The 7th Military World Games:A Symphony of Peace and Friendship
By Chu Yan
10月22日,帆船比赛结束后,各国运动员和志愿者、工作人员在东湖畔合影,灿烂的笑容绽放在每个人脸上。(柯皓 摄)On October 22, after the sailing competition, athletes, volunteers, and staff from different countries take a photo by the East Lake, with big bright smiles on their faces. (Photo by Ke Hao)
10月22日,田径项目女子100米预赛中选手们起跑。Athletes taking off in the women's 100-meter dash on October 22.
How time flies when we are together, and how reluctant we are when we part.
As the sacred flame of the 7thMilitary World Games that burned for 10 days and nights slowly extinguished, Wuhan was brilliantly illuminated for the farewell ceremony, marking the end of the 10-day event. While the closing curtain may have fallen at the Games, a symphony of peace and friendship still echoes and reverberates in the heart of every participant.
The Military World Games were committed to commemorating peace and cultivating friendship amongst nations. Records were broken and renewed in the Games—and the unforgettable moments were imprinted in people's hearts. The Gamesdeveloped and foster ed friendship among athletes from all over the world, and exhibited unimaginable and exciting moments. This magnificent and outstanding international military sports event makes the world more aware of China,Hubei Province, and Wuhan.Beautiful memories are indelible and this historical glory shall be remembered.
The Military World Games embrace the charm of sports,which transcends national borders, and demonstrates China's commitment to world peace. As Hervé Piccirillo, the President of CISM (International Military Sports Council),commented: “By organizing the Games, China has made a great contribution to the world by spreading friendship, enhancing solidarity, and promoting world peace.” With this sporting event acting as the bridge, China will continue to promote the development of international military cooperation in a new manner, strengthen multilateral exchanges and cooperation with the militaries of various countries,fulfill effectively obligations to the international community, and work together to address common security threats and challenges.The Games have won wide acclaim, with their enthusiastic,meticulous, and efficient organization, demonstrating a mission and responsibility in safeguarding world peace and promoting a community with a shared future for all mankind.
As an ancient Chinese saying goes, “Good friends feel close even when they are thousands of miles apart.” Nearly 10,000 military athletes from more than 100 countries fl ew back home with the seed of peace in their hearts, along with sincere friendship from China and the Chinese people. It is a dream commonly pursued by all people to seek common ground while reserving differences, and to maintain and share peace while striving for common development.
The event may have lasted only 10 days, yet its spiritual legacy shall remain eternal. Let the torch of peace be passed on, and the music of friendship reverberate forever.
10月20日,各国参赛美女手机自拍合影。(新华社)Female athletes taking a selfie together on October 20. (Source: Xinhua News Agency)
10月23日,完赛后的多哥选手在冲过终点后接受吉祥物“兵兵”的拥抱。(新华社)On October 23, a Togolese athlete hugs“Bingbing,” the mascot of the Games, after crossing the finish line. (Source: Xinhua News Agency)
10月24日晚,志愿者将参加完女子5000米决赛的运动员扶下赛道。(李溪 摄)On the evening of October 24, a volunteer walk with an athlete off the track, who has just completed the women's 5,000 meters final. (Photo by Li Xi)
比赛结束后,捷克运动员和志愿者合影,共同为武汉军运会点赞。(柯皓 摄)After the Games, Czech athletes take a photo with a volunteer and give the Games a thumbs-up. (Photo by Ke Hao)
10月20日,军运会女篮比赛场上,舞蹈队活跃现场。(时龚 摄)The cheering squad warming up the women's basketball court on October 20. (Photo by Shi Gong )
10月25日,公开水域女子5000米游泳结束后,获得冠军的法国队领队亨利·杜瓦对志愿者的工作表示赞许。(田悦 摄)Henri Duval, captain of the French team, gives a thumbs-up to the volunteers after France won the women's 5km open water swimming competition On October 25. (Photo by Tian Yue)
10月27日,军运会马拉松在东湖绿道开跑瞬间。(魏铼 摄)The marathon race kicks off on the East Lake Greenway on October 27. (Photo by Wei Lai)
包揽军运会田径男子4×100 米接力和女子4×100 米接力双料冠军的巴西队员喜不自禁。(李溪 摄)Happy Brazilian athletes who have won double championship in the men's 4 × 100 meters relay and the women's 4 × 100 meters relay.(Photo by Li Xi)
男子100米冠军伊朗选手塔夫蒂安夺冠后亲吻国旗和跑道。(倪娜 摄)Iranian athlete Hassan Taftian kissing the national flag and the track after winning in the men's 100-meter dash. (Photo by Ni Na)
10月21日,经过三天激烈角逐,军运会马术场地障碍赛,俄罗斯队赢得团体赛冠军。After three days' competition, the Russian team wins the team championship in the equestrian obstacle course on October 21.
10月27日,军运会铁人三项精英女子组个人赛冠军获得者瑞士选手约兰达·安南喜不自禁。(李溪 摄)Joyful Swiss athlete Jolanda Annen after winning the elite women's triathlon on October 27. (Photo by Li Xi)
10月19日,击剑项目女子个人重剑项目,中国和罗马尼亚选手在比赛中。(时龚 摄)Chinese and Romanian athletes in women's fencing individual epee on October 19. (Photo by Shi Gong)
海军五项选手在比赛中奋力划艇。(柯皓 摄)An athlete rowing hard in Naval Pentathlon. (Photo by Ke Hao)
10月22日,女排决赛。(田悦 摄)Women's volleyball final on October 22. (Photo by Tian Yue)
军运会男子4×200米自由泳接力比赛瞬间。A moment in the men's 4 x 200 meters freestyle relay.
10月24日,中国队和巴西队女足比赛异常激烈。(时龚 摄)On October 24, the Chinese team faces off against the Brazilian team in the women's soccer match. (Photo by Shi Gong)
樊振东在比赛中奋力拉弧圈球。(柯皓 摄)Fan Zhendong makes a loop drive in the table tennis competition.(Photo by Ke Hao)
在残疾人男子100米IT1决赛中,印度选手率先到达终点。(李溪 摄)An Indian athlete reaching the finish line first in the disabled men's 100m IT1 final. (Photo by Li Xi)
10月19日,空军五项比赛现场,捷克队队员正在为队友加油助威。(梅涛 摄)Members of the Czech team cheering for their teammates in the Aeronautical Pentathlon on October 19. (Photo by Mei Tao)
10月20日,中国女篮比赛现场,华中科大啦啦队热情助威。(时龚 摄)The cheering squad from Huazhong University of Science and Technology cheering for the Chinese team in the women's basketball match. (Photo by Shi Gong)
军运村志愿者之家的和平友谊签名墙上,写满了各种语言的感谢和祝福。(视界网唐润 摄)The “thanks and blessings” written in various languages on the Signature Wall of Peace and Friendship in the Volunteer House of the Athletes' Village. (Photo by Tang Run,
外国友人与民警彭澎亲切合影。(李雨生 闻期骏 摄)Peng Peng, a female police officer, and the foreign friends she helped during the 7th Military World Games. (Photo by Li Yusheng, Wen Qijun)
贝尔纳尔多·甘博阿看望受伤的巴西选手盖森时,与工作人员合影。(帆船竞委会供图)Bernaldo Gamboa, Chief of Mission of the Brasilian team, visiting Gaisen, an injured Brazilian athlete, and taking a photo with the staff.(Photo provided by the WMG Sailing Committee)
10月20日,军运会帆船比赛在东湖水域开赛。The sailing competition kicked off in the East Lake on October 20.
曾获联合国人居大会全球推介的东湖绿道,空气清新景色宜人,主要承担军运会马拉松和公路自行车项目比赛。The marathon and cycling match were held on the East Lake Greenway. Boasting fresh air and beautiful scenery, the site was presented at the UN Habitat III Conference and promoted worldwide.
军运会网球比赛项目在光谷国际网球中心举行。The Tennis competitions were held in the International Tennis Center in the Optics Valley.
10月19日,男子100米蛙泳决赛,获得银牌的中国选手向获得金牌的俄罗斯选手表示祝贺。The Chinese silver medalist in the men's 100m breaststroke final congratulating the Russian gold winner on October 19.
意大利选手(左)与保加利亚选手赛后向观众致敬。An Italian athlete (left) and a Bulgarian athlete paying tribute to the audience after the game.
10月25日,法国选手塞巴斯蒂安·普拉达利埃(右)在男子残疾人1500米ITems级决赛夺冠后和对手一起庆祝。(柯皓 摄)On October 25, French athlete Sebastien Pradalier (right) wins the disabled men's 1,500m ITems final and is celebrating with his opponent. (Photo by Ke Hao)
10月19日,男篮比赛中,中国球员拉起摔倒的蒙古球员。(柯皓 摄)On October 19, Chinese athletes helping up a Mongolian athlete who fell in the men's basketball competition. (Photo by Ke Hao)
卡塔尔代表团的工作人员在街头品尝湖北美食,称赞“味道好极了”。(蔡俊 摄)A member of the Qatari Delegation tasting Hubei cuisine with praise: “It tastes great!” (Photo by Cai Jun)
比赛间歇,外宾登黄鹤楼。Foreign guests visiting the Yellow Crane Tower during a break of the Games.
10月21日,外籍运动员在军运村商业街汉字造梦文创店内,学习用毛笔书写“武汉”。(梅涛 摄)On October 21, foreign athletes learning to write the Chinese characters of“Wuhan” with a brush at a Chinese Character Dream-Recreation Shop on the Commercial Street in the Athletes' Village. (Photo by Mei Tao)
10月22日上午,一群来自德国埃森伯乐高级文理中学的学生在军运村,齐声用中文欢呼:“太美了,武汉。我爱武汉!”(周果 摄)On the morning of October 22, a group of students from the Senior Arts and Sciences High School of Essen in Germany were cheering in Chinese in the Athletes' Village: “So beautiful Wuhan is! I love Wuhan!” (Photo by Zhou Guo)
军运村长江非遗展示馆内,外籍运动员在精心选购喜爱的纪念品。(梅涛 摄)Foreign athletes carefully selecting souvenirs in the Changjiang Non-legacy Exhibition Hall of the Athletes' Village. (Photo by Mei Tao)