跨文化交际翻译学从跨文化交际角度探讨翻译理论与实践,结合多个学科视野,具有跨学科、跨文化、跨语言三大特征(参见肖唐金[1]23-38)。鉴于此,跨文化交际翻译学可从多个学科路径开展。这有别于传统的形式等值、功能等值理论。翻译理论可整合其他学科的观点,并根据相关视角提出具体翻译步骤或程序。这一转变可视作“多学科方法论”(multidisciplinary or interdisciplinary approaches)。本文拟从叙事视角探讨中国少数民族文化汉译英的理论建构与实践,充实跨文化交际翻译学这一领域。
翻译理论在过去20~30年得到了突飞猛进,已经不再局限于传统意义的形式或功能等值、信达雅了,文化转向、语言学转向、多学科转向成为翻译研究的热点。Baker[7]158-176提出了叙事翻译方法论,将叙事学的观点引入到翻译理论与实践中,受到了House[8]的肯定。Mason[9]36-54从社会学的角度审视了翻译理论与实践,将翻译看作为社会-文本实践(socio-textual practice),目标语文本是协商、强化或挑战权势关系的路径。Snell-Hornby[10]研究发现,自20世纪80年代以来,翻译理论与实践发生了“文化转向”,具体体现在目的论、操纵论、接受美学、法庭翻译、广告翻译、同声传译、基于性别的翻译、基于语料的翻译等理论与实践上,这是对Nida的功能等值论的进一步深化。鉴于翻译理论与实践的文化转向与新时代我们优秀民族文化走向世界舞台的精神吻合,因此有必要从文化角度探讨中国少数民族文化宣传的汉译英。叙事翻译理念提出的时间不长,这方面的研究有限。下面我们将首先介绍翻译的叙事视角,接着通过中国少数民族文化宣传汉译英具体事例阐述叙事翻译模式类型、程序,充实叙事翻译理论框架,点明叙事翻译实践所涉及的方方面面。
Baker[11]为我们阐述了翻译的叙事视角的基本理论。翻译的叙事视角与社会叙事(socio-narrative)或社会学叙事(sociological narrative)路径有着直接的关系,将叙事视为理解世界以及我们在世界的位置、角色的方式,是视野更广、具有建构性质(constructivist)的方式。这一视角源于针对人、环境、环境中传播的故事之间关系的两个假设。其一,对于现实我们经常缺乏直接、不加媒介的接触,具体来讲,我们对现实的接触是通过对我们生活的世界的自我叙事或向他者叙事得以实现的。其二,我们叙述的故事不仅是我们接触现实的媒介,也参与现实的构建。因此,翻译可看作一种叙事(或再叙事)的形式,它构建(construct)而不是表征(represent)用另外一种语言再叙述(re-narrate)的事件和人物(character)。在翻译叙事路径中,译者(包括笔译者和口译者)并非对于翻译行为之外的文化碰撞(cultural encounters)扮演中介作用,而是参与这些文化碰撞的构建(configuring)。译者嵌入在叙事中,通过翻译手段的选择对叙事进行阐述、修改、改变、传播。鉴于此,译者的最重要角色是对叙事、再叙事过程进行干预。叙事视角授予译者充足的自主权(agency),认可他们在社会中扮演的决策性、高度复杂性角色。
要实现翻译叙事路径,我们需要两个具体工具:叙事类型(narrative typology)以及相关叙事特征。叙事类型包括4类:个人叙事(personal narrative)、公共叙事(public narrative)、概念或学科叙事(conceptual or disciplinary narrative)、元叙事(meta narrative)。个人叙事是关于我们在世界中所处位置、个人经历的故事,可自我叙述也可向他人讲述。公共叙事是群体或社区共享的故事。概念或学科叙事是学术或专业叙事,用以解析研究对象。元叙事是具有较为深远地域意义、历史跨度较大的叙事,具有高度的抽象性,如民族主义、启蒙主义、资本主义、共产主义、社会进步、全球化,等等,可看作“我们时代的史诗戏剧”(epic drama of our time)。在翻译实践中,个人叙事与公共叙事经常交互在一起,互相影响,具有辩证统一的关系。出于不同的个人或机构、社会目的,有时译者更突出公共叙事,有时则更突出个人叙事。突出个人叙事是翻译叙事路径受学者们关注之所在。如,第二次世界大战中犹太人遭受过大屠杀,幸存者或受害者家庭成员的叙事成为译者关注的重点。通过翻译的文本,这些个人故事讲述了犹太人遭受的非人待遇、他们的痛苦,形成了一种特殊的语体(genre);透过这些故事,我们可研究译者的选择:翻译的内容与翻译的方式。通过个人叙事,我们也可了解译者如何呈现其社区或社会,这些单个的故事有助于勾勒出社会的整体框架,揭示社会成员的身份、职业、行事目的,等等。翻译叙事路径可体现以下两套特征:(1)选择性内容配置(selective appropriation)、时空性(temporality)、关系性(relationality)、具有因果关系的情节安排(causal emplotment);(2)特殊性(particularity)、类属性(genericness)、规范性(normativeness)、叙事增长(narrative accrual)。因为不可能将经历的每一个细节都融入叙述中,因而内容选择是非常有必要的。内容选择可为故事情节的前景化、背景化服务。叙事需嵌入某个时间、空间里,因而具有时空性。叙事中所涉及的人物、事件、语言项、设计安排、意境都必须与整体叙事相关联。整个叙事结构可能涉及多个故事,其情节应有因果关联。叙事的特殊性指故事的特殊性,叙事的类属性指故事的类型,如申诉、侦探故事,为不同的语体或体裁。叙事往往要对应某些规范,变化应在可接受的范围内。叙事增长意味着各个故事加在一起具有递增作用,可勾勒出整个叙事结构。据此,在翻译叙事方法的实施过程中,译者扮演了重要的角色,目标语文本的内容、形式、规范、细节筛选尽在其掌控之中。译者因而起着目标语文本隐性作者的作用,改变了其传统的源语文本“复制者”的身份。
例1:To manage the ethnic minority groups in frontier areas, the Chinese generally resorted to indirect rule. Regions of great strategic or economic value were governed directly by regular Chinese officials, while peripheral frontier regions in the southwest were ruled throughtusior native chieftains. Although policy varied considerably over time and was interspersed with periods of active conquest followed by the imposition of direct rule, it generally represented an effort to keep the marches pacified with as little effort and expense as possible. The policy was one variant of the venerable and hallowed practice of “using barbarians to rule barbarians” (yiyizhiyi). Thetusisystem developed from the “loose rein” (jimi) policy of earlier dynasties. The idea behind the loose rein policy was to exert some control over chieftains on the fringes of the Chinese empire without forcing the issue in such a way that the chieftains would grow intractable and cut off the relationship. In the Han dynasty, relations with border chiefs under this policy were sporadic; by the Tang dynasty they had grown more formalized and regular. Gradually, prefectures, districts, and garrisons “under a loose rein” were created, and the heads of these new administrative units-largely indigenous non-Han-were allowed considerable latitude in local affairs and could pass on their positions hereditarily. Thetusisystem was the next stage in the development of these administrative units. It began under the Yuan and was fully articulated under the Ming-complete with regulations governing rank, promotion, demotion, rewards, and punishments. There were basically three categories of officials within the system.
(文章来源:Robert D. Jenks: Insurgency and Social Disorder in Guizhou-The “Miao” Rebellion 1854-1873, Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1994[12]39)
例2:The term “raw Miao” used by Yan Ruyi requires comment. In addition to the traditional classification of the Miao mentioned earlier (i.e., according to such criteria as clothing and physical characteristics), the Chinese used another standard for differentiation. It was a very old one that was also applied to steppe nomads, Taiwan aborigines, and other “barbarians”. The Miao were categorized as either raw (shengMiao) or cooked (shuMiao). By definition, the former lived in remote areas, were beyond the pale of Chinese civilization and political control, paid taxes and did labor service, and had absorbed some measure of Chinese culture. In other words, one group was almost totally unassimilated, while the other group was assimilated to varying degrees. The terms “cooked” and “raw” are a reflection of the way the Han looked upon the Miao and other minorities. Both are essentially pejoratives, and as such they provide an important insight into Han attitudes toward minorities.
(文章来源:Robert D. Jenks: Insurgency and Social Disorder in Guizhou—The “Miao” Rebellion 1854-1873, Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1994[12]34-35)
例3:How do the Hmong fit into broader historical, geographical, and social contexts? The people with whom I worked are a subgroup of Hmong, or Miao/Yao speaking people, an ethnic minority who have lived on the fringes of powerful states, primarily China, for centuries, but where they originated and much of their subsequent history is something of a mystery. Part of the problem is that the Miao in China did not have a writing system of their own, so scholars have had to rely on Chinese documentary evidence to reconstruct the Hmong or Miao past. The Shujing (Book of Documents) places the Miao in China in the third century B. C. Although they are documented in the Zhou and Qin dynasties, records on them become rare afterwards, with only a few brief mentions in the Tang and Song dynasties, until they reemerge in official documents in the Yuan and Ming dynasties. This has led to confusion as to their whereabouts during the intervening centuries. some scholars postulate that the Miao/Hmong originated in southern China.
The ethnonym Miao, and subsequently Meo in Laos and Thailand, also has been a source of confusion, and many explanations are given for the name. Yang Dao, a Hmong scholar, has stated that the Miao is a Chinese term meaning “barbarian”, but in China there are still many people who are called and who call themselves Miao. In the diaspora following the Vietnam War, Miao/Hmong have migrated to the United States, Australia, French Guyana, Canada, and Europe, and in these countries they call themselves Hmong.
(文章来源:Patricia V. Symonds: Gender and the Cycle of Life: Calling in the Soul in a Hmong Village, Seattle and London: University of Washington Press, 2004: pp xxiv-xxv[13])
参考译文(本文作者自译):With sixty-six years’ weather-beating, we have come along; with sixty-six years’ efforts, we have made our name.
Guizhou Minzu University, founded on May 17th, 1951, is one of the five earliest minorities-oriented universities in China. It is a fruit of toil of all peoples in Guizhou, led by the Communist Party of China, as well as a mark of national equality, unity and shared prosperity.
Over the past sixty-six years the staff and students of Guizhou Minzu University, generation after generation, have left remarkable footprints in education, contributed to talent cultivation and formed a solid tradition of learning:
In 2006, the university was approved as qualified for issuing Master’s Degree;
In 2007, the university was specified as a key provincial university, and secured the rank of “excellence” in the Ministry of Education’s Undergraduate Education Evaluation;
In 2008, the university was ratified as jointly developed by the State Ethnic Affairs Commission and Guizhou Provincial People’s Government;
In 2012, the university changed its name from Guizhou Minzu Institute to Guizhou Minzu University, and in the same year, it was ratified as qualified for running the doctorate program for special national needs—“Southwest China Ethnic Areas’ Social Management”; in the following year, it started to enroll doctorate candidates, which was a breakthrough in the field of liberal arts in Guizhou;
In 2014, the new campus in University Town was basically completed and started to host undergraduates. In the same year, the university was ratified as qualified for admitting foreign students on the scholarships of the Chinese government. The university, whose name changed from Guizhou Minzu Institute to Guizhou Minzu University, for the first time specified its target at its first Communist Party of China Congress: to build the university into a high-level first-rate minorities-oriented university, as a response to the support and requirement from Ministry of Education, the State Ethnic Affairs Commission, Guizhou Provincial CPC Committee, and Guizhou Provincial People’s Government as well as the high expectations of Guizhou’s peoples for better services to local economic, social and cultural development.
Time goes on and on, and our heart becomes stronger and stronger. Over the past sixty-six years the university has been receiving support and care from the Communist Party of China and the Chinese government in policy and funding; it has been contributing to the development of minority people and minority areas; it is now singing a song of innovation-based contributions.
The university has two campuses now. The Huaxi Campus is located in Huaxi District, known as “Pearl of Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau” for beautiful mountains and charming waters; the University Town Campus lies in Gui’an New District, where industries, urban construction, innovation and ecology are integrated. The university’s conditions have been much improved, with well-operating facilities for teaching and research, and over 19,000 students are thriving on this land. Since the founding of the university, over 100,000 talents of various fields have been cultivated for the society.
The university has 21 schools, 78 undergraduate majors, 1 doctorate program, 6 level-1 master degree programs covering 52 level-2 master degree programs, and 5 professional master degree programs. It has a well-structured, high-degree, highly-qualified, well-developing faculty, which is the most precious resource for its development. Of the faculty, there are a big number of nation-level and province-level experts and scholars with nationwide academic influence and noble professorship.
“Eco-civilization and Anti-poverty Work” is an important theme forum of the Eco Forum Global Forum Global Annual Conference 2016. Starting in 2014, this is the third consecutive year for its convening. Last year, “Eco-civilization and Anti-poverty Work” was listed by an independent assessment agency as one of the six excellent sub-forums for the Conference. In 2016, the Forum is sponsored by the State Council Leading Group Office of Poverty Alleviation and Development and Beijing University, and hosted by International Poverty Reduction Center in China, Institute on Poverty Research in Beijing University, Institute of Sociology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Guizhou Province Academy of Social Sciences, Office of Poverty Alleviation and Development of Guizhou Province, Guizhou Minzu University, China News Service in Guizhou, Bavaria Rural Research Institute of Germany, Hanns Seidel Stiftung, Germany and People’s Government of Puding County. About 100 scholars and experts from UN organizations, international anti-poverty agencies, domestic and international anti-poverty institutes, renowned domestic anti-poverty social organizations, and domestic poverty reduction research fields will be invited to attend the forums. Besides the main conference site, Guizhou Minzu University and Puding County will host the sub-forums. There will be sufficient opportunities for discussions on anti-poverty issues.
The purpose of the Forum lies in three aspects. First, it is a way of further exploring poverty reduction actions and relevant international cooperation and coordination as well as an open coordinated working mechanism for international poverty reduction. Second, under the guide of President Xi Jinping’s targeted poverty alleviation ideology, it aims at discussing strategies involving social cooperation, capability construction, and coordinated technology application and community development. Third, it intends to seek strategies and approaches for support of public policies for coordinated eco-civilization and targeted poverty alleviation.
The Forum has become an important platform for international dialogue and cooperation in poverty reduction, dialogue and coordination between the government and the folk, and dialogue and cooperation between theoretical academic fields and action or practice. The participants present include renowned international and domestic experts, and practitioners and social workers in poverty reduction. The Forum is conducive to the promotion of China’s targeted poverty alleviation, the summary of experience regarding China’s anti-poverty work, and the formulation of China’s policies, action and discourse system based on poverty reduction work so as to boost international cooperation against poverty and expand China’s contributions to global poverty fight.
The Forum includes three themes, namely, eco-civilization development and targeted poverty alleviation, poverty governance and social development, and subtropical agricultural development and poverty reduction. The sub-forums will carry on the notions of “environmental sustainability” and “social sustainability”, explore such issues as eco-civilization development, social development, rural governance as support for accurate poverty alleviation, and targeted poverty alleviation, discuss such issues as social participation-based poverty alleviation governance models, rural governance-based anti-poverty action, and social basis for new poverty alleviation approaches, and tackle such issues as China’s experience of poverty alleviation for poverty alleviation diplomacy, and global commonwealth for anti-poverty action.
1.Guizhou is a main poverty reduction province in China, and should become an example in the fight against poverty. The understanding of experience and practice is a prerequisite for formulating the wisdom tackling deep-rooted poverty in the province. The participants present view the issue at national and provincial levels simultaneously, such as Wang Chunguang, Wang Xiaoyi, Lei Ming, Xiang Deping, Zhang Qi and Zuo Xiaolei, who have made a long-time study on poverty in Guizhou and are familiar with the status quo and challenge and accordingly show insights into the ways out socially and economically.
2.As a main planner of the Forum, Institute of Social Development and Poverty Reduction of Guizhou Minzu University, with Wang Chunguang, Sun Zhaoxiao and Mao Gangqiang as main team members, have devoted to the combination of social development and poverty alleviation since 2011 when it was founded, proposing social development as the basis for anti-poverty theory and practice. Also, in expanding ties with many other anti-poverty institutions and scholars, it has accumulated much wisdom in poverty reduction in a way open to domestic and international contributors. The institution has become an important platform for the research on eco-civilization and anti-poverty work over the past 3 years as more and more academic results have been achieved.
3.The participants present include government officials, theorists and practitioners, such as Tang Min, Zhang Lanying and Yang Lijun, who have worked long in China’s poverty reduction and hence explored localized strategies, approaches and means concerned. Their presence at the Forum is a way of making known their achievements and voices to the public.
4.Recently meetings have been convened in Guizhou, studying President Xi Jinping’s speeches and demands for poverty reduction in China and working out some strategies and tactics for poverty alleviation in southwest Guizhou, that is, Qianxinan Prefecture. This forum is a plus to the efforts that have been made, and will lead to some valuable suggestions on poverty alleviation and coordinated work in Guizhou’s poverty-stricken areas. Eminent scholars, for instance, Zheng Yongnian, Ye Xingqing and Huang Chengwei, are to voice on issues from poverty governance to national governance and national policies.
5.The Forum is to summarize some wisdom, particularly eco-wisdom, based on anti-poverty practice. The guests present have long studied poverty reduction in China, and thus are able to offer valuable advice on targeted poverty alleviation, sustainable development, urban and rural sustainable development, rural cultural heritage, and human cultural diversity—new issues in the world.
6.The Forum has set sub-forums inviting such famous scholars as Zhang Xinbao, who have been studying eco-restoration and governance, utilization of karst bio-resources and poverty reduction in Guizhou, and such eminent experts as Zhu Qizhen and Xu Qizhi, who have been exploring eco-agriculture, subtropical agricultural development, and eco-development, beautiful rural areas and agricultural cooperation in eco-vulnerable karst areas for the sake of poverty reduction.
7.The Forum has become an important platform for international dialogue and cooperation in poverty reduction. Since its launch in 2014, attention has been paid to the design of framework regarding the pluralistic complementation between the sponsoring and hosting agencies. This forum is sponsored by the State Council Leading Group Office of Poverty Alleviation and Development and Beijing University, and hosted by International Poverty Reduction Center in China, Institute on Poverty Research in Beijing University, Institute of Sociology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Guizhou Province Academy of Social Sciences, Office of Poverty Alleviation and Development of Guizhou Province, Guizhou Minzu University, China News Service in Guizhou, Bavaria Rural Research Institute of Germany, Hanns Seidel Stiftung, Germany and People’s Government of Puding County. These agencies have participated actively in the Forum over the past 3 years and hence accumulated much experience in improving the conference quality. Also, since 2014, new agencies, particularly international ones, have appeared as main participants in each forum, which have expanded its influence and demonstrated its vitality. The guests present include leaders of international poverty reduction and development organizations, foreign government official, and experts on poverty alleviation, who have profoundly discussed issues related to international cooperation and coordination concerning poverty reduction, an increasingly open coordinated work mechanisms for international poverty reduction, and the formulation of China’s policies, action and discourse system based on anti-poverty experience so that international cooperation in poverty reduction can be boosted and China’s contributions in this regard can be increased.
8.The Forum aims at innovation in convening—one main conference site and two sub-forum sites. Besides the main conference site, Guizhou Minzu University and Puding County are the sub-forum sites. Over the past 3 years Guizhou Minzu University has been a sub-forum site, highlighting the notion of holding international and state-level conferences in higher education institutions in a bid to show academic features and promote academic disciplinary development. The three conference sites have a different theme each, the purpose of which is to deepen discussions. For the first time the Forum has its sub-forum at the county level—Puding County, the purpose of which is to organize domestic and international experts for field work and on-the-spot surveys so that better achievements can be made.
叙事视角的关键因素包括人物、场景、情节概述,可能还包括寓意或评价。在中国少数民族文化汉译英的过程中,译者应注意源语文化和目标语文化的差距,该差距表现在对故事场景、人物、事件的陌生性(foreignness)上。译者需要尽量缩短这种文化差距,有必要时采取注释、增译、人名的变化等手段。Nord[14] 93-101曾探讨过Alice in Wonderland(爱丽丝漫游记)这一童话小说在英译德、英译法、英译意大利语中的格式变化,涵盖人物名称本土化、小说中插入的儿歌形象化重构等一系列措施,以便让目标语受众更容易接受译本。由此产生的效果包括文本可读性的加强、读者兴趣的增加、参与小说人物讨论活动的读者人数上升等。 Watson[15]在将《论语》(The Analects of Confucius)翻译成英语时给我们树立了示范作用。试看下面的例子:
译文:The Master used the correct pronunciations when speaking of theOdesandDocumentsor the conduct of rituals. On all such occasions, he used the correct pronunciations. (As opposed to the pronunciations of Confucius’ native state of Lu)
参考译文:A Rong is a narrative of the Miao people (known as Hmong in international academic community) in China, popular in the Miao areas of Liujiang River, Moon Mountain and Big Miao Mountain on the border of Guizhou and Guangxi and the Miao areas of Rongjiang, Congjiang, Leishan, Danzhai, Sandu and Libo Counties at the foot of Leigong Mountain. According to the legend, in ancient times there was a big Miao village in Yangzhouwan of Guzhou, where Xigong (husband) and Ounai (wife) had a daughter named Yerong, respectfully called A Rong. The daughter was fair, beautiful and slender as well as bright and smart, with a sweet voice known near and far. When she grew up, many young men came to her home for courtship, but she was not interested in them. In fact, she felt attached to a lad named A Gong in Bainei Village, a famous singer and Lusheng player, who was handsome and strong. She did not give in to the temptations of money or obey the tradition of marrying her cousin, but made a vow of marriage with A Gong, and they fought together against the corrupted government. Eventually, with the help of their relatives and friends the two lovers got married. This story occupies an important place in many people’s hearts, for the Miao people take pride in being able to recite the instructive story of A Rong. The narrative has significant value in literature, and is part of Miao’s Guzang Festival (a sacrifice celebration held every 12 years) celebrations.
20世纪80年代中期,西方翻译界出现了翻译的“文化转向”(cultural turn)。Snell-Hornby[10]特别提及“翻译操纵派”(Manipulation School)。该流派强调其目的是建立文学翻译研究的新范式,Gideon Toury(注重描写翻译研究)、José Lambert和Hendrik van Gorp(注重描写翻译模式研究)、Susan Bassnett(注重戏剧翻译研究)、André Lefevere(注重改写翻译研究)为代表性学者。“翻译操纵派”旨在从描写、目标导向、功能、系统等角度建立相关的翻译理论,研究相关的翻译实践,中心在“目标语文化”(target culture)而不是“源语文化”(source culture)。在这一模式中,译者的主体性更为彰显,翻译是实现译者目的的路径,重心在目标语文本受众(receptor)、目标语文化。如果存在目标语文化、目标语读者接受的问题,译者可作较大的翻译方法、技巧的调整。黄必康[16]采用了仿宋词的模式翻译莎士比亚的十四行诗,应该算是“翻译操纵派”理论的较好应用。试看黄必康教授对莎翁的著名第18首十四行诗的翻译。
Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?
Thou art more lovely and more temperate:
Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May.
And summer’s lease hath all too short a date;
Sometimes too hot the eyes of heaven shines,
And often is his gold complexion dimm’d,
And every fair from fair sometimes declines,
By chance or nature’s changing course untrimmed:
But thy eternal summer shall not fade,
Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow’st,
Nor shall Death brag thou wand’rest in his shade,
When in eternal lines to time thou grow’st.
So long as men can breathe or eyes can see,
So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.
第18首十四行诗表现的是莎士比亚对时间给人的美丽带来的摧毁性力量的感叹。这首诗叙述了友人的美丽在天地、季节、大自然面前处于被支配的地位。五月在英国是一个阳光明媚的月份,然而美好的时光总是匆匆而过,友人的美丽在自然力量的“折磨”中凋谢。诗人希望将友人的美丽俊秀凝固在五月这个美好的季节,于是诗歌的永恒造就了友人美丽外表的永恒,这种永恒在读者看来是内外兼修的永恒。可见,我们不妨将这首十四行诗看作一个叙事文本,其中的主人翁为“友人”“我”(诗人);这是个人叙事,叙述的是友人容貌的变化,但由于人人都有朋友,诗人所描述的友人容貌的变化在读者看来也存在,因此也是公共叙事。这首诗的元叙事是“诗化的美丽”(poetic beauty),具有普遍、可传承的意义。
参考译文:Most Dong people live beside mountains and waters. The Dong’s villages are typically located beside rivers, between farm fields, or at the foot of mountains. There stand Drum Towers and age-old trees; there bridges for Dong’s entertainment (called Hua bridges) stride across creeks or rivers. Drum towers, feature bridges and cottages form beautiful scenery. Particularly should be mentioned Dong’s architecture. The residence houses are characterized with traditional Chinese construction skills. Wood and tile are the main materials; beams are joined together, and three or five pillars are connected in a row, standing as an interconnected framework. Drum Towers are common scenes in Dong’s villages. They are unique Dong’s constructions for collective meetings. At festivals the Grand Song is performed there. Generally speaking, each clan or surname has a Drum Tower, and hence in a village with four to five surnames there should be four to five Drum Towers. The long-corridor roofed bridge (called Fengyu bridge) and the bridge for entertainment are treasures of ethnic architecture. Fengyu bridges mostly lie on rivers away from villages, adding special charms to tourists and symbolizing fortune and luck to the villagers.
例9提及“上栋下宇”式木房。这一建筑具有中国文化特征,是典型的传统建筑艺术。源语文本针对的读者是中国读者,作者假设他们大都了解这类提法。但西方读者则不然。因此,在译文中加上The residence houses are characterized with traditional Chinese construction skills一句,目的是让目标语文本读者理解侗族是中华民族的一员,其建筑艺术也体现了中华大家庭的建筑特色。应该说,这一增加的表达在译文中起着画龙点睛的作用,是译者态度的介入,这是叙事翻译视角中的“元叙事”的体现。这一模式可用下图表示:
图2表明:1)在中国少数民族文化宣传汉译英过程中,译者必须兼顾源语文本与目标语文本,因此其身份具有双重性,既是源语文本的译者,也是目标语文本的作者。这种关系是双向式的,即源语文本、目标语文本对译者兼作者产生内容、信息安排、语言表述的影响,译者兼作者也掌握着源语文本、目标语文本的内容、信息、语言形态生成。2)译者通过与源语文本、源语文本作者的对话以及和目标语文本读者的对话,在目标语文本的信息组合和安排、翻译策略与技巧等方面加以“操纵”,在这一过程中,源语文本读者的作用可以放置第二位置,不做重点考虑。3)各翻译技巧的最终目的是彰显“元叙事”,即译者作为“叙事者”需体现文本主题或精神。以例9为例,该译文的“元叙事”就是“作为中华民族建筑艺术家庭一员的侗族建筑艺术”。据此,在译文的最后,对原文的“风雨桥多建于远离村寨的溪河之上,不仅给侗寨增添风采,也取村寨吉祥之意”在信息上作了处理,改为“这样的建筑对游客来讲增加了特殊魅力,对村民来讲象征财富与吉祥”(Fengyu bridges mostly lie on rivers away from villages, adding special charms to tourists and symbolizing fortune and luck to the villagers)。这一翻译策略与技巧的应用使得目标语文本的信息更为明晰,符合操纵理论的“明晰化准则”(rule of explicitness)。可见,相对于“加注式叙事翻译模式”,这一模式在中国少数民族文化汉译英过程中赋予了译者更大的自主性,使得公共叙事、元叙事得以更为完善地表现出来。
图2 操纵性叙事翻译模式
参考译文:Sisters’ Festival is an entertainment festival for the Miao people, called Nong Ga Liang in the Miao language, popular in Taijiang, Shibing and Huangping Counties of Qiandongnan Miao and Dong Autonomous Prefecture of Guizhou Province. In Huangping and Shibing Counties the festival is held on lunar February 15 while in Taijiang County on lunar March 15. The Chinese Xinhua News Agency reported on April 19 (lunar March 15), 2019 that thousands of Miao people sing antiphonal songs as a way of celebration in Taijiang County, Guizhou Province. The size of participation is spectacular indeed. Young women are the center of the festival, and the activities include inviting lovers for singing duet (You Fang), eating Sisters’ Rice, dancing to the accompaniment of Lusheng and wooden drum, exchanging gifts as love tokens, and making engagements of marriage. The most influential Sisters’ Festival is observed in Shidong area from lunar March 13 to 16. On this occasion the young women of each village would collect leaves and Sisters’ Flowers, and make sticky rice in 5 colors—black, red, yellow, blue and white. On the 14thpeople would go to the fields for fish and shrimps, raise money for duck, pork and eggs, and set a “Sisters’ Meal” for young men of other clans. The 15thand 16thare the peak times. In the daytime the Sisters would dress up at their best, wear splendid silver ornaments and dance with young men at the Lusheng and drum site to the accompaniment of Lusheng and wooden drum; at night men and women would gather at the You Fang site for singing duet and dating. After the festival is over, the Sisters would hold the colorful sticky rice in bamboo baskets, with pine needles, Chinese toon sprouts and chili inside as tokens of love, and send it to their attached men. According to Chinese ethnologists and other international scholars, this festival embodies strong flavors of inherited customs and striking ethnic notions of love and marriage, hence regarded as “Oriental Valentine’s Day”. Miao, an important component of the Chinese people, have exerted much impact on the domestic and international stages due to their distribution in and outside China, and naturally Sisters’ Festival has been listed as one of the first national intangible cultural heritages. The following two pictures show a clear sign of how the festival looks like, judging from the girls’ dressing and the women’s active participation in making colorful sticky rice. Also, they reveal the dominating role of Miao women in social life, thus a window of vestiges of matriarchal society passed down from generation to generation.
Picture 1 Miao girls in splendid costumes on Sisters’ Day(Source:https://baike.so.com/doc/5706844-5919563.html)[17]
Picture 2 Miao women making colorful sticky rice on Sisters’ Day(Source:https://baike.so.com/doc/5706844-5919563.html)[17]
1.Sisters’ Festival is an entertainment festival for the Miao people, called Nong Ga Liang in the Miao language, popular in Taijiang, Shibing and Huangping Counties of Qiandongnan Miao and Dong Autonomous Prefecture of Guizhou Province. In Huangping and Shibing Counties the festival is held on lunar February 15 while in Taijiang County on lunar March 15.
2.Young women are the center of the festival, and the activities include inviting lovers for singing duet (You Fang), eating Sisters’ Rice, dancing to the accompaniment of Lusheng and wooden drum, exchanging gifts as love tokens, and making engagements of marriage. The most influential Sisters’ Festival is observed in Shidong area from lunar March 13 to 16. On this occasion the young women of each village would collect leaves and Sisters’ Flowers, and make sticky rice in 5 colors—black, red, yellow, blue and white. On the 14thpeople would go to the fields for fish and shrimps, raise money for duck, pork and eggs, and set a “Sisters’ Meal” for young men of other clans. The 15thand 16thare the peak times. In the daytime the Sisters would dress up at their best, wear splendid silver ornaments and dance with young men at the Lusheng and drum site to the accompaniment of Lusheng and wooden drum; at night men and women would gather at the You Fang site for singing duet and dating. After the festival is over, the Sisters would hold the colorful sticky rice in bamboo baskets, with pine needles, Chinese toon sprouts and chili inside as tokens of love, and send it to their attached men.
According to Chinese ethnologists and other international scholars, this festival embodies strong flavors of inherited customs and striking ethnic notions of love and marriage, hence regarded as “Oriental Valentine’s Day”. Miao, an important component of the Chinese people, have exerted much impact on the domestic and international stages due to their distribution in and outside China, and naturally Sisters’ Festival has been listed as one of the first national intangible cultural heritages.
参考译文:Chabai Singing Festival is a significant Buyi holiday, dated back to a folk tale. Once upon a time, a lad named Chalang and a lass named Baimei, fell in deep love in the course of living and work. Yet, fate played a practical joke on this couple. The girl was snatched away by a lusty landlord, and worse still her boyfriend, kind and honest was tortured to death by the evil landlord. Confronted with such a heavy blow, she set the landlord’s house compound on fire, and jumped into the flames, sacrificing her life for her beloved. For many centuries, the tale has been circulating in the Buyi areas on the border of Guizhou, Guangxi and Yunnan. In memory of the fidelity of the couple, Chabai (a blend of the names of the young couple) Singing Festival is held in Chabai (named after the young couple) of Xingyi City every lunar June 21, where people sing folk songs, and play the local Muye mouth-organ and the Yueqin fiddle. Sometimes, young people could find their attached dating partners there.
例11译文使用的是“加注式叙事翻译模式”,体现在:(1) Chabai (a blend of the names of the young couple) Singing Festival(“查白”作为节日是“查郎”和“白妹”名字的首字缩写);(2)Chabai (named after the young couple) of Xingyi City(“查白”作为一个地名也是“查郎”和“白妹”名字的首字缩写)。这一加注也显示了这对青年恋人在歌节中的重要性,是故事的主角,通过这两个主角故事加以展开,节日的民俗意义得到了体现。
参考译文:Eating New-harvest Festival is a traditional Gelao people’s festival in Guizhou, held mostly on lunar July 7 or 6. The holiday is much related to a legend among the Gelao people. Once upon a time, a dog went to the Heaven with his Gelao owner in order to steal grain seeds. Yet, their intention was seen through by the Heavenly Gods, and the Gelao ancestor was arrested. Fortunately, the dog, which had the grain seeds hidden in its tail, was set free. The stolen grain seeds then brought about harvest after harvest to the human world. Eating New-harvest Festival is a holiday devoted to the sacrifice to ancestors and Nature Gods, which is meant to bless human beings with favorable weather and bumper harvest through sacrifice to gods.
例12告诉读者贵州仡佬族的“吃新节”的来历,通过故事的方式说明了上天种子到达人间的不平凡经历,彰显了仡佬族祖先及其饲养的狗的神勇行为与品德。译文采取了典型的英文故事陈述的方式once upon a time,是译者操纵的结果。Hasan[19]50-72认为,各种语类或体裁(genre)具有“必要成分”(compulsory elements)以及“选择性成分”(optional elements)。叙事中将时间、地点、人物、行为、结果甚至寓意列为必要成分,是由必要的,符合故事发展脉络。例7译文将故事类型的语类潜势(generic structural potential)发挥得较为淋漓尽致,让目标语读者了解到“吃新节”的民俗来源,较强的故事性增加了译文的吸引力,对于推动中国少数民族文化对外宣传具有积极意义。
参考译文:Liuyueliu is a traditional festival of the Buyi, Shui and Tujia people, popular in many minority areas. Liuyueliu is called by the Buyi people as “Liuyuechang” (Lunar June Occasion), “Guo Xiaonian” (Celebrating Small New Year), “Guanyangmen Jie” (Rice Seedling Transplanting Completion Festival) and “Jing Pangu” (Worshiping King Pangu), while the Shui people refer to it as “Maojie” (Mao Festival). The Buyi people tend to celebrate it on lunar June 16 or 26. On this occasion pigs and oxen are slaughtered and Zongzi (sticky rice wrapped in bamboo leaves for steaming until edible, a traditional Chinese festival food) (Chinese rice pudding) is made to worship ancestors and King Pangu. In some homes dogs are killed for celebration. Some people make triangle-shaped banners with white paper, smear them with chicken or pig blood, and plant them inside the croplands, which are supposed to keep off grasshopper attacks. In Duidi of Zhuxi Township, Cengong County, the Tujia children gather at some sites for joys and their demands can be satisfied as much as possible. On lunar June 5 the Shui people of Renli, Liaoli and Qiaosang of Rongjiang County clean their courtyards, make Zongzi, and prepare all sorts of dishes and sticky rice so as to greet the guests. The Shui people of Jichang of Dushan County would have hot-spring baths in Yangchang on this day. There can be as many as 3000 to 4000 bathers, and the activities for bathing include getting “holy water”, having a bath and singing a duet.
例13指出“六月六”是多个少数民族的具有特色的节日。叙事体现在节日中活动的安排上。译文采取了“加注式叙事翻译模式”,把“六月六”的不同称呼用“拼音+意义解释”模式加以呈现,如:“Guo Xiaonian” (Celebrating Small New Year)、“Guanyangmen Jie” (Rice Seedling Transplanting Completion Festival)、(Worshiping King Pangu)。虽然原文及译文似乎描写成分较多,但因为具有时间、地点、人物、活动、寓意等故事体裁的叙事成分,因而叙事性较强。
As one of minority groups in China, Dong has a long history. And Dong people are descendants of Baiyue ethnicity who lived near the Guilin River in the Qin and Han Dynasties. Now Dong people mostly live on the borders between Guizhou, Hunan, Guangxi and Hubei Provinces. Before the establishment of feudalism, all daily affairs were ruled over by a prestigious elder in a Dong clan or village. According to the folk law, the elder, called as Zhanglao or Xianglao, would cope with affairs via Dong Kuan—regulations of the Dong.This system was not canceled until the early period of the Republic of China in 1912.
Xidong, the gathering place of Dong, is a flatland embraced by mountains, where there are flowing streams and fertile soil. The Dong flatlands vary in size. Specifically, the bigger one may be over ten thousandmu(1mu=1 000 square meters), while the smaller one is only several hundredmuin size.
Dong have always enjoyed the reputation of “Hometown of Poetry, Ocean of Songs”, because they have rich colorful literary and art works. The poetry is appealing since its rules and forms are precise and profound. Furthermore, love songs are beautiful and emotional while ballads are mellow and meaningful, which are long enough to sing for several days on end. And the themes of songs include origin of human beings, migration of minority people, conjugal love and affection between lovers.
Pipa song, peculiar with Dong, is named because of the accompaniment of lute (Pipa in Chinese pinyin) or Geyi lyre (a string instrument with bull-leg shape for Dong). With Geyi lyre accompanying, songs sound more cheerful and fluent. Another unique performance for Dong is the Grand Song, which is famous for harmony and vigor without accompaniment and conductors when more than several hundred local singers sing together. Interestingly, the bass of the chorus is responsible for the main rhyme, while the treble echo. In October 1986, the Grand Song Troupe of Guizhou’s Qiandongnan Miao and Dong Autonomous Prefecture was invited to have a performance in Paris Art Festival in France. The performance was hailed byLiberationas “the most enchanting polyphony”.
叙事翻译模式为汉译英、英译汉提供了有趣的路径,扩展了译者的自主性。然而,应当清楚不是什么类型的源语文本在转化为目标语文本时都适合使用叙事翻译模式,即便是使用,也是有较大的局限性的。Gentzler[20]168-221探讨了莎士比亚(Shakespeare)的《哈姆雷特》(Hamlet)在中国的翻译与传播。众所周知,《哈姆雷特》是传播最为广泛的故事,很多读者可能没有读过该剧本,但对其中丹麦王子复仇的故事却是有所耳闻或能道出个所以然。《哈姆雷特》是莎士比亚根据丹麦故事编写的戏剧,在改编该故事时作者作了以下改变:1)增加戏剧人物,呈现戏剧人物的二重性(即正反人物);2)故事情节的多样性、变化性;3)聚焦关键人物性格的相互影响(如Ophelia对Hamlet的影响),表现在心理(如疯癫)、对事件的解析上。据此,《哈姆雷特》的外译文本呈现出多样性、多元性等特点,有丹麦版、挪威版、英国版,等等。在莎士比亚的《哈姆雷特》中,Ophelia(Hamlet的恋人)的“诚实”(honesty)与“美丽”(beauty)联系在一起。因为Ophelia外表漂亮,自然会吸引不少追求者(suitor),因此在该剧第三场中Hamlet对Ophelia说:“如果你是诚实的,就不应与美丽有所瓜葛”。Hamlet担心Ophelia会像其母亲做出有违女人贞洁之事。莎士比亚想表达以下元叙事:美丽≠真理,这与济慈在《希腊古瓮颂》所表达的主题不同:美丽=真理(Beauty is Truth, truth beauty)。《哈姆雷特》在中国的翻译与传播与梁启超、林纾、田汉等著名人物有关,经历了社会变革、改写、五四运动等阶段,译文与原文的关系更多地体现在形象上,而非语言、文体(语体)的忠诚上。如,林纾的《哈姆雷特》中文译文标题为《鬼召》(A Ghost’s Summons),表现的是哈姆雷特死去的父亲托梦的情形;林纾的译文还在故事情节上有所变化,体现在“戏剧中的戏剧”(play-within-the-play),旨在表现主人公的复杂心理。田汉是中华人民共和国国歌的词作者,他在翻译《哈姆雷特》为中文时采用了“话剧”(Huaju/spoken drama)而不是“戏曲”(Xiqu/melody theater)风格,中文剧本包括了歌曲、舞蹈甚至武术等内容。田汉的翻译超出了传统的翻译模式,引入了一种新型体裁(genre)。他的翻译方法可看作为“中国社会变革的催化剂”(catalyst for social change in China)。Gentzler认为,这种翻译方法可称为“译编”(transadaptation),即“翻译+改编”,也是一种“改写”(rewriting),服务于译者的意识形态。
参考译文:Soul calling is a folk custom of minority people. It is assumed that the soul may depart from the body when kids are scared and fall into the water or see a snake, or for sickness-stricken kids and young people (both married and single). Shamanistic activities have to be held in order to retrieve the soul. On this occasion the mother or grandmother of a victim would take an egg and a bamboo pole to the place where frights or scares occur, shouting the name of soul owner and walking back home. At home the egg would be put inside the rice in a bowl on the clothes of the “soul loser”; a brush, a rice ladle and a wok scoop would be put inside a basket for rice screening in a wok for 3 days until they are taken out in the daytime. Afterwards the rice and egg are boiled and fed to the “soul loser”. It is believed that through this activity the sick can recover, the soul of the scared person would not leave the body, and hence the person would get well again. Never take soul calling as a superstitious act, it is rather a folk custom that reveals the people’s good wishes for the recovery of the frightened souls, indicates their belief in mental well-being in harmony with Nature, and shows a faith inherited from generation to generation requiring respect for mental supremacy, much alike to western prayer or church attendance. According to Maren Tomforde[21]154-155Hmong people (Miao in China; Miao outside China referred to as Hmong in experts’ diction) in Thailand exhibits a harmony of sky, earth and sphere underneath the earth, a trinity of the world in their belief. Soul calling embodies such a notion as soul is pulled back from the sky and the sphere under the earth to the earth through shamanism.
表2 叫魂仪式的叙事翻译模式的程序
前文提到,叙事是个文学概念。文学作品中,叙事有利于突显人物形象:扁平人物 (flat figure)、圆形人物 (round figure)。扁平人物指的是文学作品里性格单一的人物,虽表现形式多样却没有统一,如“阿Q”,圆形人物性格多样但统一,如“王熙凤”。在叙事翻译模式中,人物形象的突显有利于表现“元叙事”。试看下例:
参考译文:Mr. Liujia is a folk belief of the Shui people, popular in Sandu Shui Autonomous County and its neighboring Shui areas of Qiannan Buyi and Miao Autonomous Prefecture of Guizhou Province. Mr. Liujia (Liu Jia Gong) is said to be the founder of “Shui Scripts” (Shui people’s written characters and documents). At funeral services “mouth opening” is held for ox or horse knocking (a prelude of pleading Liu Jia Gong for appearing); at this time the master of Shui Scripts would first hold a ceremony to invite Liu Jia Gong to regulate the rituals and time concerned. Before Liu Jia Gong is invited, the room must be cleaned, and new rice stalk is placed on the bed along with a new blanket; on the right of the coffin of the dead is put a basket, with a 1-Chi (1 Chi=1/3 meter) piece of white cloth, a few ears of rice, several cups of wine, a handful of fish, a silver necklace, a pair of silver bracelets and six incenses inside it. The master of Shui Scripts holds 6 strings of rice, chants something and carries out the rituals of welcoming Liu Jia Gong. In the eyes of spectators and Shui people the master of Shui Scripts is the incarnate of Liu Jia Gong.
例16中的“六甲公”是水族的民间信仰,但也是《水书》的创始者,其贡献的认可是通过民间祭祀(此处为葬礼)来加以表现的。译文采取的模式主要是“加注式叙事翻译模式”,如:1)Mr. Liujia (Liu Jia Gong) (表明“六甲公”是个男性,也采取了拼音表达,旨在帮助目标语读者与源语读者的互动,使得前者能了解到后者的真实性别及具体称呼);2)“Shui Scripts” (Shui people’s written characters and documents)(括弧注释了水书为水族文字及相关文献,帮助目标语读者了解这一民族特色的文化负载词的真实含义);3)At funeral services “mouth opening” is held for ox or horse knocking (a prelude of pleading Liu Jia Gong for appearing)(括弧注释了“开腔”是请求六甲公现身的前奏,突出宗教祭祀的目的);4)1-Chi (1 Chi=1/3 meter)(括弧注释了中国的度量衡转换为西方度量衡的值,方便目标语读者理解)。译文在结尾也采取了“操纵性叙事模式”,加上了In the eyes of spectators and Shui people the master of Shui Scripts is the incarnate of Liu Jia Gong(在水族群众和旁观者看来,水书先生就是六甲公的化身),而此句原文中没有,目的是为了突出元叙事,这一手段也有助于体现六甲公或水书先生的“圆形人物”形象。六甲公是水族文字的创始人,也是水族的祖先崇拜对象,其形象可通过宗教祭祀或丧葬礼仪表现出来,也可在水书先生的一举一动中加以彰显,显示出六甲公的多样而统一的性格。
参考译文:Bridge-worshiping Festival is a traditional festival of religious services of the Miao people, popular in the Miao areas of Qiandongnan Miao and Dong Autonomous Prefecture of Guizhou Province, normally celebrated on lunar February 2. The objects for services include chicken, duck and goose eggs, sticky rice, preserved pork, rice wine, incenses and candles. Bridge-worshiping is conducted mainly to pray to bridge gods for the peace and happiness of children, and the pregnancy of those women who have been infertile for a long time. In Zhaitou of Sansui County, Bridge-worshiping Festival is also known as “Bridge-deifying Festival”. On this occasion the local people would organize Lusheng blowing, love song singing, buffalo fight, bird fight and basketball games in addition to religious services. The rituals demonstrate the Miao’s primitive religious faith that “roads should be built and bridges repaired so as to bless those infertile women to have children while wishing the children other women to live long and happily”.
例17的译文与原文基本上对应,没有增加原文中缺少的内容,只是在译文中补充了On this occasion(在此场合),以说明节日活动的开展情况。因此,译文采取的是“加注式叙事翻译模式”。上述译文没有具体提及某人,但是突显了两类人物:妇女(包括久婚未育者以及有孩子者)、大众百姓。妇女和大众的观念相同:有子孙传承、子女平安。这种性格似乎是单一的,但由于祭祀活动的多样性、参与者的广泛性,人物的形象显得既有单一性(思想执着),也有多样性(不同参与者诉求有异),但又具有统一性(希望家庭传承、家庭平安)。看来,少数民族节日文化宣传的叙事汉译英体现的是“扁平人物”与“圆形人物”形象的混合性。
镇山村是一个以布依族为主体的村寨,每逢重要的节日,都会有相关的节庆活动,如三月三、四月八、六月六(这三个节日为布依族节日)以及中国传统的节日等。布依族在这些节日里会有歌舞表演,还有众多的布依族特色美食呈现给食客,如五彩糯米饭和香肠腊肉等。村民会利用这样的节日来吸引游客。旅游开发使得某些传统的节庆活动发生了改变,譬如考虑到游客的需要,增加了一些新的仪式。在饮食方面,为了适应不同地方游客的口味,在布依族传统的菜肴制作方面做出了些改变,比如菜的盐味变淡些,或是增加些新的家常菜以满足游客的口味。在语言上,过去镇山村村民交流的主要媒介是布依语,但随着旅游业的发展,外来游客越来越多,村民不得不学习汉语以方便与游客沟通,时间长了,布依语在村中的交流与使用就变少了,除了少数上了年纪的人能说一些简单的布依话,在年青的一代人中,布依话俨然已成“外语”。 另外,镇山村的村民被汉化,失去了许多民族特色,游客的文化旅游动机减少,转而去其他旅游景区。因为这里的吃饭和娱乐项目在其他旅游景区同样能够满足,相比起来没有什么特色,到镇山村来不是到农家乐吃饭,就是去打麻将,丝毫感受不到原生态的布依族文化,游客对于没有文化特色的布依村寨不再感兴趣。
参考译文:Zhenshan Village is composed of the upper part and the lower part. The upper part is far from the reservoir while the lower part is close to it, which offers such activities as boating and barbecue and hence is a place where tourists enjoy visiting. As a result, there are more farmers’ accommodations in the lower part than in the upper part, and surely an income gap comes into being when tourism is involved, the former being richer than the latter. To reduce the income gap, the Village Committee took some measures; specifically the business of boating and barbecue is handed over to the upper part. Nevertheless, more people come for farmers’ accommodation than for boating and barbecuing, and hence the income difference is unavoidable. After 2005 tourism declined in Zhenshan Village with fewer and fewer visitors, which was particularly evident after 2010. As a consequence the income from tourism dropped, which is supposed to be related to the gradual disappearance of the indigenous Buyi culture in Zhenshan Village, the monotonous structure of tourism, and the emergence of nearby tour spots. Fewer tourists come to Zhenshan Village than before, which thus looks quite desolate. Take Senior Li for example. Mr. Li started a farmers’ accommodation in 1993, 26 years before now. In the beginning many people came to Mr. Li’s home for meals and entertainment, making it well-known near and far. Also, his wife did embroidery at that time. Whenever the tourists came, they would eat to their heart’s content and had a good time, and they also visited Mrs. Li’s embroidery and even bought some of her works. The Li’s family earned much from the sales of embroidery; the most expensive product could sell over 1000 yuan a piece. The then tourism was prosperous and so was Mr. Li’s business. Sometimes people had to make phone reservations for meals. It was totally different from now when most families have to attract customers themselves. The business used to be managed by the whole family, but since tourism in Zhenshan Village receded, there were fewer and fewer guests, and for a lack of guests and income Mr. Li’s son and daughter had to work outside in town. The farmers’ accommodation used to be operated by the Li couple, yet after Li died it had to be left to Mrs. Li alone. The scene of courtyard sales of embroidery is gone forever. The tourism development in Zhenshan Village went through three periods, namely, the initial, golden and recession periods.
It is pleasing to find that Zhenshan Village has taken on a new look after years’ tourism development. Due to an increasing number of tourists, some villagers decorated their houses into restaurants and teahouses, and to accommodate more guests some villagers even increased their house height by two to three floors, looking like western-style houses. Some houses are not spacious enough to meet the standard of farmers’ accommodation, and then the owners converted them into shops selling tourist products and Buyi handicrafts. Under these circumstances the local rural custom has changed, mainly reflected in two aspects. The first is related to natural transformation. In other words, the change happened with time and economic development, mainly revealed in food, clothing, funeral and marriage. Tourism development exerted much impact on local folk custom, which seems an irreversible trend or a natural development law. The second is that the farmers had to change their custom to “cater to” economic development.
Zhenshan Village is mainly a Buyi residence. At each important festival, such as lunar March 3, April 8 and June 6 (Buyi festivals) and traditional Chinese festivals, there are relevant celebrations. The Buyi people would put on singing and dancing shows and offer a variety of Buyi foods to the diners, for example, colorful sticky rice, sausage and preserved pork. The villagers make full use of these occasions to attract customers. Of course, tourism development has changed some traditional festival activities. For instance, considering the tourists’ needs, some new ceremonies were added. In diet some change has been made in traditional Buyi cuisine in order to meet the tastes of different customers, for instance, less salt in dishes or more homemade dishes. In language Buyi used to be the main medium of communication between the villagers, yet with tourism development and an increasing number of travelers, the farmers have to learn Chinese for communication with outsiders. As time goes on, the Buyi language is less used except for some elderly people who are able to say simple Buyi. For the young generation it has become a “foreign language”. Also, many villagers here have been sinicized and lost their ethnic features. This reduces the tourists’ cultural motivation and they turn to other scenic spots, where meals and entertainment are equally satisfied. There seems to be no special ethnic feature in Zhenshan Village except for food and Majiang game. The loss of indigenous Buyi cultural features drives many tourists away from the village.
表3 镇山村布依族文化旅游的叙事翻译模式
Maestri[22] 145-182讨论了自传故事的翻译对于对话空间(dialogic space)和互文共鸣(intertextual resonances)的影响。根据Maestri的观点,故事讲述者未必遵循时间顺序。由于存在着多个故事空间,它们之间的界限不明,因而各故事之间的关联较为复杂。叙事过程的复杂性通过时间有序/无序、故事间关联清晰/模糊的特征来体现。鉴于此,对话空间呈现出流动、动态的特点。译者在故事翻译过程中必须考虑以上因素,理顺各个故事之间的关系,因而目标语文本会展现故事间互文共鸣的特征。互文共鸣在叙事翻译模式中还可通过个人叙事、元叙事加以表现。我们在此讨论的个人叙事为译者的观点插入或补充,其实个人叙事还包括故事中单个人物的故事讲述,本文引用的例子未涉及这点。
叙事翻译模式在中国少数民族文化宣传汉译英的过程中扮演着“对话窗口”(dialogue window)的角色,有助于更好地将中国优秀文化推向世界舞台。无疑,叙事翻译模式是对“功能等值论”“翻译文化转向”“翻译操纵论”的有力补充。本文对Mona Baker、Juliane House倡导的叙事翻译模式进行了进一步解读,提出了具体模式(加注式叙事翻译模式、操纵性叙事翻译模式)、操作程序(内容甄别、意识形态以及个人叙事、公共叙事、元叙事的表现、所占比例)等,丰富了跨文化交际翻译学理论与实践框架,是《跨文化交际翻译学:理论基础、原则与实践》的姊妹篇。我们还要另外撰写相关文章,从其他翻译路径进一步丰富跨文化交际翻译学的理论和实践框架。