海边档 中国香港


世界建筑导报 2019年4期


占地面积:50 平方米

建筑面积:35 平方米



设计团队:LAAB Architects


执行建筑师及认可人士: Ronald Lu& Partners

结构:BeFrank, C.M. Wong & Associates



景观设计:James Corner Field Operation;Urbis

机 械:Buddy Concept

营造厂:NWCON, Builtmen, Buddy Concept

摄影:LAAB Architects

Client: AOS Management Limited

Site Area: 50 m2

Building Area: 35 m2

Design year: 2016.10 - 2018.5

Completion year: 2018.5 - 2019.2

Design team: LAAB Architects

Design Landscape Architect: James Corner Field Operation

Executive Architect & Authorized Person: Ronald Lu & Partners

Façade Contractors: Builtmen, Buddy Concept

Facade Structural Engineer: BeFrank

Lighting Designer: Lightswitch

Managing Contractor: NWCON

M&E Engineer: WSP

Registered Structural Engineer: C.M. Wong & Associates

Secondary Motion Programmer: Buddy Concept

Photographer: LAAB Architects

海边档是LAAB 为香港星光大道设计的机动建筑, 作用为小食亭和机电房, 是香港第一个机动的公共建筑。港式小贩街边档「朝桁晚拆」的特色是海边档设计的灵感来源。LAAB以机械重新演绎港式小贩街边档的特色; 早上,海边档缓缓打开,像一只张开嘴的蚌;夜里,海边档合上眼睛,安静地听海。除了开关以外,海边档的木条也会上下摆动, 一吐一纳,就像海浪潮起潮落,星光一闪一烁。木条背后的49枝机械装置是海边档的骨骼,他们的舒展带动了海边档的呼吸。

设计团队和工程师紧密的合作, 在叁年内制造了4 个样本 (prototype), 不断优化海边档的设计。海边档的结构除了可以抵挡香港的台风季节外, 也考虑到公众安全, 在柜台部份安装了感应器, 有人冲撞时会自动停止开关。

Harbor Kiosk is the first kinetic public architecture in Hong Kong that innovatively combines parametric architectural design with bespoke engineering.

Located at the Avenue o

f Stars at Harborfront in Hong Kong, a promenade that celebrates the success of Hong Kong's movie industry, Harbor Kiosk's movement pays tribute to the movie industry.

To translate the moving images of cinema into the kinetic movement of architecture, the architects and engineers took inspiration from the local market stalls and designed an automatic system that transforms the “gate” of Harbor Kiosk into “awning” during the day and returns to its compact shape at night. This mechanical movement is powered by a linear motion system made of 49 connected robotic arms installed behind the timber fins. The wave generator system also moves the timber fins in waves throughout the day to resonate with the nearby harbor waves in poetic ways.

The architects and engineers developed four prototypes over three years to optimize kiosk design and movements.The structure was calculated to withstand the typhoon season in Hong Kong. A safety sensor was installed at the kiosk counter to ensure clearance during the opening and closing moments.



在2019年,海边档入围Architizer A+ Awards Architecture + Engineering 的最后五强。

To enhance the public function of the food kiosk, the design team combined the 100-sqft food kiosk with a 300-sqft M&E machine room nearby at the early stage of the project, gaining a 56-ft long wall space to accommodate more public functions, including a vending machine, drinking fountains, and info screens. The M&E machine room also provides different utilities (e.g. water and electricity) for the Avenue of Stars, while the kiosk in front feed the stomach of visitors in the area.

The form of Harbor Kiosk was influenced by several surrounding landmarks to create an organic form that sits harmoniously amongst its contexts. The facade features three strata of pro filed timber slats to conceal the machine room doors and accommodate different types of public functions. The timber fins were carefully finished with exterior grade oil finish for durability against UV and termites.

Harbor Kiosk offers a meaningful public space by carefully reinterpreting local culture and translating it into mechanical vernacular. By creatively combining the food kiosk with the nearby M&E room, the design of Harbor Kiosk also enhances a kiosk's public services.

In 2019, Harbour Kiosk is a finalist in the Architecture + Engineering category of Architizer A+ Awards.

