A new study out of Minnesota found that 70 percent of the states electricity could come from wind and solar energy by 2050—and it would cost about the same as natural gas.
State officials plan to use the report, which was commissioned1 by the Minnesota Department of Commerce, as it considers future energy policy decisions.
The state has been a national leader in pushing renewable energy since 2007 when Tim Pawlenty, a Republican2, enacted legislation to increase renewable energy use and decrease greenhouse gas emissions.
“The best time to have taken action on energy issues wouldve been 30 years ago,” Pawlenty said after signing the Next Generation Energy Act of 2007. “The nation has been asleep at the switch3, but here in Minnesota we are kick-starting the future.”
Today, around 20 percent of the states electricity comes from wind, and around 1 percent from solar, said Josh Quinnell, a senior research engineer at the Center for Energy and Environment, one of the organizations that completed the report.
“We have a thriving wind industry,” Quinnell said, “and solar has kicked off this year.”
According to the report, Minnesota could get 10 percent of its energy from solar by 2025.
The results of this study could signal to other states that renewable energy may be cost effective, said Jeff Ressler, CEO of Clean Power Research, which also worked on the report.
“Minnesota is kind of unique in that it has an outstanding wind resource and also good solar,” Ressler said. “But there are other places in the Midwest like that. We can look to repeat this analysis in other locations.”
Though this report is just one of many steps toward that goal, the researchers are confident the state will achieve it. And as technology continues to improve, they say, eventually all electricity will come from renewable sources.
“Im confident well get there in my lifetime,” Quinnell said.
来自明尼苏达州的一项新研究发现,到2050年,该州70% 的電力将来自风能和太阳能——其成本将与天然气大致相当。