

智能计算机与应用 2019年5期


摘 要:如何衡量決策信息表中的相容性是粗糙集领域的一个重要研究课题,这对于科学、合理的决策具有重要意义。本文指出了已有几种决策信息表相容度量方法的不足之处,在此基础之上,提出了一种新的相容性度量方法。详细研究了该度量方法的性质,并通过实例说明该方法较其它方法的合理之处。

关键词: 决策信息表;相容性;决策规则

【Abstract】 How to measure the consistency of decision tables has become an important issue in the study of Rough Set theory, which is of great significance in the scientific decision making. By pointing out some limitations the existing consistency measures have, the paper proposes a new approach to measuring the consistency in decision tables. The properties of the proposed approach is investigated in detail, also, an example is employed to illustrate the superiority over other approaches.

【Key words】  decision tables; consistency; decision rule

0 引 言


2 结束语



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