摘 要:练习是外语教材的重要组成部分,直接影响教材质量和学习者的学习效果。文章从课程标准与教材的关系、教材水平等级的设定等方面阐述教材练习设计的基本原则和编写规范,分析《21世纪大学英语读写教程》第一册(第三版)练习部分的五个主要问题——积极词汇选择随意、练习形式简单机械、练习语境缺乏真实性、练习意图模糊不清、多项选择练习编写不规范,指出练习与课文一样应受到教材编写者的高度重视。
中图分类号:H319 文献标识码:A 收稿日期:2019-08-29 文章编号:1674-120X(2019)32-0040-07
经过教材的使用,学习者所能达到的基本要求应符合《课程要求》的下列描述:能听懂英语授课,能听懂日常英语谈话和一般性题材的讲座,能听懂语速较慢(每分钟130 ~150词)的英语广播和电视节目,能掌握其中心大意,抓住要点;能运用基本的听力技巧;能在学习过程中用英语交流,并能就某一主题进行讨论,能就日常话题用英语进行交谈,能经准备后就所熟悉的话题作简短发言,表达比较清楚,语音、语调基本正确;能在交谈中使用基本的会话策略;能基本读懂一般性题材的英文文章,阅读速度达到每分钟70词;在快速阅读篇幅较长、难度略低的材料时,阅读速度达到每分钟100词;能就阅读材料进行略读和寻读;能借助词典阅读本专业的英语教材和题材熟悉的英文报刊文章,掌握中心大意,理解主要事实和有关细节;能读懂工作、生活中常见的应用文体的材料;能在阅读中使用有效的阅读方法;能完成一般性写作任务,能描述个人经历、观感、情感和发生的事件等,能写常见的应用文,能在半小时内就一般性话题或提纲写出不少于120词的短文,内容基本完整,中心思想明确,用词恰当,语意连贯;能掌握基本的写作技能;能借助词典对题材熟悉的文章进行英汉互译,英汉译速为每小时约300个英语单词,汉英译速为每小时约250个汉字,译文基本准确,无重大的理解和语言表达错误;掌握的词汇量应达到约4795个单词和700个词组(含中学应掌握的词汇),其中约2000个单词为积极词汇,即要求学生能够在认知的基础上在口头和书面表达两个方面熟练运用的词汇。
《21世纪大学英语读写教程》第一册(第三版)Text A的练习分为Listening、Pre-reading Questions、Reading Aloud、
Comprehension of the Text、Responding to the Text、Vocabulary、Word Building、Structure、Cloze、Translation、Reading Analysis、Structured Writing十二大类,包括Read the following paragraphs until you have learned them by heart、Decide whether each of the statements below is true or false according to the text、Answer the following questions、Discuss the following questions in your group or with your class、Fill in the blanks with the words given below、Complete the following sentences、Make sentences according to the model, using the words and expressions given below、Translate the following sentences into English、Write a similar short paragraph等十七项练习;Text B的练习分为Comprehension Check和Vocabulary Exercises两大类,包括Write T Tor F in the space before each statement without turning back to check the text、Choose the best answer for each of the following questions、Say a few words to your group or the whole class about a personal experience this text reminds you of、Fill in the blanks with the words given below和Fill in the blanks with the expressions given below五项练习;
TextC的练习分为True or False、Comprehension Check和Talking About It三大类,包括Read each of the statements carefully and write T or F in the space、Choose the best answer to each of the following questions等三项练习。
但是,在Text A的练习中将Cloze(完形填空)列为一个大类的处理方式值得商榷,有混淆概念、层次不清之嫌,意味着英语应用能力分为听力理解能力、口语表达能力、阅读理解能力、翻译能力、书面表达能力和完形填空能力等六大类。事实上,Cloze(完形填空)与Multiple Choice(多项选择)一样,只是一种练习形式,不属于能力范畴,不宜与听力理解、口语表达、阅读理解、翻译和书面表达等能力并列。Multiple Choice(多项选择)练习形式可以用于训练听力理解能力,如:
例1:According to the listening passage,the most important key to getting good grades at college is .
A) asking questions in class
B) doing assignments ahead of time
C) working as hard as you can
D) learning how to study effectively(《21世纪大学英语读写教程》第一册(第三版)第一单元Text A)
例2:In this essay the author mainly describes .
A) the height of excitement during the months leading up to the big event — her graduation ceremony
B) her eagerness to go to a wonderful university far away from home
C) her mixed feelings during the months leading up to graduation and on her actual graduation day
D) her happiness at being admitted to a wonderful university where she spent some of the best years of her life (《21世紀大学英语》第一册(第三版)第一单元Text B)
例3:When I moved to Japan, I found that others often reacted strangely 1 the way I spoke to them. In time, I came to understand that Japan and the U.S. are different not just in terms of the language used, but also in terms of 2 people are expected to talk to each other. Like a game of tennis, a Western-style 3 is full of back and 4 . Each person reacts to 5 the other one says. Also, there is no need to wait around 6 an invitation to speak; it is perfectly OK to jump right 7 . Japanese conversations, 8 , are more like bowling. Everyone offers his opinion separately, and there are strict rules for who will speak 9 .
As I 10 came to understand all of this, I could see why everyone in Japan reacted to me as they did. I also realized that my English-language students are having a 11 problem. When they speak English in class, they are 12 holding Japanese-style conversations. Even though I understand these cultural 13
better now, the problems created by these different 14 of talking are still real. When youve been playing one ballgame for your entire life, it is very hard to 15 to another.(《21世纪大学英语读写教程》第一册(第三版)第二单元Text A)
分析:这项练习的答案(1. to,2.how,3.conversation,4.forth,5.what,6. in,7.for,8.however,9.next,10.gradually,11.similar,12.still,13.differences,14.styles,15.switch)似乎表明Cloze(完形填空)不对应听力理解、口语表达、阅读理解、翻译和书面表达等能力中的任何一项,可以自成一个大类。但是,进一步分析这项练习不难发现:虽然练习中的十五处空白与介词(to,for)、名词(conversation,differences,styles)、形容词(similar)、副词/关系副词(how,forth,in,however,next,gradually,still)、代词/关系代词(what)和动词(switch)有关,但是词汇只是一种表现形式,促成这些词汇正确表达(名词的数、动词时态、动词词组构成等)的内在因素正是阅读理解能力、书面表达能力等。
《21世纪大学英语读写教程》第一册(第三版)八个单元Text A课后Vocabulary大类下的练习共覆盖96个单词、5个词组(as far as,break into,get tired of,pay attention to,wear out),其中四级词汇92个、六级词汇4个(mourn,prestigious,simultaneous,stagger),5个词组几乎全部为高中阶段应掌握的内容。
例4:练习IX(Study the expressions used to do sth. and get used to doing sth. and fill in the following sentences using them correctly.):
1. Alex and Tom (go) swimming together in their school days.
2. Soon after I entered the university, I (get) up early in the morning.
3. Amanda (study) alone,but since she came to China she (work) together with her classmates.
4. My grandfather (say) to me,“Where there's a will, there's a way.”
5. We (write) letters to each other. But then we
(communicate) with each other by email.(《21世纪大学英语读写教程》第一册(第三版)第一单元)
分析:上述5个单句机械性操练used to do和get used to doing两个结构,答案一目了然,且是高中阶段必须掌握的教学内容,不知此处编排意欲何为。
例5:练习X(Make sentences according to the model, using the words and expressions given below.):
a couple of days/read round the subject and make notes
→ Alex would spend a couple of days reading round the subject and making notes.
1. a lot of time/prepare for final exams
2. a few minutes/write two or three sentences about the lesson's main poin(《21世紀大学英语读写教程》第一册(第三版)第一单元)
分析:此项练习机械性操练spend time doing句型,且是高中阶段必须掌握的教学内容。
例6:练习IX(Complete the following sentences with the help of the words or sentences given in the brackets, using No wonder... or It is no wonder...):
1. ; you left the windows open all night. (it's freezing cold today)
2. — I didn't plug in the TV. (there is no picture on the screen)
3. Raising children is a major problem, since day-care centers usually run for only eight hours and baby-sitters are expensive. (many career women are not married and have no children)
4. These people were greatly confused. . (they asked so many questions)
5. The little book is packed with wit and wisdom. . (it has become a best-seller this spring)
6. : they get lower scores in the subject than any other students in the world. (U.S. students are anxious about math)(《21世纪大学英语读写教程》第一册(第三版)第二单元)
分析:No wonder.../It is no wonder...是常用结构,表达恍然大悟等含义,学习者完全有必要掌握其使用方法。然而,通过机械性操练(在括号内句首加上No wonder/It is no wonder即可)就能让学习者掌握其使用方法吗?这只是教材编写者的美好愿望。脱离了真实的语境,学习者知其然,不知其所以然。换言之,学习者知道在上面6个句子中如何使用No wonder/It is no wonder,而一旦离开这6句话则仍然是一片茫然。这类机械性操练浪费篇幅,缺乏教育指导意义,偏离了练习的实质和功能。
例7:练习IX(Rewrite the following sentences according to the model below.):
I realized that I was blind only after I was about four.
→ I didn't realize that I was blind until I was about four.
1. Susan said that she would get married only after she had made a name for herself in Hollywood.
2. He left the library only after he got his hands on the books he needed.
3. Scientists realized that the brain controls our thinking only after the 18th century.
4. He goes to bed only after he writes in his diary every evening.
5. He learned about the birth of his son only after he returned from a business trip.
6. She broke into tears only after all the guests had left.(《21世纪大学英语读写教程》第一册(第三版)第三单元)
分析:not...until结构是学习者的学习难点之一,有必要在练习中加以指导。但是此项练习旨在通过机械性操练(主语后加适当时态的否定形式助动词don't,并将only after替换为until)帮助学习者掌握not...until结构的用法,明显简单化地处理了一个学习难点,且是过度简化。这种简单粗暴的处理方式非但起不到设想的指导作用,反而有可能产生误导效果,因为语言的使用不可套用公式,不具有程式化特征,而是依赖于使用环境和母语者的使用习惯。
例8:练习X(Complete the following sentences, using as...as):
1. Though he started to learn to operate the machine as recently as last month, he can now (干得像熟练工人一样快)
2. He worked very hard, but (得不到他父母所期盼的好成绩) .
3. Before he left for Shanghai, (他答应尽量常去看望他的祖父母) .
4. He wrote to his friends, saying (他在国外完成学业后将尽早归来) .(《21世纪大学英语读写教程》第一册(第三版)第三单元)
例9:练习IX(Complete the following sentences, using nor.):
1. Prof. Smith returned my term paper to me without grading it. (他也没有对我作任何解释) .
2. He didn't apologize for his rudeness. (也并不为此感到羞愧) .
3. I won't change my mind. (我认为也没有必要这么做)
4. Isaac will not invite his parents to his wedding. (他也不想请他的亲朋好友) .
5. We did not know the doctor's email address. (也不知道他的电话号码) .
6. The old woman did not beg at the church door. (也没有进养老院) .(《21世纪大学英语读写教程》第一册(第三版)第四单元)
例10:练习XI(Complete the following sentences according
to the model.):
She (beg) at the church door.
→ She could have begged at the church door.
I. I don't know what was the matter with you. You (get) a much higher score than this.
2. Jane decided to accept the offer of $ 350 a week for the job as a nurse. She (ask) for more, though.
3. You (be) more considerate than you were.
4. Without the unexpected trouble, we (fulfill) our task ahead of time.
5. If you had applied, you (get) a teaching assistantship at our university.
6. If it had not been for the accident, she (become) the first woman to travel in space.(《21世纪大学英语读写教程》第一册(第三版)第四单元)
分析:上述6个单句机械性操练虚拟语气(或非真实条件句),答案明显,could have +括号内动词的过去分词(或-ed分词)形式,对学习者没有指导意义。虚拟语气之所以成为一个学习难点,很大程度上是因为传统的教学方法给予其过多的关注,在学习者中产生负面的心理暗示,使原本简单的语言现象变得复杂。《21世纪大学英语读写教程》第一册(第三版)延续了这个传统,结果只会加剧学习者对虚拟语气的畏惧。
例11:练习X(Complete the following sentences, using What a pity...):
1. I miss you so much. (真遗憾你不能在我走之前回来!)
2. Look at the bread left over on the table. (把这些食物浪费掉多可惜!) !
3. If only Mary could see this wonderful scene. (她不在这里,真遗憾!) !
4. In one of his plays, Joseph Addison wrote: (可惜我们只能为国捐躯一次!)“ !”
5. Television and the difficulty of financing plays have helped to close many theatres. (现今舞台上的一些最佳表演只有这么少的人来观看,真遗憾!) !
6. (可惜你不会游泳。) . Otherwise you could have a much more enjoyable time here in Hawaii.(《21世纪大学英语读写教程》第一册(第三版)第五单元)
分析:这项练习的难点不在于如何使用What a pity组成感叹句,而在于如何把“真遗憾”“多可惜”后面的部分译成英语,所以上述6句仍然是翻译练习,与Structure没有什么关系。此外,练习中的英语部分大多对目标能力训练不起任何说明、限定或提示作用,没有存在意义:“I miss you so much”不构成感叹“真遗憾你不能在我走之前回来”的前提;不用“Look at the bread left over on the table”也能得出“把这些食物浪费掉多可惜”的结论;“If only Mary could see this wonderful scene”与“她不在这里”说的是一回事,没有必要重复;“Television and the difficulty of financing plays have helped to close many theatres”是“现今舞台表演少”的原因,与“现今舞台上的一些最佳表演只有这么少的人来观看”没有紧密的逻辑关系;“可惜你不会游泳”意义完整,加上“Otherwise you could have a much more enjoyable time here in Hawaii”反而有画蛇添足的意味,或者说“你不会游泳”,可惜“You didn't have a much more enjoyable time here in Hawaii”。
例12:练习IV(Fill in the following blanks with the words
or expressions given below. Change the forms where necessary.):
as far as/aspect/bear/break into/conquer/draw/get tired of/mature/pay attention to/perform/racial/wear out
1. The films he directed two decades ago still large audiences today.
2. Of all the sorrows she had to , none was so great as her son's being born blind.
3. He didn't throw away the stockings until they were so
that they couldn't be mended anymore.
4. He finally sitting in the office all day and longed for a more active life.
5. He had a vision (幻想) of a society in which the members of different races could live together in harmony.
6. He so little what he was doing that he cut his face while shaving.
7. Although he's only 16 he has very ideas about life.
8. He told such a funny story that everybody laughter.
9. The concert at which the classical pianist was a great success.
10. Although he made a great deal of money, he could never
his feelings of worthlessness.
11. We must consider all of the plan before deciding.
12. I know, it is not necessary to buy tickets in advance. They should be available at the door.(《21世纪大学英语读写教程》第一册(第三版)第三单元)
分析:《21世纪大学英语读写教程》第一册(第三版)词汇练习延续了传统的单句词汇练习形式。这种形式无助于学习者的词汇习得,因为学习者被置于一个不真实、不自然的语言环境,虽然选择了“正确”的词汇,也用对了“正确”的形式,但是解释不清“正确”的词汇和形式何以正确,与语境有何关联。换言之,学习者只是被要求再现词典意义和词典描述。根据所给答案,句1为The films he directed two decades ago still draw large audiences today,但其真实语境意义缺失:谁directed的哪些films?two decades ago从何时算起(这句话创造之时还是教材编写之日)?draw哪里的audiences?today指何时?学习者不得而知,心理感受更无从谈起。对事务(包括一部电影)的看法因人而异,有人认为是吸引,也有人认为是误导,更有人认为是欺骗,为什么这里必须框定为“吸引”呢?更何况是在学习者都不知晓谈论的是哪几部电影的情形下。选择draw的理由只有一个,即宾语是large audiences,词典描述说明名词audience可与动词draw搭配,因此这个答案基于学习者对词典描述的记忆,与语言使用环境和使用者心理感受无关。如果考虑语言使用环境和使用者心理感受,pay attention to和wear out也有使用可能,即The films he directed two decades ago still are being paid attention to by large audiences today和The films he directed two decades ago still are wearing out large audiences today。此外,一般现在时draw就是“正确”的形式了吗?笔者认为,根据一般现在时的含义和用法,此处现在进行时are drawing、现在完成进行时have been drawing和一般将来时will draw均比一般现在时draw恰当。句7为Although he's only 16 he has very mature ideas about life,同理,he是誰?he有哪些ideas about life?什么样的ideas about life是mature的?very mature的程度如何?为什么强迫学习者选择mature呢?如果考虑语言使用环境和使用者心理感受,这里似乎应具体介绍he(明确何人)的ideas about life,并提供不同的描述ideas about life的形容词,由学习者自行判断。在这种情况下,学习者基于自身的感受和体验作出主动选择,而不是基于Although、only 16等词语作出被动选择。句9为The concert at which the classical pianist performed was a great success,此句存在同样的问题,关于concert的信息完全缺失:为什么说concert是a great success?the classical pianist是谁?定冠词的使用意味着这是交际双方都知晓的pianist,但事实上却是一个无解之谜。也许会有不以为然的观点:会用performed就达到词汇练习的目的了,没必要纠结句中的细节。但是,词汇练习的目的是词汇习得,词汇习得的目的是培养实际运用语言的能力。
例13:练习VII(The suffixes (后缀) -ment,-ation,
-tion, -sion and -ion are used to form nouns from verbs. Study the table below and then give the noun form of each of the following verbs. Make changes in the spelling where necessary.):
assign-ment → assignment
inform-ation → information
produce-tion → production
decide-sion → decision
educate-ion → education
分析:此项练习以实例介绍5个构成名词的后缀,要求学习者研究例子并用5个后缀将18个动词转换为名词。然而在5个例子中找不出转换规律,且所给的动词与例子中的动词基本不相似。所以,除了借助词典,这是不可能完成的任务。这项练习的目的何在?抑或是培养学习者查阅词典的习惯。指令中Study the table below又意欲何为?此类练习是无效练习,而《21世纪大学英语读写教程》第一册(第三版)8组Word Building练习中有7组此类练习。
例14:练习IX(The suffix -able is used in the formation of adjectives which are often passive in meaning, e.g.,
reliable = that can be relied on
unbelievable = that cannot be believed
Complete the following sentences with adjectives ending in -able, derived from the verbs given below. Note that in some cases the negative form of the adjective is required.):
1. My school days are ; I can still remember the names of all my classmates.(unforgettable)
2. This is a most experience, celebrating my birthday with foods prepared by everyone coming to the party. (enjoyable)
3. It is whether the expenditure on this project is really justified.(questionable)
4. The information highway will have an impact on the way people communicate with each other.(unimaginable)
5. The heat is : every air-conditioner is working and the streets are nearly deserted (空寂無人的).(unbearable)
6. It is that many students dont spell correctly. (regrettable)
7. In this region, early summer is known for its weather.
Now it rains, now it shines.(changeable)
8. Technology is sure to progress rapidly throughout the
分析:此项练习要求学习者完成三重任务。首先,根据单句意义在8个所给词汇中作出选择;其次,用后缀-able构成形容词;再次,根据单句意义确定是否给形容词加上前缀-un构成否定意义形容词。根据所给答案,句1为My school days are unforgettable; I can still remember the names of all my classmates。经过三个步骤,最终确定unforgettable,但仍没有摆脱不真实语境之臼:仅凭I can still remember the names of all my classmates就能说明My school days are unforgettable吗?从逻辑上看,I can still remember the names of all my classmates说明“我”记忆力强(虽然不知“我”是谁)。此外,这项练习难定归属,与其说是Word Building,不如说是Vocabulary(既然《21世纪大学英语读写教程》第一册(第三版)明确Word Building和Vocabulary属两大门类练习)。
例15:Text A-Listening(Before listening to the following tape, have a quick look at the words below.):
amaze 使惊羡/porch 门廊/influential 有影响的/drum 鼓/audition试唱/ harmonica 口琴/hit 轰动一时的人(或事、物)/encounter 遭到/rock and roll music 摇滚乐/album 集锦密纹唱片/charts 排行榜(《21世纪大学英语读写教程》第一册(第三版)第三单元)
分析:课前听力练习有助于学习者了解课文主题,为学习课文做好准备。但是,此项听力练习文本仅约260词,生词竟达11个。这类文本读尚且困难,更不用说听了。《21世纪大学英语读写教程》第一册(第三版)8组Text A - Listening练习文本生词均在4个以上。教材编写者有必要认知听力能力的养成机制和学习规律。
Multiple Choice(多项选择)练习的编写要求严苛,具有较大的挑战性。保证正确项(key)拼凑干扰项(distractor)是众多教材编写者的通病。《21世纪大学英语读写教程》第一册(第三版)多项选择练习有40处否定题干和题干选项不匹配错误。
例16:Which of the following does the listening passage NOT say you should do?
A) Organize your time and materials.
B) Write down every word the professor says in class.
C) Treat studying like business.
D) Study together.(《21世紀大学英语读写教程》第一册(第三版)第一单元)
例17:Ted and Mary took their first vacation in the mountains so that .
A) Ted could get some exercise every day
B) Mary could lie by the pool every day
C) Both A and B.
D) Neither A nor B.(《21世纪大学英语读写教程》第一册(第三版)第五单元)
分析:多项选择练习编写规范的一大原则是非完整句形式的题干应能与任一选择项组成一个形式正确、意义完整的语句。显然,选项C和D均违背了上述原则,因为Ted and Mary took their first vacation in the mountains so that Both A and B不是一个形式正确、意义完整的语句。在《21世纪大学英语读写教程》第一册(第三版)148个多项选择练习中,使用Both A and B、Neither A nor B、All of the above、None of the above等选项的练习为27个,将这类选项设为答案的达13个。
[2]缪 学.简析外语教材语言规范性问题——以《21世纪大学英语读写教程》第二册为例[J].教师,2016(26):99-101.
[3]缪 学.关于外语教材科学性的几个问题——兼评《21世纪大学英语读写教程》(第三版)第四册[J].求知导刊, 2017(22):23-26.