

阅读与作文(英语初中版) 2019年9期

和很多少女一樣,凯蒂是《星运里的错》的忠实书迷,也非常喜欢安塞尔·艾尔高特。她又和其他少女很不同——她患过一种结节性癌症,在无疾病征兆两年后病复发了。前不久,凯蒂去到了Teen Vogue杂志的拍摄现场,见到了自己的偶像,还和安塞尔成为了好朋友。

There was a very special visitor at Ansel Elgorts Teen Vogue photo shoot: Katie Hawley, a teen girl whos battling Ganglioneuroblastoma, a type of nodular cancer. How did she achieve her goal of meeting The Fault in Our Stars actor? A whole lot of ambition and perseverance—and a little help from Instagram.

“I went through six rounds of chemo, radiation, and then I was N.E.D (no evidence of disease) for two years and got it again when I was 13,” Katie says. “That one came back in my bones. I did two rounds of chemo again, two rounds of MIBG therapy, and a year of Vorinostat.”

At only 15, shes been through more pain than most people will endure in a lifetime. Through it all, shes managed to stay positive. “I think Ive been doing pretty well so far. The only problem is, friends have walked away in the past, and thats been hard for me. But I made some really good friends in high school this year and Im excited to see where things go,” she says.

One of those new friends is Ansel, and it all started when she picked up John Greens novel. “I heard about TFIOS and I read it in eight hours. It was very sad for me, but I couldnt put it down,” she says. “I talked about the book and Ansel all the time at school, and my friends were getting annoyed. So I went on Instagram and commented on his account every single day for a month about how big of an inspiration he is to me. I also left the link to my CaringBridge注 account, and the next thing you know, his mom emailed my mom. I screamed and I started crying.”

It wasnt long before those emails turned into Katie coming to set and meeting her hero in person. “We told them we were coming out to New York City for a treatment soon, and Mrs. Elgort said they would love to get together if we ever had a day off. It was the best feeling in the world,” she says.

But not as good as actually meeting Ansel.“When I first met him, I fell to the ground. Then it turned into tears because I was so thankful,”she says. “He was literally the nicest person in the whole entire world. He was so welcoming, had the best personality—it was a dream come true. We had a conversation and he kept asking me questions and treating me like I was one of his best friends.” Not to mention he called her pretty.

Whats next for Katie, now that shes made one of the coolest BFFs ever? Seeing her new friend in Insurgent, like every other teenage girl in the world. Then after that? Keeping her high school grades up so she can live out her dream of helping others as a pediatric nurse.“Ive had so many great nurses in the past and think I could do great in that position because I love helping kids and I know what its like—Id be able to relate to the children,”she says. Theres clearly no stopping this girl. Not for a second.

在《Teen Vogue》杂志为安塞尔·艾尔高特进行拍照的现场,来了一位很特别的客人——凯蒂·霍利,一个正在和节细胞性神经母细胞瘤(一种结节性癌症)作战的少女。她是如何实现自己的愿望,见到《星运里的错》的男主角的呢?答案是极大的雄心和毅力——加上Instagram的一点帮忙。








Not to mention的意思是“更不用说……”、“此外”,后面可以跟名词或从句,如:

1) They have three dogs to look after, not to mention the cat and the bird.(他们有三只狗需要照料,此外还有猫和鸟。)

2) Old folk and children alike are all against the proposal, not to mention the youth.(老人和小孩都不赞成这个建议,更不用说年轻人了。)

3) Not to mention how I felt about other people.(更不用说我对其他人的感觉了。)


A kind kid helps a classmate beat cancer Aka