

农业工程学报 2019年13期

竞 霞,白宗璠,高 媛,,刘良云


竞 霞1,白宗璠1,高 媛1,2,刘良云2

(1. 西安科技大学测绘科学与技术学院,西安 710054;2. 中国科学院遥感与数字地球研究所,北京 100094)

小麦受到条锈病菌侵染后,作物的光合能力及色素含量等均会发生变化,日光诱导叶绿素荧光(solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence,SIF)对作物光合生理的变化比较敏感,而反射率光谱则受作物生化参数的影响较大,为了提高小麦条锈病的遥感探测精度,该文利用随机森林(random forest,RF)等机器学习算法开展了协同冠层SIF和反射率微分光谱指数的小麦条锈病病情严重度的遥感探测研究。首先利用3FLD(three bands fraunhofer line discrimination)算法提取了冠层SIF数据,然后结合对小麦条锈病病情严重度敏感的11种反射率微分光谱指数分别基于RF和后向传播(back propagation,BP)神经网络算法构建了反射率微分光谱指数与冠层SIF协同的小麦条锈病病情严重度预测模型。研究结果表明:RF算法构建的小麦条锈病病情严重度预测模型优于BP神经网络算法,3个样本组中RF模型病情指数(disease index,DI)估测值与实测值间的决定系数2平均为0.92,比BP神经网络模型(2的平均值为0.83)提高了11%,均方根误差(root mean square error,RMSE)平均为0.08,比同组BP神经网络模型(RMSE的平均值为0.12)减少了33%,RF算法更适合于小麦条锈病病情严重度的遥感探测。在反射率微分光谱指数中加入冠层SIF数据后,RF模型和BP神经网络模型精度均有所改善,其中RF模型估测值与实测值间的平均2提高了4%,平均RMSE减少了22%,BP神经网络模型估测值与实测值间的平均2提高了14%,平均RMSE减少了28%,综合利用冠层SIF和反射率微分光谱指数能够改善小麦条锈病病情严重度的遥感探测精度。研究结果可为进一步实现作物健康状况大面积高精度遥感监测提供新的思路。


0 引 言




1 材料与方法

1.1 试验设计

试验区位于河北省廊坊市中国农业科学院试验站(39°30¢40²N,116°36¢20²E),小麦品种为对条锈病比较敏感的铭贤169号。试验区小麦平均种植密度为113棵/m2。2018年4月9日采用浓度为9 mg/100 mL的孢子溶液对小麦进行条锈病接种。试验区域小麦分为健康组(编号为A、D)和染病组(编号为B、C),每个试验组的面积为220 m2。每个组分为8个样方(A1-A8、B1-B8、C1-C8、D1-D8),即健康组和染病组各16个样方。

1.2 病情指数调查与田间冠层光谱测定

1.2.1 冠层光谱测定

本试验分别于2018年5月18日、5月24日和5月30日3个时期测定小麦条锈病不同病情严重度下的冠层光谱数据,测量仪器为ASD Field Spec 4地物光谱仪,其光谱分辨率为3 nm,采样间隔1.4 nm,采样波长范围350~2 500 nm,测量时间为北京时间11∶00-12∶30,测量高度距离地面1.3 m,探头视场角25°,每个采样点观测10次并对观测结果取平均作为该采样点的光谱数据,每次测量前后均用标准BaSO4参考板对冠层辐亮度数据进行校正。

1.2.2 病情指数调查

冠层病情指数调查采用5点取样法,在每个样方内选取对称的5点,每点约1 m2,随机选取30株小麦,分别调查其发病情况。病情严重度参照国家标准“小麦条锈病测报技术规范”(GB/T 15795)[23]进行量化。单叶严重度分为9个梯度,即0、1%、10%、20%、30%、45%、60%、80%和100%的叶片病斑覆盖,分别记录各严重度的小麦叶片数,按式(1)计算不同梯度测试群体的病情指数[8,24]。


1.2.3 日光诱导叶绿素荧光的3FLD算法

目前常用的日光诱导叶绿素荧光的估测方法为基于夫琅和费暗线原理的标准FLD (fraunhofer line discrimi­nation) 算法。该方法假设吸收线内外反射率和透过率相等,通过比较夫琅和费吸收线内外2个波段植被冠层上行辐亮度和下行辐照度光谱差异计算夫琅和费吸收线处的叶绿素荧光强度[25]。

式中II为夫琅和费吸收线内、外的太阳辐照度光谱强度(W/cm2/nm);LL为夫琅和费吸收线内、外的植被冠层反射的辐亮度光谱强度 (W/cm2/nm/sr)。



1.2.4 高光谱微分指数


表1 微分光谱指数


1.3 模型构建

1.3.1 BP神经网络模型

神经网络模型中,BP神经网络是应用范围比较广泛的一种建模方法。BP神经网络模型的拓扑结构包括输入层(input)、隐含层(hide layer)和输出层(output layer),层与层之间的神经元通过相应的网络权重系数相互联系,每层内的神经元之间不连接。其核心思想是通过调整各神经元之间的权值,将误差由隐含层向输入层逐层反传,对误差函数进行“链式求导”,使误差逼近最小值[35]。本文中BP神经网络模型由输入层(对小麦条锈病敏感的各类特征参量)、隐含层和输出层(小麦条锈病病情严重度)构成。为了得到更好的网络训练效果,本文在建模前对各输入变量进行了归一化处理。

1.3.2 随机森林模型


2 结果与分析

2.1 相关性分析

2.1.1 冠层SIF与DI的相关性分析

由于O2-A (760 nm)波段氧气吸收形成的夫琅和费暗线特征明显[39],荧光估测精度高[40]。因此本文利用测定的小麦条锈病不同病情严重度下太阳及冠层辐亮度数据通过3FLD方法计算O2-A暗线处的日光诱导叶绿素荧光相对强度,并在此基础上分析小麦条锈病病情严重度和叶绿素荧光相对强度的关系(图1)。由图1可以看出,O2-A波段处的日光诱导叶绿素荧光相对强度与小麦条锈病病情严重度达到了极显著负相关。这是由于O2-A波段的冠层SIF主要受植被吸收光合有效辐射APARchl(absorbed photosynthetic active radiation)影响[41],随着小麦条锈病病情严重度的增加,光合作用活性减弱,进而导致APARchl降低[42]和冠层SIF值减小,因此冠层SIF与小麦条锈病病情严重度之间呈现极显著负相关关系。


2.1.2 一阶微分光谱指数与DI的相关性分析


表2 DI与微分光谱指数之间的关系

2.2 模型构建与精度分析


2.2.1 病情严重度预测模型的构建


论文通过对训练样本的多次仿真确定随机森林算法中决策树的数量(ntree)为500,内部节点随机选择属性个数(mtry)取默认值。BP算法采用3层网络标准结构,其中隐含层设置为5个神经元,最大训练次数为5 000,训练间隔为10,最小均方根误差为0.001,学习步长为0.1。


表3 训练集模型预测结果

Table 3 Training set model prediction result


2.2.2 模型评价



图2 小麦条锈病病情严重度RF预测模型验证

图3 小麦条锈病病情严重度BP神经网络预测模型验证

3 讨 论






4 结 论




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Wheat stripe rust monitoring by random forest algorithm combined with SIF and reflectance spectrum

Jing Xia1, Bai Zongfan1, Gao Yuan1,2, Liu Liangyun2

(1.,’,710054,; 2.,,100094,)

The prevalence of wheat stripe rust has a significant impact on the production of winter wheat all over the world. An effective monitoring and warning of this disease is imperative to ensure the quality of wheat production. Remote sensing detection of wheat stripe rust is important for agriculture management and decision. The reflectance spectrum is closely related to the changes of biomass. It cannot, however, directly reveal the photosynthetic physiological state of vegetation. Solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence(SIF) can sensitively reflect the photosynthetic vitality of crops, and the canopy’s solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence signal includes the fluorescence characteristics of physiological changes caused by plant disease stress. In order to improve detection precision of wheat stripe rust, this study made full use of the advantages of reflectance spectroscopy for the detection of crop biochemical parameters and the advantages of chlorophyll fluorescence in photosynthetic physiological diagnosis, a remote sensing study on the severity of wheat stripe rust was carried out by using random forest (RF) and other machine learning algorithms synergistic SIF and reflectance differential spectral index in the canopy of wheat. Firstly, based on Fraunhofer line principle, three bands fraunhofer line discrimination(3FLD) algorithm was used to predict the intensity of chlorophyll fluorescence in O2-A band (760 nm). Then 11 reflectance differential spectral indices, which are sensitive to the severity of wheat stripe rust disease were selected. Based on RF and back propagation(BP) neural network algorithm, a model for predicting the severity of wheat stripe rust with differential reflectance spectral index and canopy SIF was established. The study incorporated a cross-checking method based on measurements of control samples. Fifty-two raw crop samples were randomly divided into two parts three times, the first part including 39 datasets was used as the training set for the model building, and the remaining 13 data samples were used to evaluate the accuracy of the models. The results showed that: 1) There is a significant negative correlation between SIF and the disease severity of wheat stripe rust. Remote sensing detection of wheat stripe rust severity can both be realized using the differential spectral index alone or by using the differential spectral index and the solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence in combination. However, the accuracy of the estimates made by the RF and BP neural network models using the combination of data from the differential spectral index and the solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence were all higher than that for the models constructed using the differential spectral index alone. In the three sample groups, average determination coefficient between the estimated DI using the RF model and the BP neural network model and the measured DI increased by 4% and 14% respectively, and the average RMSE decreased by 33% and 28% respectively. The detection accuracy of wheat stripe rust severity can be improved using solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence combined reflectance differential spectral index. 2) The canopy solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence synergistic differential spectral index were used as sensitive factors, the coefficients of determination between the estimated DI using the RF model and the measured DI were 0.90, 0.93, and 0.98, respectively, which were greater than the coefficients produced when using the BP neural network model for the same group (0.88, 0.84, and 0.92). Similarly, the RMSEs were 0.09, 0.07, and 0.04, respectively, which were smaller than the RMSEs (0.10, 0.11, and 0.09) using the BP neural network model for the same group. Therefore, the model using the RF algorithm was better at estimating wheat stripe rust severity than the BP neural network-based model, and it is more suitable for the remote sensing detection of wheat stripe rust severity. These results have important significance for improving the accuracy of the real-world remote sensing detection of wheat stripe rust, and the analysis provides new ideas for further realizing large-area remote sensing monitoring of crop health.

remote sensing; monitoring; wheat; stripe rust; random forest; solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence; differential spectral index








竞 霞,博士,副教授,研究方向为农业定量遥感。

竞 霞,白宗璠,高 媛,刘良云.利用随机森林法协同SIF和反射率光谱监测小麦条锈病[J]. 农业工程学报,2019,35(13):154-161. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.13.017

Jing Xia, Bai Zongfan, Gao Yuan, Liu Liangyun. Wheat stripe rust monitoring by random forest algorithm combined with SIF and reflectance spectrum [J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2019, 35(13): 154-161. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.13.017

