

疯狂英语·爱英语 2019年1期




Have a good day. 愿你度过愉快的一天。

Hope you re enjoying your staying here.希望你在这里过得愉快。

May you succeed!祝你成功!

I hope nothing is wrong. 我希望一切顺利。

Take care. 请保重。

Best wishes!致以美好的祝愿!

I hope your dream come true.我希望你梦想成真。

Have a nice weekend!周末愉快!

Have a good trip. 祝你旅途愉快。

I hope everything goes well with you. 希望你万事如意。

Every success in your new job. 祝你在新的工作中获得成功!

All the best! 祝万事如意!

Thank you for your greeting. 谢谢你的祝贺。



Good luck (to you)!(祝你)好运!

Best wishes to you!祝福你!

Have you a nice / great time!祝你玩得开心!


Wish you all the success!祝你成功!

Enjoy yourself!祝你玩得开心!

Well done!干得好!

Wish you good health and lots of hap


Happy birthday!生日快乐!


Happy New Year!新年快乐!

Merry Christmas!圣诞快乐!

Happy Spring Festival!春节快乐!

Happy Mid Autumn!中秋节快乐!


Thank you!谢谢

You, too. 也祝你快乐!

The same to you! 也祝你快乐!/同贺,同贺!


1.Have a good time / day! / Have a good journey / trip!/ Enjoy yourself!/ Have a good weekend! 是向对方表示送行祝愿时的常用语。

2.Good luck! / I wish you good luck! / Good luck to you. / All the best. / Best wish es to you.用于事情发生前的一般性祝愿用语。

3.Happy birthday to you!/ Happy New Year! / Merry Christmas!/ Happy Mother s Day!/ Wish to sb.+ for +節日!用于生日或节日祝福时的用语。

【注意】对于祝贺节日的回答有两种形式。若是公共性的节日,其回答一般用The same to you. / Same to you. / You, too. / May you be the same.;如果是某一单方面的祝贺则用Thank you之类的感谢用语。

4.Well done!称赞、表扬、祝贺某人做某事做得不错时的常用语。

5.Congratulations to sb. / Congratulations to sb. on sth.用于事情发生之后的祝贺语。


(L—Li Hong, Z—Zhang Ting)

L:Hello, Zhang Ting. Long time no see. How are things going?

Z:Things are going very well.

L:What are you doing these days? / What are you busy with these days?

Z:I m getting ready for our school pro

gram The Sound of School these days.

L:Oh, the program is interesting / nice /great and it is becoming popular in our school.

Z:So, more and more students take part in it. I d like to have a try.

L:Great!Which song will you sing?/ What are you going to sing?

Z:My Heart Will Go On. The song is so beautiful. I like it very much.

L:Then when is your show time?

Z:At 8:00 p.m. next Friday.

L:Wish you success! / Wish you good luck! / Good luck! / I hope you will win!

Z:Thank you very much.


1.—Happy New Year!


A.That s OK.

B.The same to you.

C.It doesn t matter.

D.You re welcome.

【答案与解析】B 句意:——新年快乐!——你也一样。此题考查情景交际及其回答。A.没关系;B.你也一样;C.没关系;D.不客气。对于人们共同欢度的节日,可用The same to you 来回答。故选B项。

2.—I m going to Yichun for summer va

cation. It s a good place to relax.

—So it is. !


A.Enjoy oneself

B.Have a good trip

C.Thank you

【答案与解析】B 句意:——我就要去伊春度假了。它是一个令人放松的好地方。——确实是,旅途愉快!本题考查情景交际及其回答。A.玩得开心;B.旅途愉快;C.谢谢。只有B项符合题意。



(Mrs. Poole, a 77 year old dancer, has just won “Best Ballet Dancer” of the city.)

Zhang Hua:Congratulations! Could I ask you some questions?

Mrs. Poole:1

Zhang Hua:When did you start to learn ballet?

Mrs. Poole:2

Zhang Hua:It must be very difficult to become a good dancer. Did you think of giving up?

Mrs. Poole:Yes, it was in my thirties.

Zhang Hua:3

Mrs. Poole:Because I thought I was too old for ballet, but I m still dancing now.

Zhang Hua:Cool! 4

Mrs. Poole:It is not only a kind of dance, but also a lifelong job. Ballet is my life.

Zhang Hua:How you love it! 5

Mrs. Poole:Certainly not. Do what you love to do. It s the secret to success.

Zhang Hua: Thank you! Nice talking with you!

