Julie’s Wolf Pack (Excerpt II)《朱莉的狼群》(节选二)
The packs met. Stiff-legged, nervous, they greeted each other with mouth sniffs and brief tail whisks. All tails curved downward and cricked in suspicion, then each hung loose and relaxed to tell the other wolves they would cooperate and hunt together. Antlered animals with their sharp hoofs are violent prey. The more wolves, the better.
But it was not that simple. There can be but one alpha male and one alpha female leading a pack. Kapu and Raw Bones snapped at each other, testing to see which it would be. They were both leaders. The battle for rank began as they lifted their tails. Then each inhaled the other’s scent and learned of his health, vigor, and dominance. Finally each growled his lower note. Raw Bones was older. This gave him the advantage. He raised his head above Kapu’s to say he was boss. Kapu would not tolerate it. He threw Raw Bones to the ground. Raw Bones quickly got to his feet. Kapu lifted his head above Raw Bones’s. Both wrinkled their brows and curled back their black lips to show gleaming white fangs. Growling, they threatened each other. Raw Bones tried to get his paw on Kapu’s back, but Kapu kept his head and chest above him. He snarled deep and low. With that the battle was over. Not a drop of blood was spilled. Kapu had won.
That was an important victory for the young wolf leader. Upon the death of his father, Amoroq, he had taken over the leadership of the pack. The death of an alpha male wolf is a tragedy, like the death of a nation’s president. For the wolves it takes many years to make a leader as strong and knowkedgeable as Amaroq had been. Kapu did not have time to develop with Raw Bones in his pack. To survive, he had to be dominant now. He had the fearlessness and initiative of an alpha, but he was young. That is a disadvantage when confronted with an older wolf. By sheer bravodo, by snarling and growling and keeping his head above Raw Bones’s, Kapu had held on to his rank as alpha male wolf of the Avaliks.
Raw Bones did not like it. He would try again.
Leadership settled for the moment, the six wolves worked together that early-autumn season hunting the moose that had been protected for years in the no-wolf zone. At first they fared well; then the moose became scarce. Grizzlies and human hunters were also harvesting them.
The famine went on. The caribou did not migrate south through Avalik land in the late fall. The wolves lost weight and vigor. In March, the breeding month, Kapu made the decision for himself and Aaka as well as for Silver and Raw Bones not to have pups
【第二段】这里有几个很难翻译的点。其一是snap,其英文解释是if an animal such as a dog snaps at you, it opens and shuts its jaws quickly near you, as if it were going to bite you(如果有动物,比如狗,对着你snap,意思是它的下巴很快地张开合上,似乎将要咬你)。这在中文里没有对应的表达。这种情况下我们一般用“龇牙咧嘴”,而龇牙咧嘴对应的英语应该是bare their teeth,而不是snap。为了简洁,译文使用了“龇牙咧嘴”,实际上不是snap的准确意思。第六句中的句式是learned of his health, vigor, and dominance(了解到他的健康、活力和统治力),译文为各个名词添加了相应的词语,译为“从中了解对方健壮与否、活力几何、有无统治力”,是为了译文更清楚明白。另外一点是wrinkled their brows(皱起了眉头)。中文里很少说狼或者狗能够皱眉头,译文在此进行了转译,翻译为“双目圆睁”。
【第三段】第四句中的make意义宽泛,译文使用了“产生”来翻译。而第五句中的develop(发展)是指卡普在狼群中本来应该慢慢“成长”,却不得不过早地为头狼而战。第六句中的to be dominant(要主宰一切),其译文明晰化为“不得不现在就成为头狼”(否则就只能忍辱偷生)。第七句中的initiative(If you have initiative, you have the ability to decide what to do next and to do it, without needing other people to tell you what to do.自己做主發号施令,无须听命于他人。)不宜按照字面翻译,译文处理为“无所畏惧和主宰一切的精神”,把前后两个词用“精神”联系起来。
【小结】这一部分原文描写头狼之争的战斗,细腻传神,栩栩如生。但翻译难度较大。有几组词语都不能按照字面来直译,需要根据原文意思以及中文的习惯加以变通之后才能合适。另外,原文为了追求简洁生动,有些句子之间没有使用连接成分,这需要译者在译文中适当添加逻辑词语,让中文译文的句子更加连贯,不至于破碎和生硬。 □
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