四川双流中学 蒋建平(特级教师)
因世界上的不同国家有自己的山川河流,独特的景色、地貌和经济环境,从而产生了不同的文化历史和国情。 各国在改善生活、发展经济方面做着不懈的努力,然而在发展的同时也带来了人口增长、资源过度利用、居住环境遭到污染等问题。
Ⅰ. 写作词汇整合(明其义)
1. protection 保护
2. preserve 保存;保留
3. environment-friendly 有利环境的
4. raise people's environmental awareness 提高人们的环保意识
5. harmony 和谐;融洽
6. sort 分类
7. garbage classification 垃圾分类
8. solar energy 太阳能
9. sustainable development 可持续发展
10. rush hour 交通高峰期
11. be stuck / caught in 陷入
12. recycle the rubbish 回收垃圾
13. call for / demand / put an end to 使……结束;停止……
14. live in harmony with nature 与自然和谐相处
15. keep the balance of nature 保持自然界的平衡
16. wildlife reserve 野生动植物保护区
17. lead / live a low-carbon lifestyle 采用低碳的生活方式
18. promote the message 传播理念
19. volunteer 做志愿者
20.take action/steps/measures 采取行动/措施
21. prevent / stop / keep sb from doing sth 阻止某人做某事
22. be responsible for 对……负责
23. in return 作为回报
24. attach importance to 重视
25. advocate doing sth 主张做某事
1. water resource 水资源
2. natural resources 自然资源
3. farmland 农田
4. soil 土壤
5. atmosphere 大气
6. ecosystem 生态系统
7. desert 沙漠
8. forest 森林
9. mountain range 山脉
10. ecological balance 生态平衡
11. ocean circulation 海洋环流
12. biodiversity / the variety of life forms 生物多样性
13. food chain 食物链
1. air pollution 大气污染
2. poison 毒;毒药
3. noise 噪音
4. acid rain 酸雨
5. global warming 全球变暖
6. due to / owing to 由于;因为
7. destroy 破坏
8. do harm to 对……有害
9. bring about 导致;引起
10. greenhouse effect 温室效应
11. have an influence on 对……产生影响
12. bring...to extinction 使……灭绝
13. desertification 沙漠化
14. deforestation 滥伐森林
15. soil loss 土壤流失
16. climate change 气候变化
17. energy crisis 能源危机
18. be threatened by 受到……的威胁
19. population explosion 人口爆炸
20. lack / be short of 缺乏
21. overdevelop 过度开发
22. water shortage 水缺乏
23. hunt 捕猎
24. rob sb of sth 夺走某人某物
25.put sth at the risk of 使某物面临……的危险
26. die out 灭绝
27. under threat 处于威胁中
28. on the brink of extinction 濒临灭绝
29. be in danger 处于危险中
30. be faced with 面临
31. decline / decrease rapidly 快速减少
32. endangered animals 濒危动物
33. cut down trees 砍伐树木
34. poacher 偷猎者
35. pour waste water into the rivers 把废水注入河流
36. send out smoke and poisonous gases into the air 向空气中散发烟和有毒气体
37. haze 雾霾
1. rubbish / litter 垃圾
2. waste 废物;废弃物
3. trash 废物
4. garbage 垃圾;废物
5. pollutant 污染物
6. ashes 灰烬;废墟
7. dust 尘土;灰尘
8. dirt 污物;烂泥
9. carbon dioxide 二氧化碳
10. greenhouse gases 温室气体
11. smog 烟雾
12. emission 排放;散发物
13. landfill 垃圾填埋地
1. save water 节约用水
2. recycle / reuse 再利用;循环使用
3. conservation 保护;保持
4. economize 节省;节俭
5. renewable 可再生的
6. alternative 可供替代的
7. circulate (液体或气体)环流;循环
8. make full use of / make the best of / take advantage of 充分利用
Ⅱ. 主题精彩表达(悉其用)
1. 我们应该参加旨在使人们意识到有必要保护我们的生存环境的活动。 (现在分词短语作定语)
We should take part in the activities aiming to make people aware of the need to protect our living environment.
2. 我们是时候结束免费塑料袋了。任何破坏法规的人都应该受到惩罚。 (含It's high time that句型)
It's high time that we called for/demanded/put an end to free plastic bags. Whoever breaks the rules should be punished.
3. 如果我们对自己面临的污染问题视而不见,那么很有可能我们的健康和地球都将处于极大的危险之中。 (含It's highly likely that句型)
If we turn a blind eye to the pollution problems that we are facing, it's highly likely that our health and the Earth will both be in great danger.
4. 众所周知,全球变暖、环境污染和持续激增的人口导致了日益严重的粮食短缺。 (用强调句型)
We all know that it is global warming,environmental pollution and the ever-increasing population that bring about the increasingly severe global food shortage.
5. 在我看来,为了我们的未来,我们只能保护我们的环境。 (用as far as...be concerned)
As far as I'm concerned, for our future we can do nothing but protect our environment.
6. 让我们一起努力,尽我们所能让地球变成更美好的家园。 (用what引导宾语从句)
Let's work together and do what we can to make the Earth a better place to live in.
7. 野生动物处于濒危状态,他们似乎一点也不担心。 (用It seems that句型)
It seems that they are not worried at all about the fact that wild animals are endangered.
8. 如果我们现在不采取措施来保护地球,将来我们会无处生存。(unless引导的条件状语从句)
We’ll have nowhere to live in the future unless we take action to protect the Earth now.
9. 如果你考虑我的建议我将感激不尽,我的确希望你们的报纸会对环境保护工作有所影响。 (用I'd appreciate it if...句型)
I'd appreciate it if you could take my tips into account and I do hope your paper will make a difference to environmental protection.
10. 现在,随着经济的发展,许多城市面临着严重的环境问题, 这对人们的健康十分有害。 (含非限制性定语从句)
Nowadays, with the development of economy, many cities are faced with serious environmental problems, which do great harm to people's health.
11. 只有保护好环境, 才能真正拥有更好的生活条件。 (用on condition that引导条件状语从句)
Better living conditions can really be reached on condition that the environment is well protected.
12. 我们每天都能发现自己处于一个令人兴奋的世界里,阳光灿烂、树木青翠、百花齐放。 (含with复合结构)
We can find us in an exciting world every day, with the sun shining brightly, green trees growing and flowers coming out with all kinds of colors.
13. 我们应该让公众意识到每个人应该而且能够做些事情来解决环境问题。 (含宾语从句)
We should make the public aware that everyone should and can do something to deal with environmental problems.
14. 因此,骑上我们的自行车,一起为打造一个低碳城市而勇挑重担吧。 (用不定式作目的状语)
Therefore, let's take the responsibility to build up a low-carbon city by riding bicycles.
假定你是校学生会主席,为了解决城市空气污染问题,你代表学生会向全校师生发出倡议。 请根据以下要点,用英语写一份倡议书:
1. 简述城市空气污染的危害;
2. 提出解决该问题的建议:
3. 发出号召。注意:
1. 词数100左右;
2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;
3. 开头与结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数。
Dear teachers and students,
Thank you!
Students' Union
这是一份倡议书,要求就城市空气污染问题发出倡议。 倡议书一般由标题、称呼、正文、结尾和落款五部分组成。倡议书的正文一般包括:写倡议书的背景和目的;倡议的具体内容和要求; 结尾一般表明倡议者的决心和希望,或写出某种建议。
倡议书一般由个人或集体发出,作用是倡导某项活动。 倡议书遵循书信的一般格式,但由于用途和作用的差异,在许多细微之处各不相同。
1. 从写作内容上来说,一般倡议书应该包括倡议原因、目的、具体内容和要求等。该写作内容包括观点、原因、注意问题和建议。
2. 从写作手法上来说,倡议书的措辞要贴切,情感要真挚,语言要富于号召性,可多用should、ought to、may、can等表示建议的情态动词;倡议书的篇幅不宜过长,开头要简单明了,吸引读者的注意, 结尾最好加上简洁有力的呼吁。
3. 从谋篇布局来说,倡议书格式和一般书信大致相同,一般由称呼、正文、结尾、落款四部分组成,有些倡议书还根据需要加了适当的标题。
(1)称呼。 写称呼的目的是为了明确倡议的对象,一般要依据倡议的对象而选用适当的称呼, 如 Dear friends、Dear schoolmates、Dear editor、Dear students等。
(2)正文。 倡议旨在引起他人的响应,这就要求作者须清楚说明倡议背景、原因,申明倡议目的,做到让人信服,这样人们才能响应并自觉行动。 倡议的内容也要具体,要写明有什么作用。 一般倡议的内容可为几点来写的,这样倡议的对象更容易看清, 更容易明白,效果也更好。
(3)结尾。 结尾可表明倡议者的决心和希望或者提出某种建议,但是一般不在结尾用些表示敬意或祝愿的话。
(4)落款。 在下方署名发出倡议的集体或倡议者的姓名。
常见的有关城市空气污染及其危害的词汇有atmosphere、situation、pollute、dirty、litter、waste、garbage、rubbish、threaten、terrifying、destroy、serious、cause、air pollution、environmental problem、take in、do harm to等; 常见的有关解决城市空气污染问题的词汇有mask、warn、improve、protect、effective、active、reusable、ride a bicycle、take a bus、use cleaner fuels、plant trees、take action、form a habit of、develop renewable resources等。
结构 写作要点 普通表达 升级表达第一部分简述:城市空气污染及其危害●These days one of the environmental problems in our city is air pollution.●Every day we have to take in very dirty air, and it does great harm to our health.●To make the air in the city fresher, we should remember the following.●These days one major environmental problem in our city is air pollution.●Every day we have to take in very dirty air, which does great harm to our health.●To make the air in the city fresher, we should keep the following in mind.第二部分列举:具体解决城市空气污染的办法● First, we'd better not drive a car. We should take a bus or ride a bicycle and try to use cleaner fuels.● Second, we should not throw litter here and there. We should put it into the dustbin.●Third, we should close some factories or move them out of the city.● Finally, we need to plant more trees or grass, so that we could make the air fresh.●Firstly, we should take a bus or ride a bicycle instead of driving a car and try to use cleaner fuels.● Secondly, we should not throw litter here and there but put it into the dustbin.●Thirdly, some factories should be closed or moved out of the city.● Finally, we need to plant more trees or grass to make the air fresh.第三部分 倡议:发出号召● In my opinion, we'd better take action and try our best to make the air in the city cleaner.●Let's take action and try our best to make the air in the city cleaner!
Dear teachers and students,
①These days one of the environmental problems in our city is air pollution. ②Every day we have to take in dirty air, and it is harmful to our health. ③To make the air fresher, we should remember the following.
④ First, we'd better not drive a car. We should take a bus or ride a bicycle. ⑤Second,we should not throw litter everywhere. We should put it into the dustbin. ⑥ Third, we should close some factories or move them out of the city. ⑦Finally, we need to plant more trees or grass, so that we could make the air fresh.
⑧In my opinion, we’d better take action and try our best to make the air in the city cleaner.
Thank you!Students’ Union
Dear teachers and students,
①These days one major environmental problem in our city is air pollution. ②Every day we have to take in dirty air, which does great harm to our health. ③To make the air in the city fresher, we should keep the following in mind.
④ Firstly, we should take a bus or ride a bicycle instead of driving a car. ⑤Secondly, we should not throw litter here and there but put it into the dustbin. ⑥ Thirdly, some factories should be closed or moved out of the city.⑦ Finally, we need to plant more trees or grass to make the air fresh.
⑧Let's take action and try our best to make the air in the city cleaner!
Thank you!
Students’ Union
倡议 理由别乱扔垃圾 ……爱护花草树木 ……循环利用资源 ……保持教室整洁 ……
认真阅读和对比两篇文章,我们会发现相同标号的内容采用了不同的表达方式表达相同或相近的意思。 因此,同学们在平时的写作中, 应该多使用一些复杂结构或高级词汇,以便给文章增色添彩;同时,同学们也应该学会使用简单词汇或句式来表达较为复杂的意思。另外,高级范文表达中的部分词汇虽然目前尚未学到,但都属于课标词汇,学有余力的同学可以提前学习掌握。
假定你是校学生会主席,为了有一个美好的校园环境, 请你代表学生会向全校发出倡议。 要求内容包括以下要点并阐述你的理由。
1. 词数 100 左右;
2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
Dear friends,
Thank you!
Students' Union