CISHU YANJIU LEXICOGRAPHICAL STUDIES July, 2019 Abstracts of Major Papers in This Issue
A Glimpse of the Revision of the 1st Volume of
Jiang Lansheng
Abstract: RevisingAnUnabridgedDictionaryofChineseis a difficult task involving arduous effort. After comparing with the first edition, we find that this revision is a thorough and in-depth attempt and the work needed is far beyond our expectation. This article introduces the achievements and highlights of the revision, pinpoints the shortcomings of the first edition, and puts forward two suggestions for future work.
Keywords: 1st volume ofAnUnabridgedDictionaryofChinese(2nded.), dictionary revision, language data, optimization of language data, definition improvement
Dynamic Revision: A New Mode of Dictionary Revision
Wang Weihui
Abstract: The difficulty of revising the 1st volume ofAnUnabridgedDictionaryofChinese(2nded.) is beyond expectation and problems are thus unavoidable. In this age of information and digitalization, we need to explore a new mode of dictionary revision, namely, dynamic revision, which means that the revision should be undertaken not solely by a couple of dictionary experts, but by readers in a constant fashion. In doing so, China may be leading the world in dictionary revision.
Keywords:AnUnabridgedDictionaryofChinese, dynamic revision,yitian
Problems of Using Variant Forms of the Same Word as Entries in
AnUnabridgedDictionaryofChineseand Some Relevant Suggestions
He Maohuo
Abstract: The 1st edition ofAnUnabridgedDictionaryofChineseincluded a large number of variant forms of the same words as entries.However, there are still more of them that are not included for various reasons. In the process of revisingAnUnabridgedDictionaryofChinese, based on such digital resources as fundamental ancient Chinese database, we can retrieve the written evidence of relevant words with various forms, thus making up for the shortcoming of the current dictionary in entry institution, definition, and word forms. Taking eight groups of such words as an example, this article explores into the institution of such words as entries in the dictionary and puts forward some suggestions for improvement.
Keywords:AnUnabridgedDictionaryofChinese, variant forms of the same words, elements of variant forms, inclusion as entries, morphological relevance
Research Value of Editions ofModernChineseDictionaryand a Discussion
on the Study ofModernChineseDictionaryas an Academic Discipline
Su Xinchun
Abstract:ModernChineseDictionary(1sted.) was published as a cultural ambassador at a time when China’s reform and opening initiative has just started. Today, with seven editions, it has become a unique reference book that mirrors changes in China’s society and thought and that highlights the advent of a new era of reform and opening. The achievements in this field have given birth to the study ofModernChineseDictionaryas an academic discipline, which shows the recognition of the value of this dictionary in the scholarly world. Such a discipline is important in that it deepens research in linguistics, rhetoric, and sociology.
Keywords:ModernChineseDictionary, Chinese dictionary, editions, the study ofModernChineseDictionaryas an academic discipline
The Value oftheAnnualMediaHighFrequencyWordsListfor
Dictionary Compilation
Hou Ruifen
Abstract:TheAnnualMediaHighFrequencyWordsListhas been published as part ofTheReportontheLivingConditionsofChineseLanguagesfor eight consecutive years. It is not only helpful for people to understand the usage of common words in that year, but also valuable as materials for Chinese vocabulary research and dictionary compilation. Frequency reflects the stability of a word, which is an important principle of dictionary collection. Therefore,TheAnnualMediaHighFrequencyWordsListhas important reference value for dictionary entry collection. Using corpus and frequency statistics to screen words is a trend and direction of dictionary compilation andTheReportontheLivingConditionsofChineseLanguagesserves as a good resource for this purpose.
Keywords:ChineseLanguageLifeReport,TheAnnualMediaHighFrequencyWordsList, dictionary compilation
Problems in the Use of Punctuation Marks in Dictionaries
Chen Yuqing
Abstract: Based onTheContemporaryChineseDictionaryandTheContemporaryChineseLearner’sDictionary, this article analyzes the problems in the use of punctuation marks in dictionaries. It argues that in normal circumstances, the dictionary maker should abide by the rules formulated inTheUsageofPunctuation, but in some special cases, he can handle the punctuation marks flexibly while paying attention to consistency in the whole dictionary.
Keywords: dictionaries, punctuation marks,ThePunctuationMarksUsage, dictionary style
Rethinking the Typology of Learner’s Dictionary:
Implications for the CFL Dictionary Research and Compilation
Sun Wenlong
Abstract: By analyzing the definition of “learner’s dictionary”, this paper examines two representative schools of dictionary typology in learner’s lexicography. One school of dictionary researchers, represented by Hartmann and James, holds that the “learner’s dictionary” mainly aims for the non-native speakers, and the other school, represented by Tarp, argues that the target users of such dictionaries consist of both native speakers and learners of specialized knowledge. One major difference between them is whether learner’s dictionaries are meant for different users. However, a discussion on this division can hardly reveal the essence of learner’s dictionary. Finally, this article also discusses the significance of researching on dictionary typology and the enlightenment it offers to the compilation of CFL dictionaries.
Keywords: learner’s dictionary, dictionary typology, CFL dictionary
Selection of Pragmatic Information in
Chinese Learner’s Dictionaries Based on Learners’ Needs
Jin Peipei
Abstract: Pragmatic information in a dictionary carries the pragmatic meaning of dictionary entries. It is important for learner’s dictionaries and helps learners of Chinese to learn the language pragmatically. In the previous study on the selection of pragmatic information in learner’s dictionaries, the users’ needs have not been taken into full account. Based on the theory of need analysis and questionnaire research plus interview, this paper discusses the selection of pragmatic information from the learner’s perspective. Our findings are: (1) Learners have a strong need for pragmatic goals. (2) Learners also urgently need dictionary pragmatic information, though there is a difference between this need and the need for pragmatic goals. (3) Whether it is pragmatic needs or pragmatic information needs, the importance of internal projects is different, and some differences have reached a significant degree. This suggests that in selecting pragmatic information, we should consider the difference in the learner’s need for different pragmatic items. Finally, based on the actual needs of the learners of Chinese, we have investigated problems in three Chinese learner’s dictionaries.
Keywords: learners of Chinese, Chinese learner’s dictionary, selection of pragmatic information, needs analysis
On the Original Properties of Personal Pronouns and the Typological Significance
of Their Evolution: A Case of Shen (身), Nong (侬) and Yi(伊)
Wang Cong
Abstract: Pronouns belong to the syntax domain, and their origins and evolution have been an important topic for academic discussion. Using Shen (身), Nong (侬) and Yi(伊) as examples, this paper traces the origins of Chinese personal pronouns from the typological perspective. It argues that the first and second person pronouns are originated from nouns, including relative nouns and generic nouns, and the second and third person pronouns from demonstrative pronouns. It also holds that the syntactic context is the fundamental factor that impacts the evolution from demonstrative pronouns to personal pronouns. The paper concludes with an evolutional path of Chinese personal pronouns.
Keywords: personal pronouns, evolution, syntactic context, typology