

一带一路报道 2019年3期


Strengthening the demonstration role of China-Ethiopia cooperation









In recent years, China and Ethiopia have maderemarkable achievements in cooperation, withinnovative models explored in infrastructure, industrialparks, educational cooperation, medical assistance,cultural exchanges and tourism cooperation. Theseacluevements are inseparable from the boost ofnational programs such as the Belt and Road Initiativeand Ethiopia's Five-year Plan. They also bear witnessto the achievements of high-level visits.

In September 2018, Chinese President Xi Jinpingmet with Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed atthe Great Hall of the People on the eve of the BeijingSummit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation(FOCAC). Xi said Ethiopia is an important partner ofChina in Africa, and the two countries have establisheda comprehensive strategie and cooperative partnership.China supports Ethiopia in pursuing a developmentpath suited to its own national conditions, appreciatesits active participation in the building of the Belt andRoad, and is willing to maintain the momentum ofhigh-level exchanges, deepen mutually beneficialcooperation in various fields.

Abiy said China is a reliable friend in the courseof Ethiopia's development, and China's preciousassistance has always been crucial to this country'secononuc restructuring and achievements. Ethiopiacherishes the mutually beneficial cooperationbetween the two countries, and hopes to learn fromChina's experience in governance, deepen thebilateral relations, actively participate in the buildingof the Belt and Road, broaden bilateral exchangesand cooperation, and strengthen coordination ininternational affairs.

Back in 2014, Chinese Premier Li Keqiang made Ethiopia the first stop on hisfirst trip to Africa during his term of office. During his visit, Li said that developinginfrastructure and promoting opening-up are the two "wheels" that lead developingcountries to economic take-off. China is willing to cement its traditional friendshipwith Ethiopia, expand cooperation in the manufacturing industry, and infrastructureconstruction including railway and road building, and intensify collaboration infinance and the establishment of industrial parks, so as to bring bilateral friendlycooperative relationship to a new stage.

During the visit, Premier Li attended the opening ceremony of Addis Ababa-Adama Highway Phase I with then Ethiopian Prime Minister HailemariamDesalegn, marking the start of the second phase. He also visited the EasternIndustry Zone for economic and trade cooperation between China and Ethiopiainvested by Chinese enterprises to support the implementation of the project.

In January 2019, Wang Yi, Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister,also chose Ethiopia as the first stop of his African tour. On January 3, Sahle-WorkZewde, Ethiopia's newly elected president, met with Wang at the presidentialpalace in Addis Ababa.

Sahle-Work Zewde said that the breadth and depth of bilateral relations are impressive.The Ethiopian government and all sectors of the society are committed to furtherstrengthening cooperation with China,and look forward to a more robust relationshipbetween the two countries.The president also affirmed Ethiopia's readiness to continue toactively support and participate in cooperation under the Belt and Road Initiative.

Wang stressed that the development of China and Ethiopia will strengthen thedeveloping countries as a whole and enhance the capability of preserving worldpeace and stability. China is willing to be a long-term and reliable partner whileEthiopia is developing the country and rejuvenating the nation.

Wang Yi also said we expected that the China-Ethiopia comprehensive strategiccooperative partnership will continuously take the lead in China-Africa relationsunder the new situation and play an exemplary role.

