童话仙境天鹅堡:New Swan Stone Castle
This winter, my family traveled to Germany. 我们来到了著名的天鹅堡(New Swan Stone Castle)。那里如童话一般,白雪皑皑,仿佛美丽的水晶世界!
We walked slowly when it’s snowing heavily. 走近看,新天鹅堡那两座尖塔格外显眼。New Swan Stone Castle is the symbol of Germany. 它是迪斯尼城堡的原型,也有人称它为“灰姑娘城堡”。
这里藏着有关魔法、国王、骑士的古老民间传说。无边的原始森林,柔嫩的绿野山坡上,成群的牛羊正在漫步。还有终年积雪的阿尔卑斯山和无尽宽阔的大湖。We can’t wait to walk into the castle.
城堡里到处是有天鹅装饰的日常用品、幃帐、壁画,就连卫生间的自来水龙头,也是天鹅形状的。My mother loves the swans very much. She looks so excited.
新天鹅堡的建立者是巴伐利亚的一个国王,路德维希二世。这个国王不会治理国家,却充满艺术气质。He designed the castle by himself. There are a lot of German swan sculptures inside.
There is the Swan Lake at the entrance to New Swan Stone Castle. Swan Lake is frozen. 冰厚得我们六个人一起用力地踩上去都还没破呢!
New Swan Stone Castle is so beautiful! 让我不由得唱起了《冰雪奇缘》的主题曲Let it go,冰雪天地间回荡着我们的欢歌笑语。This travel is so wonderful!