Mundane Traditions with Strange Origins寻常的习俗,不寻常的起源
Sometimes, there are things we do as part of a tradition without really considering where the practices may have started. It’s easy to forget that many of the rituals that we automatically take part in today had their roots in something entirely different—and sometimes surprising. Let’s take a look at these and some other seemingly normal practices that may have unexpected origins. You’ll never look at your favorite traditions the same way again!
Kissing under the mistletoe
The Ancient Celts used mistletoe as an animal aphrodisiac1, or more specific-ally, to increase the fertility of sheep. Such became the mythic power of mistletoe that in addition to bringing a lambful spring, mistletoe was hung over doorways to ward off fire, lightning and evil spirits. But despite its protective properties, mistletoe couldn’t shuck2 its fertile past, and even though it was hung in people’s doorways, it seemed as if something romantic should occur in its presence.
Thus the kissing.
Did you know that mistletoe’s power runs out? Every time a man steals a kiss under the mistletoe, he must pay by plucking3 one of its berries. When the berries are gone, no more smooching4.
Pinky swear
Who hasn’t, at some point or another, made a pinky swear with a best friend or a child? The pinky swear is the highest of all promises, an unbreakable oath—and, in fact, what you’re saying with this oath is that if you break it, the wronged party may cut off your pinky. The gist5 of the custom (if not the bloody follow-through) is a recent immigrant to the United States, having originated with the Japanese mafia, or Yakuza.
The Japanese roots of the pinky swear are evident in its common use in anime films, where it is known as yubikiri6 or “finger cut off.”
Birthday candles
What celestial7 body does a round, iced cake most resemble? If you said the moon, then you agree with the Ancient Greeks, who first put candles on cakes offered to Artemis, goddess of the moon. Some historians think the candles were used simply to lend the cake a moon-like glow. Others think that when the candles were blown out, their smoke was supposed to carry the birthday man’s or woman’s wishes skyward to the goddess.
Whatever the case, candles cause more than 15,000 residential fires every year. There is no data describing the presumably uncountable annual toll of birthday candles on kids’ hair and eyebrows.
New year’s resolutions
When the calendar flips over to January 1, we start to make promises to ourselves. This year, we’ll lose weight. We’ll be more organized. We’ll spend more time with our families. But why is this the time for resolutions?
The Roman god Janus had two heads—one that looked forward into the future and one that looked into the past. And while many Roman rulers made a land grab for the months of the year—see August and July8—Janus stood strong at the beginning of the year. This is January. And on the first day of January, we look back at the year past and then ahead at the year to come.
The Detroit Red Wings Octopus
In 1952, it took exactly eight wins—two best-of-seven series—to win the Stanley Cup9. And so it seemed only natural that fishmongering brothers Pete and Jerry Cusimano10 threw an octopus onto the ice at the beginning of that year’s playoffs, each tentacle symbolizing a needed win. In 1952, they got them—all eight in a row, sweeping the playoffs and solidifying the enigmatic11 cephalopod’s12 presence on playoff ice from that point forward.
Notably, during the 1995 playoffs, fishmongering co-workers Bob Dubisky and Larry Shotwell13 threw a 50-pound (22.7-kilogram) octopus onto the ice during the national anthem before the conference finals.
小指拉钩约定的情节在动画片中随处可见,这也进一步揭示了其日本起源。动画片里,该习俗称作yubikiri,或“指切り” 。
1952年,抢夺斯坦利杯的冰球队需要在两个系列中分别7战4胜,即总共恰好赢得8场胜利,方能夺冠。所以,皮特·库西马诺和杰里· 库西马诺两兄弟的举动似乎不难理解:这两位贩鱼为生的球迷在当年季后赛开赛前,往球馆冰面上扔下一只章鱼,章鱼的8条腿象征红翼队需要赢得的8场比赛 ——这一年红翼队果然做到了:他们连赢8场,横扫季后赛,捧回斯坦利杯,而章鱼出现在季后赛上的传奇习俗也就此诞生,延续至今。
(译者为 “《英语世界》杯”翻译大赛获奖选手)