


王帅 薛河 崔英浩

摘 要:准确的材料力学参数是结构完整性分析与评价的重要基础,冷加工硬化现象会造成材料力学性能参数的改变,而受冷加工硬化作用力学性能发生变化的局部区域往往是需要进行结构完整性分析的关键部位。为获取不同冷加工硬化量下材料的力学性能,文中采用数值模拟和力学试验相结合的方法,以常用的金属材料304奥氏体不锈钢为研究对象,通过单轴拉伸试验获得了10%,20%,30%,40%等4种不同冷加工条件下的工程应力应变数据;利用线弹塑性硬化模型,结合ABAQUS软件建立了获取冷加工硬化后材料力学性能的数值模拟方法,分析了不同冷加工硬化量下304奥氏体不锈钢力学性能的变化规律。结果表明,线弹塑性硬化模型在一定范围内能够较好地反映304奥氏体不锈钢受冷加工硬化作用后的力学行为,随着冷加工硬化量的不断增大,304奥氏体不锈钢的屈服应力大幅度升高,同时,冷加工硬化对304奥氏体不锈钢折减系数的影响相对较小。提出的方法可以用于重要工程结构中关键部位的结构完整性分析。


中图分类号:TG 113.2   文献标志码:A

DOI:10.13800/j.cnki.xakjdxxb.2019.0416   文章编号:1672-9315(2019)04-0681-07

Abstract:The accurate mechanical parameters of materials are of great significance to analyze and evaluate the structural integrity analysis and evaluation.The cold work hardening phenomenon will cause the change of the material mechanical property parameters,and the local areas where the mechanical properties are changed by the cold work hardening are often the key part for the structural integrity analysis.In order to obtain the mechanical properties of materials under different cold working conditions,the numerical simulation and mechanical testing methods were comparatively used in this paper.The 304 austenitic stainless steel was used in this research,and engineering stress and strain data under 10%,20%,30% and 40% cold worked conditions were obtained through the uniaxial tensile test.Combining the linear elastoplastic hardening model and the ABAQUS software,a numerical simulation method for obtaining the mechanical properties of the cold worked materials was established.The variation of the mechanical properties of the 304 austenitic stainless steel under different cold work conditions was analyzed.The results show that the linear elastic plastic hardening model can better reflect the mechanical behavior of the material after cold working.With the increase of the amount of cold work hardening,the yield stress of 304 austenitic stainless steel increased greatly while the effect of cold work hardening on the reduction factor of 304 austenitic stainless steel is relatively small.The method proposed in this paper can be used to analyze the structural integrity of key parts of important engineering structures.

Key words:mechanical properties of materials;elastic plastic FEM simulation;cold working;304 austenitic stainless steel;mechanical experiment

0 引 言




1 试验过程

1.1 试验材料及方法

试验采用山西太钢不锈钢股份有限公司提供的304奥氏体不锈钢薄板,执行标准GB/T24511-2009,材料交货前经退火、酸洗及精整处理,试样厚度为2 mm,其化学成分见表1.采用线切割加工如图1所示的板状拉伸试样。

1.2 304不锈钢拉伸试样单轴拉伸试验

为保证单轴拉伸试验的数据可靠性,选用同一批次的4枚板状拉伸试样,利用PLD 50KN型微机控制电液伺服拉伸试验机上将试样分别拉伸2,4,6,8 mm(预变形量10%,20%,30%,40%)后卸载,获得具有不同冷加工量的试样,再将预制后的试样重新拉伸直至试样断裂,以比较冷加工硬化后材料的力学性能。板状试样的拉伸过程如图2所示。

2.2 有限元模型

以板状拉伸试样为研究对象,根据板状试样的几何尺寸,绘制几何模型,分别在试样上设置固定孔与加载孔,以保证加载条件与物理实验一致,模拟计算时对左侧的固定孔进行全约束,通过右侧加载孔的水平右移模拟试样的拉伸过程,对试样施加5 mm的水平位移量保证材料达到屈服状态。

试样标距段网格采用六面体结构化网格,其余部分采用六面体扫略网格,由于试样标距段位置处会出现较大的应力梯度,所以对标距段进行适当的网格细化,以便获得准确的拉伸数据,网格过渡良好,无畸变。单元类型选择八节点三维实体单元(C3D8),单元数为2 988.有限元网格模型如图4所示。

3.1 单轴拉伸试验结果


3.2 数值模拟结果

为获取不同冷加工量下304奥氏体不锈钢的力学性能参数,选取线弹性塑性硬化关系作为材料真实应力-应变曲线简化模型,利用ABAQUS有限元软件对单轴拉伸试验进行数值模拟,并通过在模型中不断调节屈服应力σ0,折减系数δ 2个参数值来控制数值模拟结果,利用数值模拟获取试样标距段真实应力-应变曲线后,与单轴拉伸试验得到的真实应力-应变曲线进行比对,当拉伸试样与数值模拟结果较为吻合时,认为数值模拟过程中所输入的屈服应力σ0,折减系数δ等参数值近似等于该冷加工条件下304奥氏体不锈钢的力学性能参数。


从表3可知,随着冷加工量的不断增加,材料的屈服应力σ0不断增加。同时,折减系数δ的变化幅值不大,平均值=0.010 8.

4 結 论





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