
城市设计 2019年5期

Buffalo has long been known for its Niagara Falls.The waterfront area of Buffalo has long been neglected and has not been developed as it should.It’s time to start a NEW CHAPTER for the Buffalo Waterfront. This is the title of New York State Governor Andrew M. Cuomo in the Competition to Re-Imagine the Buffalo Skyway Corridor. Like many modern waterfront cities, an elevated road is built along the lake, separating the urban and waterfront areas in space. The competition hopes that the participants will rethink the future of the Buffalo Skyway and propose a creative and operational concept. A proposal of the Buffalo Roller Coaster and Walkway ( BRCW ) presented by ZHUWENYI Atelier explored the future of the Buffalo Waterfront in four aspects:design programming, roller coaster landmarks, walkway and operability ( Figure 1 ).

First, how to increase the attractiveness of the site is the key to the Skyway Corridor project. Buffalo is well known for the Niagara Falls in the world.BRCW proposed the world's tallest, longest roller coaster and walkways on the Skyway Corridor,which could be a landmark quite different from the Niagara Falls. After enjoying the Niagara Falls,you can take a roller coaster and enjoy the views of Lake Erie and the downtown Buffalo ( Figure 2, 3 ).Second, there are two roller coasters on Skyway Corridor that are the first urban roller coasters in the downtown and waterfront of the city. On the AERE2 of the 4 mile Skyway Corridor and ECHDC Outer Harbor Lands, two stations of roller coasters were set up, with a roller coaster 3 miles long in the north of the Skyway Corridor and a roller coaster 6 miles long in the south of the Skyway Corridor (NYS Route [Rte.] 5). The north one is called a high-speed roller coaster especially for young people, with the highest point of 500 feet and the speed of 135mi/h. The south one is called a low-speed roller coaster for all, especially the elderly, with the speed of 35mi/h ( Figure 4, 5 ).

Third, the part of the traffic on the Skyway could be transferred to the I-190 expressway. The two lanes on the Buffalo Skyway are reserved for lowspeed roadways, and the two lanes on both sides are converted into walkways including pedestrians and bicycle lanes. The walkway could be integrated with the waterfront leisure walkway to form a charming slow traffic system in the Buffalo city.Running and cycling under a roller coaster, chasing a carriage of roller coaster, you could have an unprecedented experience. This will be the world's first roller coaster to combine with the slow traffic system in the city ( Figure 6 ).

The two roller coasters of BRCW are strong feasible and technically achievable. BRCW could drive the programming and construction of various leisure facilities on the waterfront area, which will lead to the revitalization of the entire waterfront city of Buffalo ( Figure 7 ).

All figures are provided by ZHUWENYI Atelier.

图2 / Figure 2水牛城BRCW天际线 / BRCW Skyline, Buffalo

图3 / Figure 3今天的水牛城天际线 / Buffalo Skyline Today

图4 / Figure 4BRCW鸟瞰 / BRCW Bird-Eye-View

图5 / Figure 5 BRCW景象 / A BRCW View

图6 / Figure 6 BRCW与水牛城 / BRCW and Buffalo City

图7 / Figure 7谷歌卫星图上的BRCW / BRCW on Google Earth Satellite Map


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