

中学生英语·阅读与写作 2019年8期

● Dora and the Lost City of Gold

○ 《爱探险的朵拉》

Dora, a teenage explorer, leads her friends on an adventure to save her parents and solve the mystery behind a lost city of gold. This adventure and family movie is released on 31 July, 2019 in the USA.

朵拉,一位少女探险家, 带着她的朋友们去探险,为了拯救她的父母并解开失落的黄金之城背后的秘密。这部探险、家庭类电影将于2019年7月31日在美国上映。

● Brave Ballerina: The Story of Janet Collins

○ 《勇敢的芭蕾舞女演员:珍妮特·柯林斯的故事》

摘自   By Kathie Meizner   凯西·梅斯纳 著

The book, by Michelle Meadows, tells the story of Janet Collins, a gifted dancer born in New Orleans in 1917, a time when many ballet companies would not accept a black artist. Meadows simply introduces the moments to young listeners and readers that made up Collinss road to success as a dancer—including the young ballerinas own hard work and the strong support of her family—and to the heartbreaking ways she was against by racial segregation1. Ebony Glenns graceful, friendly illustrations2 show Collins as a child, arms outstretched3 in the joy of dancing. And later as a young woman, she worked to perfect her art in lithe4 poses and wearing beautiful costumes. Collins became the Metropolitan Operas first African American first ballerina. This is a wonderful and inspirational biography for aspiring5 young dancers and other athletes.


● Gittels Journey

○ 《吉特尔的旅程》

摘自   By Kathie Meizner   凯西·梅斯纳 著

Lesléa Newmans Gittels Journey based on the true stories of her grandmother and a family friend—is a gentle, moving look at a childs experience of leaving home forever. The story centers on 9-year-old Gittel, who wishes she could bring a neighbors goat, Frieda, with her as she and her mother prepare to leave their home in Europe for the journey to America. By the time the long journey by steamship begins, however, Gittel has very few possessions6. There is a dirty and old doll, a gift from her friend and neighbor. There are her mothers candlesticks and the note with her uncles address that her mother—denied boarding because of an eye infection7—presses into Gittels hands. “Home is not safe for us,” her mother tells the little girl. “You are going to America to have a better life.” Gittel looks a bit like Little Red Riding Hood, with her long skirt and apron8 over her boots, and a red scarf over her hair. She carries her mothers note carefully, but the ocean water has smeared9 the ink by the time the ship is within sight of the Statue of Liberty; it takes the kindness and ingenuity10 of the translator at Ellis Island to unite the child with her family.



1. racial segregation种族隔离

2. illustration [      ] n. 说明;插图

3. outstretch [      ] v. 伸展; 伸出

4. lithe [      ] adj. 轻盈的(等于lithesome);柔软的;易弯曲的

5. aspiring [      ] adj. 有抱负的

6. possession [      ] n. 财产;所有物

7. infection [      ] n. 感染;传染

8. apron [      ] n. 围裙

9. smear [      ] vt. 诽谤;弄脏;涂上;把……擦模糊

10. ingenuity [      ] n. 足智多谋


那一天, 我终于读懂了爱