Local Knowledge, Ecological Feelings, and Ecological Narrative:An Interview with Professor Fu XiuyanFu Xiuyan, Wang Junwei & Xiao Huirong
Mr. Fu Xiuyan, a senior professor of Jiangxi Normal University, has long been engaged in academic research in the fields of comparative literature, narratology and Ganpo culture, of which ecological narrative research is an important focus. From the ecological perspective, Mr. Fus ecological narrative research has his own unique understanding and discovery of the cultural essence of the relationship between human and nature. His recently published book Ecological Jiangxi Reader examines the development of the Ganpo culture in Jiangxis history, revealing the ecological ideas contained therein and its implications for the construction of todays ecological civilization. And he has also put his own ecological ideas into action and practice, and truly realized the unity of knowledge and action. In this interview, Mr. Fu shared his experience and understanding of life as an “ecological sadhana”.
The Ecological Culture, Survival Ideas and Zeitgeist in Professor Fu Xiuyans Ecological Jiangxi Reader Lu Shuyuan
Ecological culture is not only the ultimate solution to ecological crisis, but also a contemporary key issue that has been ignored and misunderstood so far. The traditional humanistic resources of philosophy, literature and art, and religious beliefs may play a role in controlling and balancing the crazy materialism and consumerism, thus having a positive effect on the ecological conservation of a certain region. This is exactly what Professor Fu Xiuyans Ecological Jiangxi Reader particularly emphasizes and details. The Chinese narratology is naturally rich in ecological implications. The healthy ecology and pure spirit which have become the rare resources of our times are the very factors that influence the future of the earth and human society. Fortunately these precious resources are well preserved in the vast land of Jiangxi which, a late comer though, has therefore gained advantages over other developed counterparts.
On the Construction of Ecological Community on the Harmonious Planet:With A Review of Professor Fu Xiuyan Ecological Jiangxi ReaderSheng Anfeng
Mr. Fu Yanxius recently published book Ecological Jiangxi Reader is the substantial result of a contemporary intellectuals humanistic concern and his rich local living experience, and also the fruit of his deep perception and his practicing of “ecological sadhana” in the last fifty years. This essay, with a lot of reference to Fus book, mainly explores the urgency of constructing an ecological community within a global scope from three aspects: drawing from the ancient wisdoms while exploring new possibilities of ecological civilization, abandoning the widespread anthropocentrism and pseudo-humanism, and stressing the responsibility and agency of intellectuals and scholars. In conclusion, the author calls for all the world dwellers to learn not only from the traditional wisdoms of all peoples, but also to learn from the painful lessons resulting from the blind development of agriculture and industry regardless of the environment, with a distant hope of building up an ecological civilization in a global range.
An Overview of the Symposium on “Ganpo Ecology and Beautiful China” and the Book Launch of Ecological Jiangxi ReaderHu Yingfeng & Xu Min
On June 29th, 2019, the Symposium on “Ganpo Ecology and Beautiful China” and the book launch of Ecological Jiangxi Reader were held at Jiangxi Normal University. The symposium was sponsored by Jiangxi Provinces new key think tank “Jiangxi Research Center of Constructing Powerful Province of Culture” and the editorial department of Journal of Poyang Lake affiliated to Jiangxi Academy of Social Sciences. The undertaker was Jiangxi Normal University Narrative Research Center, the co-organizer the 21st Century Publishing Group. The participants were more than 100 experts, scholars and students from universities and institutes such as the Yellow River Institute of Science and Technology, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, Shaanxi Normal University, Nanjing University, Tsinghua University, Capital University of Economics and Business, Jiangxi Academy of Social Sciences, Jiangxi Normal University, Nanchang University, Jiangxi Science and Technology Normal University, Nanchang Aviation University, Jiujiang College, etc., and representatives from the 21st Century Publishing Group. The attendees focused on the publication of Professor Fu Xiuyans Ecological Jiangxi Reader, and conducted academic discussions on topics like “the ecological wisdom in Ganpo culture and beautiful China”, “local knowledge and ecological practice”, “narrative scholarship and nationwide reading”, etc.
36 Views of Moscow Mountain: Teaching Travel Writing and Mindfulness in the Tradition of Hokusai and ThoreauScott Slovic
American author Henry David Thoreau was a travel writer who seldom left his hometown of Concord, Massachusetts, where he lived from 1817 to 1862. His approach to “travel,” to experiencing place, was to pay deep attention to his ordinary surroundings and to view the world from multiple perspectives, as he subtly explains in Walden(1854). Inspired by Thoreau and by Japanese woodblock artist Katsushika Hokusais famous series of prints titled 36 Views of Mt. Fuji(1830-1832), I have developed a course in “Thoreauvian travel writing” at the University of Idaho that I call 36 Views of Moscow Mountain: Or, Traveling a Good Deal—with Open Minds and Notebooks—in a Small Place. This article explores the philosophy and pedagogical strategies for the course, which attempts to share with students the virtues of looking at the world anew, with eyes truly open, with the eyes of a traveler, by “traveling a good deal” in Moscow, Idaho. The students also refine their writing skills and learn about the literary and artistic traditions associated with travel and sense of place.
An Investigation Report on the Condition of Hazardous Waste in Beijings Municipal Solid Waste(Continued)Mei Xueqin,Mao Da & Chi Tianwu
In order to effectively solve the problem of municipal solid waste in Beijing, classified recycling and reusing, as a crucial intermediate linking pre-prevention and end-treatment, are the priority principles for the treatment of municipal solid waste in Beijing in the future. Due to the limitation of time and man power, the focus of the investigation was on one of the types of municipal solid water, namely, hazardous waste. Based on the definition and scope of “hazardous waste” in our country and relevant literature and practice in other countries, seven types of hazardous waste were identified to be the main objects of investigation. Centering on the objects, we applied the analysis method of waste flow to investigate the generation, discarding, collection(recycling), disposal and management of relevant garbage. We tried our best to get the accurate information of the status and existing problems of the classification, recycling and treatment of municipal solid waste in Beijing so that we could put forward specific suggestions on the collection, disposal and management of hazardous waste, and provide reference for decision-making of the management of municipal solid waste and the construction of the system for citizen participation in Beijing. Meanwhile, to carry out this investigation is a way for learners and researchers of environmental history and environmental problems to get in touch with reality and understand practical problems, and also a reflection of the social function or practical significance of environmental history research.
Environmental Education Research from the Perspective of Garbage Classification
Jiang Pei & Zhong Hanli
Environmental education is an important foundation for the development of green society in the new era. With the advent of modern consumer society, both urban and rural areas are facing social problems that affect the living environment due to the growth of garbage. However, it is rare for the public to actively carry out garbage classification to reduce the amount of garbage. One of the reasons is directly related to the lack of effective environmental education in China for a long time. At present, more attention in environmental education for domestic garbage classification is paid to the forms of publicity and education and a sound environmental education knowledge system has not yet been established. The long-term environmental education plan is to be formulated while the short-term campaign-like environmental knowledge promotion is not effective enough to meet public environmental education demand. The methods of environmental education do not tackle the major issues but the “one-size-fits-all” management means is adopted to promote environmental education, resulting in the accumulation of social problems and social contradictions. In response to these problems, it is necessary to facilitate environmental education for garbage classification in different places with different policies, draw up long-term plans for the implementation of environmental education, improve educational methods and implementation measures, and help the public to be well aware of environmental issues and well behaved to protect environment with the aim of nurturing a deep environmental feeling.
On the Political Ecology of Things and Its Practical Significance Based on Jane Bennetts Vital MaterialismYang Xiaoli
How should the absolutely earthbound mankind cope with the imminent ecological catastrophe in the epoch of the Anthropocene?The American political philosopher Jane Bennett puts forward the notion of “vital materialism” in her book Vibrant Matter:A Political Ecology of Things and argues that things should not be considered as dull matters or passive objects. On the contrary, things have their own “thing-power”, propensities, trajectories or tendencies, and are capable of acting as political agents. With the premise of recognizing the vitality of things, Bennett proposes “political ecology”, a concept in which humans and non-human things make up a community and get involved together in politics and ecological practices. When Bennetts theory is positioned in the radical philosophical context where the turn to nonhuman and turn to matter have taken place in western onto-epistemology in recent decades, especially when her theory is viewed in conversations with Bruno Latour, Graham Harman, and other ontologists who particularly concern nonhuman actors and object-oriented things, it can be seen that although her “vital materialism” is rather controversial as far as the notions and practice of “personification”, “vital power” and “life” are concerned, her “political ecology of things” can help us realize the significant role that “things” play in political practice and inspire reflections on the political power of ecology and non-human entities, especially on what are humans and what are things.
The New Perspectives of Environmental History Research in the Era of Great Acceleration: An Overview of the 3rd World Congress of Environmental HistoryChen Linbo & Qian Kefei
“The Global South and the Global North in the Era of Great Acceleration” is the theme of the 3rd World Congress of Environmental History, which was held at Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina in Florianópolis, Brazil from July 22 to 26, 2019. The papers accepted by the congress intensively focus on the theme and fully explore the characteristics and significance of the “Era of Great Acceleration”. With broad horizons, fresh and new topics, interdisciplinary methodology, and various forms of discussion, these papers are centered on the environmental history of the third world and the polar regions. However, the congress also alerts us to some deficiencies of the present research on environmental history such as the insufficient scholarship of environmental history in Central Asia and Africa, the persistently pessimistic opinion of environmental deterioration, the ineffective communication between scholars, and so on. Chinas academia of environmental history, therefore, can learn from what the congress conveys and makes contributions as an academic community with Chinese wisdom to the development of world environmental history research.
An Overview of the International Symposium on “The Waterside City:Environmental History Research Toward Future”Liu Xiangyang & Shao Yan
From August 23 to 26, 2019, the International Symposium on “The Waterside City:Environmental History Research Toward Future” sponsored by China Environmental History Research Center and School of History and Culture of Hebei Normal University was held in the ancient town of Zhengding, Hebei Province. Over 70 scholars from more than 30 universities and research institutions at home and abroad participated in the symposium which was also supported by the Environmental History Committee of Chinese Society for Environmental Sciences. Advisors, members and Secretary in Chief from the Committee also took part in the symposium and offered suggestions. In the keynote speeches, Professor Chao Xiaohong from the Faculty of History, Xiamen University, Professor Fu Chengshuang, Vice Dean of Faculty of History, Nankai University, Professor Сергей Николаевич Иванченко(Kudriavtsev Sergey), President of Far Eastern State Transport University, Russia, Professor Xia Mingfang from the Institute of Qing Dynasty, Renmin University of China, Professor Xu Qinghai from the Faculty of Resource and Environment, Hebei Normal University, and Professor I Nyoman Sunarta, Dean of the Tourism Faculty of Udayana University summarized the latest achievements of current environmental history research theories based on their own academic researches, presented the recent trends of empirical case studies and the specific applications of interdisciplinary methods. They also pointed out the academic misunderstandings that need to be clarified and avoided in research. Editor Bao Xiaobing from China Higher Education Press elaborated on the six-volume Environmental History of China compiled by China Environmental History Research Center of HNU led by Professor Dai Jianbing. With water and city as key words, Chinese and overseas scholars discussed ten topics in the plenary sessions, such as “theories and methods of environmental history”, “human, water, and environment in American history”, “city and water in history”, “changes of rivers and water systems”, “local knowledge of regions” and so on. In a word, since its establishment, China Environmental History Research Center of HNU has made great achievements by following the historical traditions based on realities and practicing the Saihanba Spirit, actively responding to the national strategies of promoting ecological progress and building a beautiful China. We will continue to exchange ideas and keep in touch with scholars home and abroad, enhance the influence of the discipline so as to contribute to Chinas ecological civilization construction.