New Records of Plant Distribution in Guizhou


农业生物技术(英文版) 2019年3期

Xingyong CUI Yanbing YANG Mingtai AN Xiaofang LI

Abstract Four new species were recorded in Guizhou Province, namely Sonerila trinervis Q. W. Lin, Mazus pulchellus Hemsl. ex Forbes et Hemsl., and Hanceola exserta Sun. and Habenaria furcifera Lindl.

Key words New recorded species; Herbaceous plant; Guizhou Province

In the survey of wild plant resources, four new Guizhou recorded species were discovered, checked Flora and journal articles, namely Sonerila trinervis QW Lin of Melastomataceae[1], Mazus pulchellus Hemsl. ex Forbes et Hemsl. in Scrophularia  ceae [2-4] , Hanceola exserta Sun of Labiatae[5-7], and Hasselaria furcifera Lindl. in Orchidaceae[8-9]. The discovery of these taxa has certain significance for the enrichment of Guizhou germplasm resources and species diversity and related flora research.

The cited voucher specimens and photos are stored in the Guizhou University forest college tree herbarium (GZAC, formerly Guizhou Agricultural college tree herbarium).

Sonerila trinervis Q. W. Lin

In Bull. Bot Res. 35(6): 803-806. 2015.

Caule supra ramo so,cylindrico haud alato,juventute purpureo rubes  centi cyrto puberulo necnon glanduloso piloso. Foliamembrancea, ovata ad anguste elliptica apice acuminate, basi cuneate decurrentia, margine serrulate, apice dentum glandu loso pilosa, supra valde puberula et sparse glandulo so pilosa, subtus furfuracea, secus nervos sparse glan duloso pilosa; trinervis primariis supra impressis. Petails albis, subcirularcularibus ca.  2 mm  diam. It is similar to S. erecta  but stems glabrous, leaf margin not obvious small sawtooth, feathery vein, secondary veins  2-3  on each side of midvein; Petals pink to purple, oblong elliptic.

Changting County, Fujian Province (type locality). Streams wet sides, valleys mountains, 700 m. First records in Guizhou, which becomes a new distribution area following the type locality.

Distribution in Guizhou Province: China, Guizhou Province, Congjiang County, Wangdong Town, Zeli Village, Zeli Mountains. Shallow soil layer aside a road, 845 m. Voucher specimen: 15 October, 2017, Yang Yanbing, Cui Xingyong BS 323 1. Guizhou is a new distribution area following the type locality. It is speculated that this species might be distributed in Guangdong, Guangxi, Hunan and Jiangxi.

Mazus pulchellus Hemsl. ex Forbes et Hemsl.

Jour. Linn. Soc. Bot. 26: 182. 1890; Li, Brittonia 8(1): 34. 1954. Flora Reipub. Popul. Sinicae, 67(2): 180, pl. 21:  5-9 , 1979.

Leaves basal, rosulate, obovate spatulate, papery, apex rounded; bases tapering  gradually narrowed into winged stalks, margins incised serrate, double serrate, or irregularly pinnately parted. Racemes lax, numerous flowed; Corolla purple, Upper lip erect, margin fimbriate toothed. It is similar to M. omeiensis but differs by leaf thick papery to subleathery, upper lips rounded.

W Hubei, SE Sichuan, SE Yunnan. Moist places in rocky crevices, forests; ca. 1 600 m. Found from Chinese Virtual Herbarium (CVH) and the Global Biodiversity Information Network (GBIF) that it is also distributed in Chongqing, Gansu, Hunan, Guangxi. First records in Guizhou.

Distribution in Guizhou Province: China, Guizhou Province, Suiyang County, Kuankuo Town, Jiulong Village, Sujiagou. Valley damp rock, 880 m. Voucher photos: 3 April, 2016, Yang Yanbing DSC_9485 9488.

Hanceola exserta Sun

Flora Reipub. Popul. Sinicae, 66: 402, pl. 84: 7-15, 1977.

Herbs, 4 angled, troughs, sparsely fine strigose. leaf lanceolate, acuminate, gradually extending into a broadly winged stalk, marign callus serrates. Raceme grow on branches, sparsely flowered, densely puberulent. Corollas purple blue, funnelform, to  2.5 cm.  All anthers outsides, former stamens longer. It is similar to H. cavaleriei but hairless, shorter stamens.

SW Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Fujian, Hunan, Guangdong. Grassy slopes, subtropical evergreens forests, 540-1 400 m. H. exserta endemic to China. Referring to Chinese Virtual Herbarium, it also grows in Sichuan and Guangxi of China. First records in Guizhou.

Distribution in Guizhou Province: China, Guizhou Province, Congjiang County, Wangdong Town, Yangli Village. Shrubs along a small road, 850 m. Voucher specimen: 17 October, 2017, Yang Yanbing and Cui Xingyong BS 333.

Habenaria furcifera Lindl.

In Gen. Sp. Orch pl. 319. 1935; Flora Reipub. Popul. Sinicae, 17: 485, pl. 82: 1-4, 1999.

Herbaceous. Raceme densely many flowers; Flowers small, pale green, glabrous; Dorsal sepals orming a concave hood with petals, ovate; lateral sepals reflexed; lips 3 lobed from base, lobes linear, mid lobe erect, ca. 5 mm, lateral lobes slightly carved, ca. 7 mm; Spur pendulous, curved, much longer than  ovary,  slender; columns short; anther chamber slightly dilated, nearly as long as base elonged tube; stigmas 2, uplift, small, oblong. FL. Sep. It is similar to H. nematocerata but pinkish white; lateral sepals slanted ovate, 3 veins; petals slanted long ovate.

Yunnan (Mongla), India, Nepal, Sikkim, Bhutan, N Myanma, Thailand. Type collected from India (Mussoorie). Valley forest edge, under, 1 150 m. First records in Guizhou.

Distribution in Guizhou Province: China, Guizhou Province, Liuzhi, Zangke Town, Mucheng Village, Jiguanling. Valley karst forest, 795 m. Voucher specimen: 7 August, 2016, Li Xiaofang, Yang Yanbing LZ 013. This distribution point is the known most northeast distribution point, which has certain significance for studying the origin and differentiation of this species.


[1] Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Iconographia Cormophytorum Sinicorum (3-5)[M]. Beijing: Science Press, 1972. (in Chinese)

[2] LI YK. Flora Guizhouensis 6[M]. Chengdu: Sichuan Peoples Publishing House, 1989: 173-202. (in Chinese)

[3] LI YK. Flora Guizhouensis 8[M]. Chengdu: Sichuan Peoples Publishing House , 1989: 300-509. (in Chinese)

[4] LI YK. Flora Guizhouensis 10[M]. Guiyang: Guizhou Science and Technology Press,2004: 138-290. (in Chinese)

[5] Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Fl. Reip. Pop. Sin. 53(1)[M]. Beijing: Science Press, 1984: 135-293. (in Chinese)

[6] Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Fl. Reip. Pop. Sin. 65(2)[M]. Beijing: Science Press, 1977: 215-592. (in Chinese)

[7] Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Fl. Reip. Pop. Sin. 67(2)[M]. Beijing: Science Press, 1979: 160-420. (in Chinese)

[8] Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Fl. Reip. Pop. Sin. 7[M]. Beijing: Science Press, 1999: 485. (in Chinese)

[9] LIN QW. A new species of Sonerila Roxb. (Melastomataceae) from Fujian Province[J]. Bulletin of Botanical Research, 2015, 35(6): 803-806. (in Chinese)