Discuss How Collaborative Learning Can be Effectively Used in Big Classrooms in China


速读·下旬 2019年10期


1 Introduction

Collaborative learning methods have been used in a wide range of the world as early as the late 18th century,and were found to be successful.The method engages learners in working together to solve a problem and complete a task by exchanging,debating and negotiating ideas.This essay will explore how it can be used effectively.

2 The Definition

Collaborative learning requires working together towards a common goal between students,or students and teachers.(Dooly,M.2008: 22) It is a kind of teaching method that students are actively engaged in learning activities by exchanging,debating and negotiating ideas in group work,pair work,mingles or a whole class work.And they feel the sense of responsibility while learning,teaching and helping each other to reach the goals and get progress .

3 The ways to use collaborative learning effectively in big classrooms

To get effective teaching and help students learn successfully,teachers need to master the teaching methodologies skilfully.

3.1 Using voice appropriately

The art of teaching,in a way,is the art of voice.Obviously,a raspy shout is unpleasant,it makes audiences tired,bored and stressed.On the contrary,speaking in a low voice from the beginning to the end is also unheard. We need to vary voice according to the types of lessons and activities.In one certain situation,teachers often use loud voice,then when we want to focus students’ attention on another activity,we can vary the voice,students would stop and try to keep silence to hear what we are saying.

3.2 Building good rapport between teachers and students

It is also a crucial teaching skill.In order to get this point,Teachers need to use physical movements,facial expressions and exaggerated gestures to help students understand and make their relationship closer.And imitating the students’ actions helps a lot.For example,when one of the students is standing to have a discussion in groups by crossing his arms on the chest,the teacher could mime him,giving the instruction or listening to him.Students will feel safe and relaxed.

3.3 Giving simple and logical instructions

It is an effective means to enable students to finish the tasks more quickly and also save the time.Introduce the activity to the students with ICQ (Instruction Check Questions) and body language to make sure if the students have understood what they will do,meanwhile set up time limits.Here is an example.When students  are divided into 9 groups of 6 to have a dictogloss.The teacher could question like this: “Put your right hands on your group members’ left shoulders (to make sure everyone is in a group).Are you going to listen,write or read? Do you need to dictate alone? Can you check the words with others?” etc.Using Chinese at the appropriate time is also necessary so that they can understand quickly and clearly.

3.4 Changing seating arrangements flexibly

Design the different suitable seating arrangement for tasks.The size of Semi-circle or U makes students’ eye contact and easy to communicate with each other.Two large concentric circles without tables or chairs makes students stand to speak face to face in pairs and change partners easily.The layout of House of parliament is for the activities of debates or discussions.The layout of separate corners is for making plans or designing solutions .And the activities of presentations,meetings and report backs need a single large ‘boardroom’ table.(Scrivener,J,2012,Chapter1-2,Unit 1)

3.5 Using effective assessments to create good discipline

To avoid chaos and time-wasting while rearranging the room,we need a little more extra time to train the students how to move the chairs or tables as quietly and quickly as possible.For example,we can divide students into groups,discuss what kind of movements and routines are the best,then have a competition,choose a timekeeper to record the time,the fastest and quietest group is the winner.Encourage and praise students properly in their group work to boost students’ interests and behave better.Praise with specific sentences instead of simple words.“I really enjoyed reading the story,the part about you cooked food made me laugh out loud.” is better than “Well done!”

4 Conclusion

Effectively using collaborative learning could cultivate students’ social skills,self-learning abilities and cooperative spirits.Developing teaching skills and abilities of classroom management is the key to help students get efficient study.


[1]Dooly,M.(ed.) (2008) Tele-collaborative language learning.Chapter1,22.

[2]Harmer,J (2007) How to teach English,(new edition) Longman.49.

[3]Harmer,J (2007) the Practice of English Language Teaching,Chapters 9 and 10.37.

[4]Scrivener,J (2012) Classroom Management Techniques, Chapter1-2,Unit 1.