Cologne, Germang
The chocolate capital of Germany, Cologne is the home of the Stollwerck chocolate company. For the 150th an niversary of the company, a museum exhibit was created to celebrate their history. Since then, the exhibit has grown into an entire museum. The Imhoff Stollwerck Museum has interactive exhibits, samples and a giant chocolate fountain.
科隆是德国的巧克力之都,老牌的巧克力生产商Stollwerck的工厂就坐落于此。为了纪念该品牌诞生150周年,Stollwerck工厂举办了一次展览。随后,这个展览又被扩建为一座博物馆。Imhoff Stollwerck博物馆展出各种各样的巧克力,还有互动展示区和一个巨大的巧克力喷泉。
Tain LHermitage, France
A small town in the heart the of wine country Tain LHermitage is the home of the world-renowned chocolate producer, Valrhona. A great stop is the Valrhona Ecole du Grand Chocolat, a school that teaches professional chefs, chocolatiers and caterers. They even host a three-day course that teaches amateur show to make deserts.
Hershey, America
Dubbed “the Sweetest Place on Earth”, the town (originally called Derry Church)was renamed Hershey in 1906 due to the popularity of Hershey chocolates. “Chocolate town, USA” has branded itself as an American chocolate center and some popular chocolate yattractions include Hersheys Chocolate World, The Hershey Story Museum and the ChocolateSpa.
美国 好时小镇
NEW York, America
As with most things in New York City, the chocolatiers here have come from all corners of the globe, and have brought with them their recipes for scrumptious chocolate treats. Besides all of the fantastic chocolate shops in the city, visitors can take a chocolate tour with either the New Cuisine Chocolate Tour or theLuxury Chocolate Tour, where you can learn about the history of the shops you visit and sample some of their chocolates.
San Francisco, America
The Bay Area is home to one of the oldest chocolate manufacturers, Ghirardelli, in the United States, making it adestination for many chocolate lovers. As in New York, chocolate tours are a great way to take in San Franciscos best chocolate shops. Visitors can also step back in history wandering through Ghirardelli Square, which was originally built as an expansion of the old Ghirardelli chocolate factory.
美国 旧金山
Villajogosa, Spain
Villajoyosas chocolate history began in the 18th century when it began importing coco a beans from Venezuela and Ecuador. Today chocolate production is still booming as the town is home to Spainsoldest gourmet chocolate producer, Valor, which was founded in 1881. Villajoyosa also boasts an excellent chocolate museum that not only show cases the history of Villajoyosas chocolate production but also how local favorites are made.
西班牙 比利亚霍约萨
西班牙城市比利亚霍约萨早在1 8世纪就与巧克力结缘,当它开始从委内瑞拉和厄瓜多尔进口可可豆时。时至今日巧克力产业在当地依然繁荣。该城是西班牙最古老的巧克力品牌Valor的发源地,创立于1881年。比利亚霍约萨同样有一座它引以为荣的巧克力博物馆,馆内不仅展示了比利亚霍约萨生产巧克力的历史,也展示了当地极受欢迎的各种巧克力是如何制造的。
Oaxaca, Mexico
The ancient Mesoamericans were the worlds first chocolatiers and Mexico has continued to produce chocolate ever since. Today in Oaxaca, residents have embraced chocolate as a part of their culture and it seem svisitors to the city cant walk down the street without being offered chocolate in some form, whether it is hot chocolate, chocolate pastry or chocolate candy. While there are major chocolate producers based here, a lot of Oaxacas chocolate is made with old family recipes the old-fashioned way, ground either by hand or with electric grinders and mixed by hand。
墨西哥 瓦哈卡州
Darcelona, Spain
The Spanish were the first Europeans to experience chocolate that was brought back from the New World, and Barcelona hasbeen a center for chocolate lovers ever since. Among its chocolate-covered achievements, the city can boast that the first chocolate making machine was built there in 1780. Today Barcelona celebrates its rich chocolate heritage with a museum dedicated to chocolate, the Museo de La Xocolata, which feature severything from chocolate sculptures to hot chocolate.
西班牙 巴塞罗那
西班牙人是自巧克力被从新大陆带回欧洲后最早体验到巧克力之美昧的欧洲人,从此后巴塞罗那就成为了巧克力爱好者的聚集地。该城的许多成就都跟巧克力有关,包括1 780年的第一台巧克力制造机。如今巴塞罗那为了纪念它丰富的巧克力遗产而建起了一座巧克力博物馆,展出从热巧克力到巧克力雕塑的各种与巧克力相关的展品。
Zurich, Switzerland
Switzerland consumes more chocolateper person that any other country, and with world-renowned companies like Cailler-Nestle, Toblerone, Lindt, Teuscher and Sprungli callingit home its no wonder, Zurich is the heart of chocolate production in the country. For a trulyunique experience, the Swiss Travel System, along with Cailler-Nestle, offers an excursion on“The Swiss Chocolate Train”. The train departs from Montreux and makes a stop in Gruyeres(where Gruyere cheese is made) before finally arriving in Broc where guests get a tour of the Cailler-Nestle factory.
瑞士 苏黎世
Brussels, Belgium
The entire country of Belgium is a chocoholics paradise, boasting 12 chocolate factories, 16 chocolate museums and more than 2,100 chocolate shops. Brussels, however, stands above the rest as the “Chocolate Capital of the World”. The city is home to two of the biggest chocolate companies in the world, Godiva and Leonidas, as well as many smaller chocolate boutiques. While all kinds of chocolate treats can be found in Brussels, pralines are king. If you visit Brussels, make sure you go to the Musee du Cocaoet du Chocolate where you can learn how chocolate is made.
比利時 布鲁塞尔