Youre walking down a quiet street and suddenly you hear some footsteps. Undoubtedly, it means that theres someone around. But have you ever wondered why it occurs to us that its someone elses footsteps, not ours?
According to a new study published in the journal Nature, this phenomenon results from a function in our brain to ignore the noises we make ourselves.
In order to explore how our brain does this, a group of scientists from New York University in the US carried out an experiment with mice at Duke University. In the experiment, researchers controlled the sounds a group of mice could hear, reported Science Daily.
During the first several days, the mice would hear the same sound each time they took a step. This was just like “running on a tiny piano with each key playing exactly the same note”, senior study author Richard Mooney, a professor of neurobiology at Duke University, told Live Science.
Scientists found that their auditory cortex—the area of the brain that processes sound—became active at first but decreased its response to the sound after two or three minutes when the mice became familiar with it.
“Its almost like they were wearing special headphones that could filter out the sound of their own movements,” David Schneider, an assistant professor at the Center for Neural Science at New York University, told HuffPost.
But once the sound changed, their auditory cortex became active again.
This suggests that the “sensory filter” in a mouses brain could help it detect new sounds or abnormal noise in the environment easily after tuning out familiar sounds, according to Science Daily.
“For mice, this is really important,” said Schneider. “They are prey animals, so they really need to be able to listen for a cat creeping up on them, even when theyre walking and making noise.”
As important as it is for mices survival, the ability to ignore movement-related noises is also useful for humans when it comes to complex tasks, such as playing an instrument.
According to Schneider, “The ability to ignore the expected consequences of our movement gives us the extra-cool ability to detect when weve got it wrong. So if I play the piano just right, I hear it, but my auditory cortex is pretty silent. But when I play it wrong, I get a much larger response.”
So, our brain could be telling us, “Hey, that didnt sound right, maybe I should move my fingers a little different next time,” Schneider told HuffPost.
Word Study
filter /'f?lt?(r)/ v. 过滤
n. 滤器;过滤器
prey /pre?/ n. 猎物;受害物
creep /kri?p/ v. 悄悄地缓慢行进;蹑手蹑脚地移动
I crept up the stairs, trying not to wake my parents.