吴珺华,林 辉,刘嘉铭,王茂胜,杨 松
吴珺华1,林 辉1,刘嘉铭1,王茂胜1,杨 松2※
(1. 南昌航空大学土木建筑学院,南昌 330063;2. 云南农业大学水利学院,昆明 650201)
以壤土为研究对象,将十八胺基伯胺作为斥水剂掺入天然风干重塑壤土中,配置了不同十八烷基伯胺含量和初始含水率的改性试样,采用滴水穿透时间法测定了改性壤土的斥水等级,提出并获得了改性壤土的临界含水率,分析了十八烷基伯胺含量、壤土斥水等级、初始含水率的关系。在此基础上,采用全自动三轴渗透仪,开展了改性壤土在不同水头差作用下的渗透试验,揭示了不同斥水等级壤土的入渗性能,获得了改性壤土的稳定入渗率。结果表明:十八烷基伯胺含量和土壤含水率是影响土壤斥水性的重要因素。十八烷基伯胺含量越高,土壤斥水等级越大,上限含水率越低,而下限含水率越高。土壤斥水等级相同时,初始入渗速率受水头差影响较小,如十八胺基伯胺质量分数为0.6%的土壤,20和60 kPa水头差条件下其初始入渗速率分别为0.210和0.238 cm/s;入渗持续一段时间后,入渗速率突然降低,降至0.005 cm/s,进入稳定入渗阶段。土壤斥水性越强,稳定入渗速率和稳定入渗率均呈下降趋势,壤土防渗效果越好。起始出渗时间随水头差的增大而减小,随土壤斥水性的增大而增大。上述研究成果可为斥水性土壤应用于土木水利工程领域提供试验基础。
0 引 言
1 材料与方法
1.1 试验材料
试验用土取自云南省昆明市盘龙区黑龙潭附近地下40 cm埋深处的土壤,风干碾碎过2 mm筛后备用。壤土的相对密度2.71,天然干密度1.35 g/cm3,最大干密度1.5 g/cm3,最优含水率质量分数30.8%,塑限29.5%,液限62.7%,塑性指数33.2。采用丹东百特仪器有限公司生产的BT-9300ST型激光粒度分布仪测定其颗粒级配曲线见图1,其中粒径<0.002 mm、0.002~<0.02 mm和0.02~2 mm的土壤颗粒质量占比分别为18.46%、41.67%和39.87%。根据国际土壤质地三角形分类法可知,试验用土为壤土。经XRD衍射图知壤土主要矿物有石英(质量分数34.0%)、赤铁矿(6.3%)、铁氧化物(9.4%)、高岭石(10.2%)、三水铝矿(24.3%)和白云母(15.7%)。
图1 壤土颗粒级配曲线
1.2 初始含水率不同的改性壤土试样制备及试验
将十八烷基伯胺与土壤按不同质量比搅拌均匀后放置75 ℃烘箱中,每隔2 h取出搅拌均匀后再放入烘箱,共搅拌4次,获得十八伯胺含量不同的改性土壤,制备5组不同斥水度的改性土壤。采用喷雾器对斥水土壤进行增湿。试样初始为干燥状态,喷洒一定水量搅拌均匀后,取部分土样密封24 h。每组共制备16种不同初始含水率试样,采用滴水穿透时间法(water drop penetration time,WDPT)测定相应的滴水穿透时间,同时将未滴定检测部分的试样进行含水率试验,相应的含水率见表1。
1.3 渗透试验的试样制备及试验过程
目前斥水土壤的入渗研究主要集中在土壤斥水性对水分运移规律的影响方面[33],研究方法以室内土柱试验[34]和现场入渗试验[35]为主,未考虑高水头和围压下斥水土壤的渗流特性。据此采用南京土壤仪器厂生产的全自动三轴渗透系统进行渗透试验。该系统可自动控制进出试样水量,并实时监测记录流量,最大渗流量为480 mL,精度为0.01 mL。为获得不同斥水程度试样的入渗性能,根据《土工试验方法标准》(GB/T 50123-1999)中三轴试样制备方法分别制备了6组改性壤土试样,每组3个试样,用以开展渗透水头差(试样上下面施加不同水头,模拟工程水头差)分别为20、40和60 kPa的渗透试验。为保证试样与橡胶膜贴合紧密,试验围压恒定为100 kPa。试样为圆柱样(Ф3.91 cm´H8 cm),初始干密度为1.35 g/cm3,初始含水率控制在3.2%±0.2%。试验前先将进水管和出水管中气体完全排出。试验时水通过进液装置从试样底部进入,流经试样后从顶部排出,进水流量和出水流量由流量传感器自动采集。每次渗透试验完成后,需将去离子水补回至储液容器内。有2点需要说明:1)试样斥水度的增大会导致试样抗渗能力增强,其内部被水穿透的实际过水面积越小,导致单位时间内通过试样的水流量越小,故其入渗率逐渐减小;2)有压渗流试验中,试样初始为非饱和状态。水头差越大,试样饱和度越高,但均无法使试样达到完全饱和状态,因此其入渗率与水头差有关,而且未掺十八烷基伯胺的试样入渗率在不同水头差下也存在差异。可以看出,试样的稳定入渗率受斥水度和水头差的共同影响,数值上均要小于饱和导水率。由于本文重点分析十八烷基伯胺含量对改性壤土入渗率的影响,且稳定入渗时满足层流条件,故本文采用达西定律来计算稳定入渗率(式(1)),其中过水断面面积取试样横截面积(即为常数),以探究稳定入渗率与十八烷基伯胺含量的关系。
表1 用于临界含水率试验的试样的初始含水率
1.4 斥水度测定与评价标准
采用滴水穿透时间法来测定改性壤土的斥水度。滴水穿透时间法斥水度评价标准是根据滴水入渗土壤时间的不同将斥水等级分为无(<5 s)、轻微(5 s≤<60 s)、中等(60 s≤<600 s)、严重(600 s≤<3 600 s)和极度(≥3 600 s)5个等级[36]。为降低制样不均匀性的影响,在试样表面选取3处(正三角形分布,间距4 cm)测定滴水穿透时间。每滴水量为0.05 mL,每处滴水5滴,共计0.25 mL,取3处滴水穿透时间平均值作为最终结果。整个试验过程中温度控制在(24 ± 1)℃,湿度控制在64% ± 2%。
2 结果与分析
2.1 初始含水率对改性土壤斥水性能的影响
图2为不同初始含水率下改性壤土的滴水穿透时间变化情况。可以看出,十八烷基伯胺质量分数为0.2%和0.4%的壤土,当含水率质量分数低于12%时,滴水穿透时间均小于5 s,表现出亲水性;含水率质量分数继续增至21%时,其滴水穿透时间迅速增至3 611和4 012 s,即斥水等级由无斥水快速升至极度斥水,增加速率基本一致;含水率质量分数在21%~25%之间的壤土滴水穿透时间均大于3 600 s,斥水等级稳定在极度;含水率质量分数从25%增至32%(饱和)时,其斥水等级均由极度迅速降至无,下降速率基本一致。十八烷基伯胺质量分数为0.6%和0.8%的壤土,天然风干状态下的滴水穿透时间为731和2 584 s,即表现出严重的斥水等级。随着含水率的增加,滴水穿透时间迅速增加,最大增至9 345(初始含水率质量分数为23.1%)和12 364 s(初始含水率质量分数为21.6%),斥水等级为极度;随后滴水穿透时间迅速降低,至饱和状态时斥水性完全消失。十八烷基伯胺质量分数为1.0%的壤土,天然风干状态下的滴水穿透时间为4 886 s,已达到极度斥水等级。随着含水率的增加,滴水穿透时间亦迅速增加,最大值甚至超过18 000 s(初始含水率质量分数为19.3%、20.0%和23.7%),斥水等级均为极度;当含水率质量分数增至26.8%时,滴水穿透时间迅速降至9 346 s,随后快速降低,至饱和状态时斥水性完全消失。
图2 不同初始含水率和十八烷基伯胺含量下壤土的滴水穿透时间和斥水等级
图3 壤土临界含水率与十八烷基伯胺含量关系
2.2 改性土壤对渗流的影响
图4为不同改性壤土的渗流流量与时间关系曲线,包括入渗流量(通过水压穿透试样,试样从非饱和至饱和破坏阶段总入渗水体积)与出渗流量(水穿过试样总出渗水体积)。除了极度斥水的试样外,其余试样的入渗曲线均呈现典型的双线性阶段:初始入渗阶段和稳定入渗阶段,两直线交点时间为突变所需历时。相应的初始入渗速率和稳定入渗速率见表2。结果表明,斥水等级相同时,水头差对初始入渗速率影响不明显,如十八烷基伯胺质量分数为0.6%时,20、40和60 kPa水头差初始入渗速率分别为0.210、0.208和0.238 cm/s,相差不大。入渗持续一段时间后,入渗速率突然降低,对应十八烷基伯胺质量分数为0.6%的初始入渗速率分别降至0.005、0.004和0.010 cm/s,进入稳定入渗阶段。相同斥水等级下的稳定入渗速率皆随着水头差增大而增大,随着壤土从无斥水等级到极度斥水等级,其稳定入渗速率呈下降趋势,表明斥水性越强的壤土阻渗效果越明显,水越难以入渗壤土。水头差越大,突变所需历时越长,如对应的十八烷基伯胺质量分数为0.6%的水头差历时分别为10.3、13.8和16.3 min,相应的入渗量也随着水头差的增大而增大。
从出渗上看,其变化规律与入渗流量的基本一致,同一时刻下的数值比入渗流量要小,到稳定渗流阶段时,出渗速率与入渗速率基本相同。不同水头差作用下出渗流量存在水平线段。由于试样初始状态为非饱和,入渗开始阶段,水在短时间内快速充填试样内部孔隙;当入渗流量达到一定值时,试样趋于饱和,多余水量经排水管流出,试样处于稳定渗流阶段。起始出渗时间随水头差的增大而缩短,随斥水等级的增大而增大,其中当壤土为极度斥水时,20 kPa水头差作用时入渗流量不增反减,未测得出渗流量(图4f, 出渗20 kPa为一段水平直线),表明水已无法入渗试样,具备抵抗一定水头作用下入渗的能力。
图4 不同斥水等级的壤土渗流量与时间关系
表2 不同斥水等级和水头差作用下壤土初始和稳定入渗速率
2.3 对改性土壤稳定入渗率的影响
将不同水头差作用下壤土的稳定入渗率与十八烷基伯胺含量关系绘于图5中。可以看出,随着十八烷基伯胺含量的增加,稳定入渗率均呈下降趋势。水头差越小,下降幅度越明显。十八烷基伯胺质量分数较低时(0、0.2%和0.4%),稳定入渗率受水头差影响较大:水头差越大,稳定入渗率越小。十八烷基伯胺质量分数达到一定值时(0.6%、0.8%和1.0%),稳定入渗率基本不受水头差的影响。渗流过程中,水对土颗粒会产生渗透力,渗透阻力主要来自固体颗粒及孔隙大小,其与水力梯度成正比。渗径长度相同时,水头差越大,相应的渗透力越大,其对土壤内部结构的挤密作用越明显,导致孔隙体积越小,入渗性能下降。因此当十八烷基伯胺含量较低时,水头差对土壤入渗性能起主导作用;当十八烷基伯胺含量逐渐增加时,十八烷基伯胺对水的排斥作用明显增强,甚至起绝对主导作用,此时水头差对土壤入渗性能影响不明显。对土木水利工程而言,在满足相同密实度的前提下,土壤稳定入渗率越小,工程防渗效果越好,传统防渗措施可大大减少,降低工程造价。就本试验结果而言,十八烷基伯胺质量分数为0.8%的壤土,其在60 kPa水头差作用下的稳定入渗率为7.4×10-5cm/s,已属于极低透水性级别,完全满足工程防渗需要。
图5 不同水头差下壤土稳定入渗率与十八烷基伯胺含量关系
3 结 论
4)十八烷基伯胺质量分数为0.8%的壤土,在60 kPa水头差作用下的稳定入渗率为7.4×10-5cm/s,已达到低透水性级别,完全满足工程防渗需要。
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Hydrophobility and infiltration properties of loam chemically modified by octadecylamine
Wu Junhua1, Lin Hui1, Liu Jiaming1, Wang Maosheng1, Yang Song2※
This study aimed to analyze water repellency and infiltration performance of soils with octadecylamine addition. Air-dried remolded loam was mixed with octadecylamine to obtain water repellent loam. A total 5 kinds of loam with octadecylamine content of 0.2%, 0.4%, 0.6%, 0.8% and 1.0% were prepared. For each loam with a certain octadecylamine content, 16 samples with different initial moisture content were then prepared. The water repelling of water repellent loam was determined by water drop penetration time (WDPT), and the critical moisture content of water repellent loam was proposed. Then the permeability tests of water repellent loam under different water head differences were carried out by using a triaxial permeameter. The relationship between octadecylamine content, seepage discharge and water head differences was analyzed, and the permeability coefficient of water repellent loam was obtained. The octadecylamine and soil moisture content were important factors affecting soil water repellency and the higher octadecylamine mass fractions had the stronger water repellency of loam, the lower moisture content of upper limit, and the higher moisture content of lower limit. When the moisture content was less than 12%, the drop penetration time of loam with octadecylamine content of 0.2% and 0.4% was less than 5 s, which showed hydrophilicity. When the moisture content of loam increased to 21%, the drop penetration time of loam increased rapidly to 3 611 and 4 012 s, respectively. That means the corresponding water repelling of loam changed from hydrophilicity to extreme level. The drop penetration time of loam soil with moisture content between 21% and 25% was more than 3 600s, which showed extreme level. When the moisture content increased from 25% to 32% (saturation), the water repellency of loam decreased rapidly from extreme to hydrophilicity. In loam with natural air-dried moisture content, the drop penetration time of loam with octadecylamine content of 0.6% and 0.8% were 731 s and 2 584 s, which showed severe level. With the increasing of moisture content, the drop penetration time increased rapidly to 9 345 s (moisture content of 23.1%) and 12 364 s (moisture content of 21.6%), which showed extreme levels. Then the drop penetration time decreased rapidly and the water repellency disappeared completely at saturation. The drop penetration time of natural air-dried loam was 4 886 s with octadecylamine content of 1.0%, which showed extreme level. With the increasing of moisture content, the drop penetration time also increased rapidly. The maximums of drop penetration time were more than 18 000s (moisture content of 19.3%, 20.0% and 23.7%) which showed extreme levels. When the moisture content increased to 26.8%, the drop penetration time decreased rapidly to 9 346 s, and the water repellency disappeared completely at saturation. For loam with octadecylamine content of 0.2% and 0.4%, the upper limits of moisture content were 11.1% and 10.8%, and the lower limits of moisture content were 23.9% and 24.1%, respectively. For loam with octadecylamine contents of 0.6%, 0.8% and 1.0%, the upper limits of moisture content were 3.5%, 2.8% and 2.0%, and the lower limits of moisture content were 26.3%, 27.1% and 27.3%, respectively. When the octadecylamine content were the same, the initial infiltration rates was less affected by water head differences. After a period of time, the infiltration rates were decreased suddenly and kept stable. The larger water head differences had the higher stable infiltration rates. When the water repellency of soils changed from wettable to extreme level, the stable infiltration rate gradually decreased. The mutation time of infiltration was shortened with the increasing of water head differences. When the octadecylamine content were low (0%, 0.2% and 0.4%), the permeability coefficients were greatly affected by the water head differences: the greater the water head differences had the smaller permeability coefficients. When the octadecylamine content were high (0.6%, 0.8% and 1.0%), the permeability coefficients were basically not affected by the water head differences. When the octadecylamine content was 0.8% and the water head difference was 20 kPa, the water hardly infiltrated into loam which showed complete impermeability. The results can provide theoretical support to analysis on hydrophobized soil and its application in civil and hydraulic engineering.
soils; permeability; moisture; water repellent; octadecylamine
杨 松,副教授,博士,主要从事非饱和土基本性质研究。Email:yscliff007@126.com
吴珺华,林 辉,刘嘉铭,王茂胜,杨 松.十八胺化学改性下壤土的斥水性与入渗性能研究[J]. 农业工程学报,2019,35(13):122-128. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.13.013 http://www.tcsae.org
Wu Junhua, Lin Hui, Liu Jiaming, Wang Maosheng, Yang Song. Hydrophobility and infiltration properties of loam chemically modified by octadecylamine[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE),2019, 35(13): 122-128. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.13.013 http://www.tcsae.org