Unit 12 STEP BY STEP 随堂通


中学生英语·阅读与写作 2019年8期


(    )1. The text is very easy for you. There are__________ new words in it.

A. a few B. a little

C. few D. little

(    )2. —Who cleaned the blackboard yesterday, Linda?

—Mary  __________   .

A. cleaned B. does C. did D. is

(    )3. There  __________  a lot of people at the street corner when the accident (事故)  happened.

A. was B. were C. have been D. had

(    )4. Emma stayed at home and  __________ English last weekend.

A. practises speaking B. practised spoke

C. practised speaking

D. practised to speak


It was Sunday morning. Eric was    1   . He had no classes. After breakfast, Eric said to his mother, “Mom, can you go to the beach    2    me?”

“OK, dear. I want to go there, too,” his mother said. “Lets take some food. If we are    3   , we can eat it.” “Good idea!” said Eric. They decided (决定) to take a    4    there. They each had a seat (座位) because there    5    many people on that bus.

On the beach, Eric and his mother had a great    6   . They played beach volleyball and had a    7    in the water. Eric made two new friends there. One is Rose and    8    is Bill. After getting home, Eric    9    a letter to his cousin Alice and told her    10    he and his mother did on that day.

(    )1. A. at home B. at school

C. on the beach

D. on the ground

(    )2. A. at B. for

C. with D. of

(    )3. A. quiet B. hungry C. shy D. tired

(    )4. A. car  B. train C. bike D. bus

(    )5. A. werent B. are C. wasnt   D. is

(    )6. A. time B. class C. place D. room

(    )7. A. day B. tour C. swim D. time

(    )8. A. other B. the other C. others D. second

(    )9. A. asked B. visited C. gave D. wrote

(    )10. A. what B. why C. when D. which


My name is Jenny. I had a wonderful weekend. I went to the beach with my family on Saturday. It was a fine day. My father read a sports magazine on the bench and enjoyed the sunshine. My brother played volleyball with some new friends and had a great time on the beach. My mother was good at swimming and stayed with some swimmers in the afternoon. What did I do? I played volleyball with my brother and took many pictures. We were all happy.

(    )1. On Saturday, I went to the beach with my brother and parents.

(    )2. My father read some books under the sunshine.

(    )3. My brother spent much time playing volleyball with my sister.

(    )4. My mother was a good swimmer.

(    )5. I took lots of pictures and went to swim.

Section B


Nick is my friend. He    1    a large police dog. Its name is Jack. Every Saturday afternoon, Nick and Jack    2    for a long walk in the park. Jack likes these long walks very much.

One afternoon, a young man came to

3    Nick. He    4    for a long time. He talked and talked. Soon it    5    time for Nick to take Jack    6    a walk. But the man was still there. Jack became very worried (著急的). It walked around the room several times. And then it    7    down in front of the man and    8    at him. But the man kept talking. At last, Jack couldnt stand it. It    9    out of the room and came back a few minutes later. It sat down again in front of the man. But this    10   , it held the mans hat in its mouth.

(    )1. A. have B. has

C. had D. is

(    )2. A. goes B. take

C. takes D. go

(    )3. A. visit B. watch

C. saw D. look

(    )4. A. stay B. stayed

C. stays D. is staying

(    )5. A. is B. was

C. has D. takes

(    )6. A. to B. for

C. with D. on

(    )7. A. sat B. sit

C. go D. went

(    )8. A. look B. looked

C. watched D. watch

(    )9. A. go B. come C. look D. went

(    )10. A. times B. one C. time D. is


Robert went to visit his friends in Paris last weekend. His friends met him at the airport on Friday afternoon and drove him to the hotel. They ate dinner at a Chinese restaurant and went to see a film after that.

Robert and his friends set out early on Saturday morning for a farm and stayed there until Sunday morning. During their stay, they played football in the field and enjoyed a big meal around a camp fire, singing and dancing till late into the night.

Nobody could get up early on Sunday morning. So when they got back to Paris, it was about three oclock in the afternoon. They drove quickly to the airport because Robert didnt want to miss his plane back home. Robert only stayed in Paris for two nights but he had a great time with his friends.

(    )1. Where did Robert go last weekend?

A. New York.      B. London.        C. Paris.        D. Beijing.

(    )2. What did Robert and his friends do after dinner on Friday?

A. They went for a drive.

B. They played football.

C. They went back to hotel.

D. They saw a film.

(    )3. What didnt they do on the farm?

A. They sang and danced.

B. They played football.

C. They rode bikes.

D. They enjoyed a big meal around a camp fire.

(    )4. What time did they get back to Paris?

A. About 5:00 a.m.

B. About 5:00 p.m.

C. About 3:00 a.m.

D. About 3:00 p.m.

(    )5. How long did Robert stay in Paris?

A. Two nights.        B. Four days.      C. One day.      D. Two days.

