王金环 聂永胜
摘 要:本文研究一类双曲守恒律系统的狄拉克激波与非线性古典波之间的相互作用问题,它等价于解决具有三片常初始状态的黎曼问题。根据初值的不同组合,将该问题分为四大类:δ和δ,δ和,δ和,δ和,并进一步借助于特征线分析方法,在适当的广义Rankine-Hugoniot条件(简称RH条件)和熵条件下,获得了六种不同的黎曼解结构及其相应的准则。
Abstract:In this paper,we study the interactions between delta-shock waves and nonlinear classical waves in a hyperbolic conservation law system,which is equivalent to solve Riemann problem with three constant states. According to combination of initial data,the problem is classified into four different cases:δ and δ,δ and ,δ and ,δ and . With the help of characteristic analysis method,by solving generalized Rankine-Hugoniot relation and entropy condition,six kinds of different configurations of solutions and the corresponding criteria are obtained.
Keywords:hyperbolic systems of conservation laws;delta shock wave;generalized Rankine-Hugoniot relation;entropy condition
0 引 言
3 结 论
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