

世界建筑 2019年12期


1 外景/Exterior view

近年来,墨西哥韦拉克鲁斯州博卡德尔里奥市的音乐和文化生活日益丰富。2014 年,博卡德尔里奥爱乐乐团成立,通过一系列表演吸引了众多音乐爱好者,以及来自本地和海外的音乐家。爱乐乐团由此成为了该市文化生活的中心。

不仅在墨西哥,博卡德尔里奥爱乐乐团在全世界都是独一无二的。乐团的活动有3 条主线:每年一次的管弦音乐会,每月一次的室内音乐表演,以及名为“谱写和谐”的针对低收入家庭儿童的课外社会发展项目。在乐团的活动推动了社会与文化的发展的同时,乐团也需要一个新的社交场所作为乐团及其活动的新家。






在建筑功能方面,音乐厅拥有996 个观众席,不仅满足古典、传统、流行音乐的表演需求,也可用于舞蹈表演、戏剧表演及电影放映。此外,建筑包含一个拥有150 个观众席的排练厅,可用于录像音乐会、舞台剧表演、电影放映及现代舞表演。



建筑的公共空间包括一个3 层通高的前厅,它连接了各楼层及开放空间,提供了通往各个大厅的路径。建筑最高层设有露天平台,人们可在此俯瞰河流与大海。建筑中还设有咖啡厅和餐厅。前厅的各楼层平台也可用作独奏会、录像音乐会、舞蹈表演和现代戏剧表演的场地。

博卡音乐厅在室外也创造了一处公共空间,它是防波堤区域的入口广场的延伸,提供了多处休闲娱乐聚集地,完善了音乐厅的公共生活功能。此外,建筑的外立面装有视听投影系统,旨在创造一个社交场所以增强该区域的公共氛围。□(母卓尔 译)

2 外景/Exterior view

During recent years there has been a clear enrichment of the musical and cultural life in Boca del Rio, Veracruz. In 2014, the Boca del Rio Philharmonic Orchestra was formed and through its performances it has attracted diverse musical expressions; local and foreign musicians, making it the heart of the cultural life of the city.

The Philharmonic Orchestra is unique not only in Mexico, but worldwide. Through three lines of action, consisting of a yearly season of Orchestral Concerts, as well as monthly Chamber Music performances and finally, an after-school social development programme for low-income children named "Orquestando Armonia"; the dynamics and activities of the orchestra have had a successful social and cultural development, and have demonstrated the need to create a new social enclosure to serve as the new home for the orchestra and its programmes.

Foro Boca fits within a master plan that seeks to revitalise an urban area that is currently deteriorated. It is located in the estuary of the river,a location that not only gives name to the locality,but also has a rich history and culinary tradition.

The piece of land is located beside the breakwater dividing the river and the sea; the end of the Coastal Avenue Vicente Fox and its point of convergence with Avenue Zamora, where all the local restaurants are lined up.

The Foro Boca's location is intended to articulate the dynamics of the central part of the city with the coastal avenue and has the goal of functioning as an urban detonator capable of inciting modernity in the area. The forum itself is a tool that has permitted the reconstruction and renovation of the infrastructure and urban image of this part of the city.

The building appropriates the timeless expression of the concrete cubes formed by ripraps in the breakwater, assimilating them as its origin and re-interpreting them in a building made of apparent concrete, forming various areas of volume that contain the concert hall.

In its interior, the concert hall unfolds the technical knowledge of foreign and local specialists in acoustics, isoptics and theatrical mechanics.It possesses the equipment to become the most sophisticated concert hall in the country.

3 首层平面/Ground floor plan

4 二层平面/First floor plan

项目信息/Credits and Data

地点/Location: Boca del Río, Veracruz, Mexico

建筑设计/Architects: Rojkind Arquitectos

主持建筑师/Principal Architect: Michel Rojkind

团队/Team: Agustín Pereyra, Arturo Ortíz (技术经理/Technical Manager), Adrián Aguilar, Sandra Carvajal,Fernanda Casar, Salvador Cortéz, Diego Díaz Lezama,Paulina Elizalde, Rubén García, Daniel Gaytán, Lorena García- Cordero, Paulina Goycoolea, Jorge González R.,Alfredo Hernández, Laura Hernández, Pablo Herrera,Julieta Inclán, Carsten Lemme, Andrea León, Félix Mendoza, Gerardo Salinas, Julio Serralde, Alfonso Paz,Cynthia Ponce, Víctor Velázquez, Ditter Vergara, Beatriz Zavala, Dinorah Mar tínez Schulte. Norma Jiménez Fernández (传媒/Media)

结构工程/Structural Engineering: EMRSA: Enrique Martínez, Elsa Serrano, José Martínez Vargas

声学顾问/Acoustic Consultants: Akustics: Paul Scarbrough,Auerbach Pollock Friedlander, Tom Neville, Kevin MacPhearson; Seamonk: Cristian Ezcurdia, Itzel Alba, Jorge Romero, Lincoln Aguirre

机电工程师及其他专业/MEP Engineer & Specialties:Gralte S.C., Germán Muñóz, David Pastor, Barbara Gaytán

照明顾问/Lighting Consultant: Artec3: Maurici Ginés, Jose Cardona

室内设计/Interior Design: Mutuo Studio: Paola Ruíz de Chávez, Geysell Capetillo

施工方/Builder: Ingenieria y Desarrollo Arquitectónico C.V. (Ing. Ricardo del Río Santiestéban)

效果图/Rendering: PRTSARCH, Rojkind Arquitectos

功能/Programme: 音乐厅/Concert Hall

建成面积/Construction Area: 5410m²

设计时间/Design Time: 2014

建成时间/Compelition Time: 2017

摄影/Photos: Jaime Navarro (fig. 1,5,9,12), Paul Rivera (fig.2,8,10), Iker Gill (fig. 11,13)

The architectural programme considers a concert hall for classical, traditional and popular music for an audience of 966, also having the possibility of presenting shows involving dance and theatre, as well as cinema. Additionally, the forum has a rehearsal hall that serves for camera concerts,floor theatre plays, cinema and contemporary dance presentations. The hall can seat 150 spectators.

The Back of the House area of the forum responds primarily to the needs of the philharmonic orchestra.It features rehearsal halls for percussionists, pianists,solo performers and a recording studio. It has general changing rooms, private changing rooms for directors, guest performers and the philharmonic's director.

These areas were conceived to combine the daily routines of the orchestra with the needs of the other activities, such as theatrical performances.The building also holds an office area and a musical library, where the forum can offer workshops,courses and various festivals.

The public area of the building features a threestorey height vestibule combining the floors and voids creating the access to the halls. The final floor fits a terrace overlooking the river and the sea.The building also has a cafeteria and a restaurant.Within the platforms of the vestibule, spaces are formed where solo concerts, camera concerts, dance performance and contemporary theatre plays can be held.

The Foro Boca generates a public space on its exterior that permits the extension of the access plaza throughout the breakwater area, creating points of entertainment or ludic spaces that complement the public life of the hall. There is also an audio and visual projection system screened on the exterior façade of the building, with the intention of consolidating a social enclosure that builds the public sphere of the area.□

5 外景/Exterior view

6.7 剖面/Sections

8 夜景/Night view

9 内景/Interior view




10-13 内景/Interior views


PEI Zhao: The advantage and disadvantage of this project coincided: its great similarity to a pile of stones by the sea. The project faces the same task as Rafael Moneo's Couser Concert Hall project: to establish a connection between the city and the coast with cultural and public buildings. The languages of the architectural form are also close to each other, but the gap between the design levels of the two projects is very obvious.The project does continue a certain tradition of Latin American modern architecture in terms of concrete and architectural volume, but it loses one of the most important characteristics of it: the publicity of the building space (the closed wall on the ground floor of the building rejected the sea and the city at the same time like a rock. Although the designer has dealt with the ground landscape and the building's hallway, the long embankment extending into the sea has become a path in the back garden of the building). In addition, the high salt and high humidity air at the seaside is a disaster for exposed concrete.(Translated by XU Ziyi)

David Basulto: A once neglected waterfront becomes an active public space for the city of Boca del Río thanks to the addition of the Boca Forum. The sculptural concrete building,resembling a rock emerging from the sea, houses a youth philharmonic orchestra, dealing with the intrinsic complexities of such programme while at the same time incorporating diverse spaces for education and the community. The beautifully crafted concrete skin regulates the scale of the massive building. At times monolithic, the concrete box opens through the dynamic use of its façades during performances, serving a strong public function.


Foro Boca音乐厅
洛庄汉墓乐器坑 恢宏的汉代地下乐团