9 Reasons Why China Is Successful中国成功的九大理由


英语世界 2019年10期


China has worked hard to remove its “we-copy-everybody” image and is now on the forefront of innovation. Over the period of decades, the country has been successful in powering its economic growth and using its billion-plus population to its advantage.

Here are 9 reasons why China is so successful:

1. Efficient government

The Chinese government has remained committed to focusing on economic growth, and has quickly and effectively implemented good policy decisions. Beginning from the time Deng Xiaoping set the tone, nothing has disrupted the flow.

2. Investment in models and showcasing

China believes in showcasing its strengths and presenting itself as a model. This helped funnel foreign direct investment into the country and develop the local economy. Shenzhen and Zhangjiagang were developed into amazing models so that the surrounding area could be sold as an investment property to foreign investors. No doubt this helped improve the image of China, making it as an attractive investment country.

Beijing’s Financial Street and Pudong Development Zone are a few examples of how China has showcased itself to foreigners, with such success that people have been able to take a decision about setting up a center there.

3. Consistent and thoughtful marketing

China had consistently pushed its large market. They have organized delegations and hosted conferences and exhibitions, all to persuade foreign investors that the country is stable, has an open-door policy, and is committed to ushering in reforms.

4. Creation of zones and infrastructure for businesses

China has successfully created several flexible investment zones, free trade zones, high tech zones, and export processing zones, along with tax incentives and proper infrastructure. They score over other countries in factors like speedy approval of investment proposals and building of solid infrastructure.

5. A “business-above-all” attitude

The channels of export, investment and technology have always been given primary importance over all other considerations.

6. Committed and passionate non-resident Chinese

China has made committed overtures towards its non-resident citizens who are economically positioned to invest heavily on the country. As a result of this, the 60 million people of Chinese origin who live outside contribute to the country’s economy in the form of investments. Non-resident Chinese are respected and allowed to participate in the social-economic activities of the mainland. Southern China has been able to flourish due to the efforts of these non-resident Chinese.

7. Strong manufacturing base

There’s a reason why everything is “Made in China.” The country has positioned itself as a manufacturing hub, in turn providing employment to its people.

8. Ability to respond quickly

Again, China has been able to make quick turns in strategy and redirect its resources into computer science, biotechnological engineering, law, economics, management, and higher education. The country’s policies regarding studying abroad are flexible, permissive and supportive, and incentivize strong graduates to return to China.

9. Placing Chinese interests above all else

The Chinese government has been set in promoting foreign investment and business opportunities for China, without interference from any quarter.

These and many more make China a Numero Uno destination spot for business, investment and workforce.



1. 高效政府


2. 投资示范展示



3. 稳定周到的营商环境


4. 区域和商务基础设施创建


5. “商业至上”的态度


6. 坚定热情的华侨


7. 强大的制造基地


8. 迅速的反应能力


9. 本国利益放在首位



时 政 新 词

时 政 新 词

70年披荆斩棘,风雨兼程 Our country has braved thorny paths and confronted stormy weather over the past seventy years.

我们执政的最大底气 our main source of confidence to govern

乱云飞渡、风吹浪打 the complexities and difficulties

共享祖国繁荣富强 to share the pride of a strong and prosperous motherland

增进香港、澳门同胞福祉 to enhance the well-being of Hong Kong and Macao compatriots

合则两利,斗则俱伤 Cooperation will bring benefits while conflicts will injure both sides.

中国不是吓大的  Threats and intimidation will never work on China.

捍卫多边主义  to uphold multilateralism

中国万亿美元愿景 China’s Trillion-Dollar Vision

(王长春 辑)

