

现代电子技术 2019年19期


摘  要: 传统的图像匹配融合方法在匹配多重纹理图像时,很容易出现误差匹配,融合后的图像清晰度不高,轮廓不鲜明,针对上述问题,在云平台网络上研究了一种新的多重纹理图像匹配融合方法。首先,计算多重纹理图像的匹配代价,分析图像像素的相似度和特异性,构建动态规划路径,在不同网络结构下匹配多重纹理图像;然后,建立树状图对图像进行融合;最后,利用视察矫正方法将匹配融合得到的误差点消除。为验证该方法的工作效果,与传统匹配融合方法进行实验对比,结果表明,给出的方法能够清晰地得到像素点云,使融合后的图像轮廓鲜明,画质清晰,适用于图像重构。

关键词: 云平台; 网络图像; 多重纹理图像; 图像匹配; 图像融合; 融合方法

中图分类号: TN911.73?34; TP391.41                 文献标识码: A                文章编号: 1004?373X(2019)19?0059?05

Abstract: The traditional image matching and fusion methods are prone to error matching when matching of multi?texture images is conducted. The fused image is not clear and its contour is not clear. To solve the above problems, a new multi?texture image matching and fusion method is studied on cloud platform network. Firstly, the matching cost of multi?texture image is calculated, the similarity and specificity of image pixels are analyzed, the dynamic programming path is constructed, and the multi?texture image is matched under the condition of different network structures. Then, the tree image is established for image fusion. Finally, the error points obtained by matching fusion are eliminated with inspection correction method. In order to verify the effectiveness of this method, some experiments are carried out for comparison with traditional matching and fusion methods. The results show that the proposed method can obtain the pixel point?cloud clearly, which makes the fused image contour distinct and quality clear, and is suitable for image reconstruction.

Keywords: cloud platform; network image; multi?texture image; image matching; image fusion; fusion method

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