朱晨飞 黄淑华 王怀聪 何杭松
摘 要: BP?AdaBoost算法结合BP神经网络和AdaBoost算法二者的优点,在提高准确率的同时加快训练速度。但传统BP神经网络在训练时可能会出现陷入局部最优的问题,针对此缺陷,提出一种改进的BP?AdaBoost算法,先采用思维进化算法调整BP神经网络的权值和阈值,再运用优化后的BP神经网络构造多个优化的弱预测器,最后将AdaBoost多分类思想引入改进的BP?AdaBoost算法中,构造多个强预测器判断决策输出结果。将改进的BP?AdaBoost算法与小波神经网络用于上证指数开盘指数的预测中,通过实验对比分析,证明了算法的可行性与优越性。
关键词: 神经网络; BP?AdaBoost算法; 思维进化算法; 多分类; 上证指数预测; 强预测器
中图分类号: TN711?34; TP183 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1004?373X(2019)19?0064?04
Abstract: The BP?AdaBoost algorithm can combine the advantages of the BP neural network and AdaBoost algorithm to improve the accuracy and the training speed. However, the traditional BP neural network may be easy to fall into local optimum. Therefore, an improved BP?AdaBoost algorithm is proposed to solve this problem. In the algorithm, the mind evolutionary algorithm is adopted to adjust the weights and thresholds of BP neural network, the optimized BP neural network is used to build several optimized weak predictors, and then the multi?classification idea of AdaBoost algorithm is introduced into the improved BP?AdaBoost algorithm to construct multiple strong predictors to determine the output result. The improved BP?AdaBoost algorithm and wavelet neural network were used in the opening index prediction of Shanghai Composite Index. The feasibility and superiority of the improved BP?AdaBoost algorithm were proved by the comparison analysis.
Keywords: neural network; BP?AdaBoost algorithm; mind evolutionary algorithm; multi?classification; Shanghai Composite Index; strong predictor
0 引 言
人工神经网络中,多层前馈BP(Back Propagation)神经网络的应用最为广泛,它利用误差逆传播算法进行训练,可以任意精度逼近非线性函数,具有循环反复交替进行的学习过程和输入信号顺传播、输出误差反向传播的特点。迭代分类算法AdaBoost(Adapting Boosting)运用特定方式训练弱分类器,通过弱分类器的误差予以弱分类器不同权重,最后线性组合成一个强分类器输出决策结果。BP?AdaBoost算法有效结合BP与AdaBoost算法二者优点 [1?2],可提高算法泛化能力,防止单个BP神经网络训练时准确率较低的问题,同时避免传统AdaBoost分类速度会随训练样本增加骤然变慢的问题。目前,很多学者将AdaBoost算法和BP神经网络相结合并运用于不同领域,有效地解决了一些分类和回归问题。文献[3?4]将BP?AdaBoost算法进行改进后用于分类研究,通过对比实验验证了BP?AdaBoost算法具有更好的泛化能力,并通过改进算法进一步提高分类的准确率和实效性。文献[5]将BP?AdaBoost算法用于预测研究,并通过实验验证了在建筑能耗预测中BP?AdaBoost算法的预测精度优于GA?BP和传统的BP神经网络。
3.2 仿真实验分析
4 结 论
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