聂黎行 戴忠 马双成
摘要国际植物药监管合作组织是由WHO与多国政府发起成立的国际性合作组织,致力于通过完善植物药监管规章,保护并促进公众健康与安全。我国为该组织下属第二工作组(WG2:Quality control of herbal materials and products(including reference standards)的主席国,针对植物药对照物质开展合作和交流,以加强植物药及其制剂的质量控制,保障用药安全有效。本文对作者起草的WHO国际植物药监管合作组织(IRCH)第二工作组章程的英文全文加以介绍,以期为相关国际交流和合作工作提供参考。
国际植物药监管合作组织(Introduction on International Regulatory Cooperation for Herbal Medicines,IRCH)成立于2006年,是由世界卫生组织(WHO)基本药物与传统药物技术合作司与多国政府发起成立的国际性合作组织,致力于通过完善植物药监管规章,保护并促进公众健康与安全[12]。IRCH的成员为国家或地区的药品监督管理机构,目前包括阿根廷、亚美尼亚、澳大利亚、巴西、文莱、加拿大、智力、中国、中国香港特别行政区、古巴、加纳、德国、匈牙利、印度、印度尼西亚、意大利、日本、马来西亚、墨西哥、阿曼、巴基斯坦、秘鲁、葡萄牙、韩国、沙特阿拉伯、新加坡、南非、阿联酋、英国、坦桑尼亚、美国、东盟(Association of Southeast Asian Nations,ASEAN)、欧洲药品管理局(European Medicines Agency,EMA)和拉丁美洲议会(Latin American Parliament,PARLATINO)[3]。2017年,该组织正式加入WHO的工作网络,其国际规模及影响力正在逐步扩大。IRCH通过在植物药安全、质量、有效方面的监管经验、信息和知识共享,形成国家/组织相关监管和立法机构的共识,促进和加强成员间合作。具体工作通过下设的4个工作组(WG)开展,分别为:WG1:Identification of adulteration of products;WG2:Quality control of herbal materials and products(including reference standards);WG3:Evidence;WG4:Vigilance of herbal medicines。
中国是植物药的生产和使用大国[4],中药是全球植物药的重要组成部分,中国是IRCH的第1批成员国,也是第2工作组(WG2)的主席国。在国家食品药品监督管理总局的领导下,中国食品药品检定研究院中药民族药检定所(以下简称中检院中药所)具体承担第2工作组的工作,现阶段针对植物药对照物质开展合作和交流,以加强植物药及其制剂的质量控制,保障用药安全有效。研究对象主要包括与植物药相关的化学对照品、对照药材和对照提取物,擬研究内容包括对照物质及标定技术指南、合作制备、协作标定、对照物质在质量控制中的应用、标定新技术、对照品替代法、对照物质谱库和电子对照物质等[912]。2015年,笔者起草了第2工作组的章程(Terms of Reference),分别于2015年和2016年组织召开了小组会议进行讨论,并广泛征求所有IRCH成员的意见,最终于2017年在IRCH年会上通过。以国际植物药监管合作组织为舞台,大力推进植物药质量控制与标准物质研究等实质性的国际合作,树立了我国在植物药监管领域的引领地位,并有利于中检院中药所世界卫生组织传统医药合作中心工作的顺利开展。
Working Group 2:Quality Control of Herbal Materials and ProductsInternational Regulatory Cooperation for Herbal Medicines(IRCH)Terms of Reference
1.Aim of the group
The role of working group 2(WG2)is to share information and work collaboratively on issues related to quality control of herbal materials and products in order to:
·Construct scientific and technical platform for regulation,standards,reference standards and quality control methods of herbal materials and herbal products;
·Provide reference for consideration by IRCH and drug authorities of the members;
·Improve safety,quality and efficacy of herbal materials and products; and finally
·Protect and promote public health.
2.1Lead country
People′s Republic of China
2.2Contact information for WG Lead
MA Shuangcheng,Ph.D,Professor
Institute for Control of Chinese Traditional Medicine and Ethnic Medicine(ICCTMEM)
National Institutes for Food and Drug Control(NIFDC)
China Food and Drug Administration(CFDA)
No.2 Tiantan Xili,Dongcheng District,Beijing,P.R.China
Email:mashuangcheng@yahoo.com; masc@nifdc.org.cn
2.3Participating Members
·ChinaHong Kong SAR
·Saudi Arabia
Individual group members are responsible to report on activities and achievements of its own country to WG Lead as there is a collaborative activity or discussion of WG2.The lead country is responsible for reporting working progress of the group on annual meetings of IRCH.
4.Ways of working
4.1Group discussion
·Any group member is encouraged to propose topic or question for discussion;
·The scope of information exchange,requests and replies will be limited to issues related to quality control of herbal materials and products; and
·Group members are suggested to share information and resources by emails.
4.2Group meeting
·Group meeting may be held in flexible form at irregular intervals;
·The lead country is responsible to arrange and chair the meeting;
·Any group member is encouraged to organize the meetings; and
·Nonmembers are welcomed to take part in the group meeting as observer.
4.3Collaborative research
·Collaborative research may involve:
·regulation,standards,reference standards and quality control methods of herbal materials and herbal products.At current stage,more specific study can be focused on:
·General guideline of reference standards for herbal materials and herbal products,including chemical reference substances,reference herbal materials and reference extracts;
·Preparation,calibration and collaborative calibration of reference standards for herbal materials and herbal products;
·Atlas of reference standards for herbal materials and herbal products;
·Substitute methods of reference standards for herbal materials and herbal products;
·Digital reference standards for herbal materials and herbal products;
·New technologies and methods concerning calibration of herbal materials and herbal products; and
·Application of reference standards in quality control of herbal materials and products.
5.Review of these Terms of Reference
The Terms of Reference of WG2 will be reviewed and revised on an as needed basis.
[1]WHO.General Information on IRCH[EB/OL].http://www.who.int/medicines/areas/traditional/geninfo/en/.
[3]WHO.Current Members of IRCH[EB/OL].http://www.who.int/medicines/areas/traditional/irch_countrymember/en/.