC remuneration shall not be a General Average expense to the extent that it exceeds the Article 13 Award; any liability to pay such SCOPIC remuneration shall be that of the Shipowner alone and no claim whether direct, indirect, by way of indemnity or recourse or otherwise relating to SCOPIC remuneration in excess of the Article 13 Award shall be made in General Average or under the vessels Hull and Machinery Policy by the owners of the vessel.



16. [WTBZ][STBZ]Any dispute arising out of this SCOPIC clause or the operations thereunder shall be referred to Arbitration as provided for under the Main Agreement.



[1]HILL C.Maritime law\[M\].London:LLP Professional Publishing,1998:346.


