Julie’s Wolf Pack (Excerpt I)《朱莉的狼群》(节选一)


英语世界 2019年10期

琼·克雷格黑德·乔治 吴文安

The wolves of the Avalik River ran in and out among the musk oxen. Their ruffs rippled like banners. Ice crystals danced up from their feet. The pack swirled like a twist of wind-blown snow. Their yellow eyes flashed and dimmed in the coming and going of the ice mist. Like the snow, they made no sound.

The musk oxen stopped and stared at the enemy. Then they lowered their shaggy heads and pawed down to the new grass growing under the snow. Their breath rose in steamy clouds and froze on their brows.

Kapu, the young leader of the wolf pack, reared on his hind legs, leaped to point the way, and led his clan to a turquoise-blue rise on the treeless Arctic tundra.

He carried himself proudly, with his chest forward and head high. His black fur was brushed to a shine by the wind. His body was strongly muscled. He was the leader of the wolf pack that had saved the life of the young Eskimo girl, Miyax—whose English name was Julie Edwards—when she was lost on the Arctic tundra. She, in turn, had saved them by leading them to a new food source and during the great caribou famine. The Yupik and Iñupiat Eskimos of Kangik called them “Julie’s wolf pack.”

Kapu was keenly aware of Julie. She was not far away. He whisked his tail. She had read his message to the oxen, for she was no longer afraid that he would kill one. The villagers collected the wool from these sturdy animals to weave into light, warm clothing, and they zealously protected them.

“We are not hunting you,” Kapu had said to the oxen with his body movements. “We chase you for the joy of it. We are wolves of the caribou.”

Kapu and his followers were having fun. The shaggy herd deciphered this and returned to their grazing. Julie deciphered it and told her father, Kapugen. He chuckled and slipped his arm around her shoulders. The two walked quietly home.

Kapu wagged his tail. Chasing the oxen was a fine wolf joke. His rime-gray mate, Aaka, playfully spanked the ground with her forepaws, her rear end in the air. Zing—the beta, or second in command—enjoyed the joke even more than Kapu. His breathing came faster, and the pupils of his eyes enlarged ever so slightly. He smiled by lifting his lips from his glistening teeth. Pearly-white Silver, Kapu’s mother, and her ill-tempered new mate, Raw Bones, also smiled. But Amy, Kapu’s night-black daughter, did not get the joke. She was not old enough to know that her pack preferred caribou to musk oxen. Nor did she know that some packs harvest only deer and ignore moose, or harvest moose and caribou and ignore deer. Others take elk; a few take musk oxen. When the Avalik River Pack had a choice, they were wolves of the caribou. Wolves have their cultures.











【第二段】第一句中的enemy不宜译为“敌人”,因为这一群狼并非麝牛的敌人,仅仅是自然界的“天敌”而已。短语new grass growing不能译为“新草”,不符合中文习惯,所以译为“新长出来的嫩草”。







【小结】该选段大多属场面和个体描写。有群体画面,有个体特写,有心理活动,也有动作描绘。有些句子以及詞语无法简单地直译,只能结合上下文或添加词语,或调整语序,或脱离形式仅提取意义,目的是让中文更顺畅,加强文学性。                                                                                                    □

