
汉语世界(The World of Chinese) 2019年4期

by sun jiahui (孙佳慧)

Phrases to help you in negotiation


Negotiations are delicate affairs—unless perhaps youre US President Donald Trump, whosemodus operandiseems to be walking out of summits, and who tweeted “No!” when China asked to renegotiate trade talks earlier this year.

Everyone else, though, can benefit from better tactics. Whether its settling a legal or business dispute, discussing salaries and contracts, or even bargaining with vendors at a farmers market, some conversations have to be handled with kid gloves.

Though the goal of negotiation may be to settle differences and reach agreement, every party understandably works for their own interests, and its difficult to achieve ones desired outcome while maintaining good relations with everyone else. Some linguistic finesse is needed.

As the saying goes, “A good beginning is half the battle.” The way that one opens a negotiation sets the tone for the rest of the process. An ideal opening line should be diplomatic while making ones agenda clear:

Thanks to everyone for making time for this meeting. Today we are going to discuss the schedule of our next cooperative project. If you have any thoughts, please feel free to share.

F8ich1ng g2nxi- d3ji` z3i b2im1ng zh4ng l1i k`i zh-ge hu#. J~nti`n w6men y3o t2ol&n w6men xi3 y! g- h9zu7 xi3ngm& de p1iq~, d3ji` y6u sh9nme xi2ngf2, q@ng ch3ngsu6y&y1n.


Theres some flexibility on what to do next—present your own position, thus starting off discussions on your own terms, or listen to the other party to discover their intentions. If you choose the first option, a useful phrase is 開门见山(k`im9n ji3nsh`n, “Open the door to see the mountain”), meaning “cut to the chase”:

Ill get right down to it. The design you sent us wasnt accepted. I think you need to make some changes.

W6 ji& k`im9n ji3nsh`n le. N@men zh~qi1n f` gu7lai de sh-j# f`ng3n m9iy6u t4nggu7, w6 ju9de x$y3o zu7 y#xi8 xi$g2i.


If you decide to listen first, be sure to grill the other party on the details to make sure nothing detrimental to your agenda slips in:

A:Id like to hear your views on the terms in our draft contract.

W6 xi2ng t~ngting n!n du# w6men zh- f-n h9tong c2o3n l@ g- xi3ng ti1oku2n de y#ji3n.


B:We think the delivery date is too late. And if possible, we hope that we can pay in installments.

W6men ju9de ji`ohu7 r#q~ t3i w2n le. L#ngw3i, r%gu6 k0y@, w6men x~w3ng n9ng f8nq~ f&ku2n.


A:When do you think is the acceptable delivery date? If we cant accept payment by installments, do you have any alternative proposal?

N@men ju9de n2ti`n ji`ohu7 k0y@ ji8sh7u? R%gu6 w6men b&n9ng ji8sh7u f8nq~ f&ku2n, n@men y6u q!t` b-ixu2n f`ng3n ma?


The truth is, in spite of what CCTV News would have you believe, negotiations and collaborations are rarely “win-win.” Disputes, quarrels, and confrontation are unavoidable. Once a conflict occurs, as long as youre not planning your own walk-out, you need to find a solution, not a fight:

Our criticisms are not personal. Everyone wants to do a good job.

W6men de y#ji3n d4u b%sh# zh8ndu# g-r9n de, d3ji` zh@sh# xi2ng b2 g4ngzu7 zu7h2o.



I understand your point, but I have my own difficulties.

W6 w1nqu1n l@ji0 n@ de l#ch2ng, d3nsh# w6 y0 y6u n1nch&.


I think we both need to make some concessions.

W6 ju9de w6men shu`ngf`ng d4u x$y3o zu7ch$ y#xi8 r3ngb&.


If no compromise presents itself, then just make sure everyone calms down, and buy some time for the next round:

We share the same goal—to finish the project in time, and reduce the cost wherever possible. On this point, we fully trust each other. As for specific approaches, we can talk later.

W6men de m&bi`o sh# y!zh# de—3nsh! w1nch9ng xi3ngm&, b#ng j#n k0n9ng ji9yu8 ch9ngb0n. Z3i zh- y# di2n shang, w6men ch4ngf-n x#nr-n b@c@. Zh#y% j&t@ de g4ngzu7 f`ngf2, w6men k0y@ y@h7u j#x& t2ol&n.


Of course, your ultimate purpose is to defend your own interests and maximize the outcome. There is a reason ancient Chinese war books are considered standard reading in the business world. There are three useful tacks for negotiation, summarized in proverbs.

The first one is “诱之以利,” meaning “to lure someone by the promise of profit.” As another old saying goes: “In order to take, you must first give. (将欲取之,必先


Our company is considering signing a long-term supply contract with you. Is it possible for you to give us some preferential terms?

W6men g4ngs~ zh-ng k2ol_ h9 gu# g4ngs~ qi`n y! f-n ch1ngq~ g4nghu7 h9tong. N@men n9ngbun9ng g0i w6men y#xi8 y4uhu# ti1oji3n?


The second is “动之以情,” or “move someone with sincerity.” Though in most cases, theatrics and sob stories are not appropriate for the negotiating table, and people can see through flattery, sincere emotions do no harm. If you have no other bargaining chips, give this a go:

We have cooperated for ten years and have made so many great products together. Now, we are faced with some financial difficulties. I really hope you can do us a favor and pay us a little bit earlier.

W6men h9zu7 sh! ni1n le, y#q@ tu~ch$ le zh-me du4 ch9ng4ng de ch2np@n. Xi3nz3i w6men y&d3o le y#xi8 c1izh-ng k&nnan, x~w3ng n@men n9ng b`ng w6men y! g- m1ng, t!qi1n y#di2nr f&ku2n.


The last approach is risky—“胁之以威,” meaning “to threaten with consequences or bring pressure from a higher authority”:

If you insist on cutting costs, the quality of construction cannot be guaranteed. If safety issues arise, the consequences will be unthinkable.

R%gu6 n@men ji`nch! y3o y`su4 ch9ngb0n, g4ngch9ng zh#li3ng ji& w%f2 b2ozh-ng. Y!d3n ch$xi3n `nqu1n w-nt!, h7ugu6 b&k`n sh-xi2ng.


In some cases, you may need to bluff:

Frankly, your bidding price is much lower than my estimate. If you cant raise it, I will be considering other offers.

T2nb1i ji2ng, n@men g0ich$ de b3oji` b@ w6 de y&q~ d~ h0ndu4. R%gu6 n@men zh@n9ng ch$ zh-me du4, n3 w6 zh@h2o l#ngzu7 k2ol_ le.


This method could backfire, though, so be sure youre actually prepared to follow through with the consequences, or walk away if the other party calls your bluff. Not every negotiation can lead to an agreement. If there is no room for further discussion, dont be afraid to stick to your bottom line, and end the talk.

We understand your position, but regret that we cannot accept your terms. Lets call it a day, and well try to figure out a solution another time.

N@men de y#ji3n w6men y@j~ng li2oji0 le, h0n y!h3n w6men w%f2 ji8sh7u n@men de ti1oji3n. W6men j~nti`n ji& t1n d3o zh-li ba, w6men hu!q& z3i xi2ngxiang y6u m9i y6u q!t` f`ng3n.


Im confident that you have seen our commitment to solving this problem after this discussion. But if you cant accept our proposal, I am afraid we cant provide a better offer.

Xi`ngx#n t4nggu7 w6men de t2ol&n, n@men y@j~ng k3nd3ole w6men ji0ju9 w-nt! de ch9ngy#. D3nsh# r%gu6 n@men b&n9ng ji8sh7u w6men de t!'3n, k6ngp3 w6men y0 w%f2 g0ich$ g-ngh2o de ti1oji3n le.


However, even if negotiations break down, you want to end on a cordial note, leaving room for everyone to come back to the table in the future—hence the boilerplate line:

We hope there will be opportunities to work with you again in the future.

X~w3ng w6men y@h7u y6u j~hu# h9zu7.




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