

商界评论 2019年9期





全球化正在变成区域化。麦肯锡全球研究院(MGI)分析发现,自全球遭遇金融危机以来,它研究的17个大型行业中有16个全球价值链(GVC)一直处于收缩状态。从2007年到2017年,贸易绝对值继续增长,但在此期间,同一批价值链的出口从总产出的28.1%下降到22.5%。贸易强度下降幅度最大的全球价值链是那些交易量最大且复杂的,如服装、汽车和电子产品。正如MGI的苏珊·伦德(Susan Lund)所解释的:“更多的生产正在靠近主要的消费市场。”




Loving China, leaving China

A look at where clothes, cars and computers are made reveals differing patterns of supply fragmentation.

Globalisation is becoming regionalisation. Analysis by MGI finds that the global value chains (GVCs) in 16 of 17 big industries it studied have been contracting since the global financial crisis. Trade continued to grow in absolute terms from 2007 to 2017, but during that period exports in those same value chains declined from 28.1% to 22.5% of gross output. The biggest declines in trade intensity were observed in the most heavily traded and complex GVCs, such as those in clothing, cars and electronics. As MGIs Susan Lund explains, more production is happening in proximity to major consumer markets.

Chinas role as the worlds workshop is starting to fade, but surprisingly this may not sound the death knell for mainland manufacturing. Thanks to its skilled labour force and excellent infrastructure, China remains an outstanding place to make things, hence its continued strength in numerous sectors. Also, the rise of the Chinese middle class has led many firms to redirect production to serve the local market. So MNCs are clearly rethinking the old linear sourcing model for Western markets, but the path forward is unclear. Different industries will make different choices.

The clothing sector is globally footloose; the car industry is coalescing around regional hubs; and the electronics business remains rooted in China (though Mr Trumps attack on Huawei, its technology champion, will affect this).

Big parts of the clothing and footwear business involve labour-intensive tasks such as stitching, so cost-conscious bosses are always chasing low-cost markets. Many long ago left the mainland, where wages have soared, for SouthEast Asia and Bangladesh. Nike and Adidas make more training shoes in Vietnam than China.

Unlike those cut-rate competitors, say experts, Chinese factories have the specialised machinery and experienced operators that are needed to make seamless fabrics and other higher-value textiles.

Chinas share in big clothes-importing markets such as Japan and Europe has declined since 2010 as they have been buying cheaper clothes made in South-East Asia instead. However, Chinas share in every big textileimport market in Asia has soared because many of those workshops still bought fabrics from the mainland. Its export share into Vietnam, for example, more than doubled to 5o% from 2005 to 2017. The upshot is that although Chinas oncedominant role in this industry has diminished, it remains strong in important niches.

Good night, Shanghai

Car firms have invested heavily to turn Mexico into an export base. The value of its automobile exports has more than doubled since 2010, approaching $50bn last year. The main reasons are not the nearly-defunct North American Free Trade Agreement or lower labour costs, but rather Mexicos four dozen free-trade agreements with other countries which allow it to export to almost half the works market for new cars tariff-free. Carmakers have rejigged supply lines to take advantage. Mexicos car exports to Germany have nearly 40% German components by value, while those crossing its northern border have over 70% American content.

Mr Trumps tariffs on China have pushed Big Autos supply chains to become even more regional. "Were finally ready to leave China." says a senior supply-chain executive at a global car maker. His firm is looking seriously at shifting its sourcing for global market from China to India, but finds Indian vendors "unreliable". It thought about dividing between India and Mexico, but saw that its supply base would lose economies of scale. The winner will be Mexico, he savs.

Innovation nation

Half the worlds electronics-manufacturing capacity is based on the mainland. Its strengths go beyond sheer scale to diversity and sophistication of products. The pace of hardware innovation in Chinas Pearl river delta is unmatched even in Silicon Valley. So, too, is its unique blend of scale and agility. This is why most of the worlds technology giants make their kit in China.

Rising costs led some electronics firms to consider moving out a few years ago. Most notably, Samsung has built a huge smartphonemanufacturing complex in Vietnam.Many firms are discovering that leaving China is not so easy. George Yeo of Kerry Logistics, which has lorries and men all over Asia, has noticed an uptick in clients investing in South-East Asia. Vietnam and Cambodia are the biggest beneficiaries, he reports. But labour productivity is a big problem across the region and infrastructure can be ropey. Much of the investment he sees is going into labour-intensive industries like textiles. In electronics, Mr Yeo thinks the exodus is limited to low-end kit. “Thinks to automation and high value-add, Shenzhen is still king.”

Scrutiny of these three sectors suggests a messy path forward from globalisation. Making this challenge more acute, MNC bosses are now faced with a double threat. Not only must they make supply chains shorter, they must make them faster.


















全球化减速:全球化已失去动力 精读
益邦供应链 深耕大健康