

农业工程学报 2019年12期

李帅帅,张雄智,刘冰洋,赵 鑫,张海林


李帅帅,张雄智,刘冰洋,赵 鑫,张海林※

(中国农业大学农学院,农业部农作制度重点实验室,北京 100193)

稻田是农业生产中甲烷的主要排放源。探索不同农田管理措施对甲烷排放的影响,对湖南省双季稻可持续生产意义重大。该研究利用Meta分析方法,基于该区域53篇公开发表研究文章中收集的840对数据研究发现:湖南省双季稻田中,双季稻甲烷排放占全年甲烷排放的97.9%,且晚稻甲烷排放显著大于早稻;冬闲期种植作物显著增加了双季稻田43.88%(< 0.05)的甲烷排放;免耕和复合种养(稻田养鸭、稻田养鱼等)则分别显著降低了双季稻26.84%、37.02%(< 0.05)的甲烷排放;另一方面,从单位产量甲烷排放来看,施氮肥显著降低了双季稻40.01%(< 0.05)排放量,这主要是由于水稻产量显著提高了73.87%(< 0.05);施有机肥和秸秆还田显著增加稻田甲烷排放量,显著增加了68.11%、71.80%(< 0.05)的双季稻单位产量甲烷排放量。研究结果表明,在湖南双季稻生产中合理采用免耕、复合种养措施并合理化肥料投入等措施有利于平衡该区域水稻增产与甲烷减排。


0 引 言




1 材料与方法

1.1 数据来源与筛选

本研究以“水稻或稻田”和“甲烷”为关键词分别在web of science和中国知网(CNKI)进行文献检索,收集筛选2018年以前经过同行评议发表的关于农田管理措施影响湖南双季稻田CH4排放的期刊论文。所选论文须为在中国湖南省开展的田间对比试验,不包含宏观评价类、综述类、室内培养及模型模拟类的论文。研究所利用的文献满足以下条件[15]:






表1 纳入Meta分析的文献的基础信息

1.2 数据处理与分析



通过Meta分析运算得到每对数据的效应值,计算权重加权平均后得到综合效应值。同时,利用Bootstrapping方法通过4 999次迭代计算其95%的置信区间。为了便于理解,通过式(3)计算得到CH4排放量的变化百分数



由于秸秆还田、氮肥施用情况等不同农田管理措施对稻田CH4排放影响不同。因此,对已有的数据进行分组,来检验某一特定农田管理措施对稻田CH4排放(表2)的影响,采用 Sigma Plot 12.0软件进行作图。

表2 农田管理措施对水稻产量及稻田CH4排放影响的数据分组

2 结果与分析

2.1 CH4排放占比情况


表3 早稻季、晚稻季和冬闲期CH4排放量及占全年CH4排放比例

2.2 农田管理措施对双季稻田CH4排放量的影响

2.2.1 稻作制度、复合种养及耕作方式对双季稻田CH4排放的影响

调整稻作制度,稻田冬季种植绿肥(黑麦草、紫云英)、油菜和马铃薯等会增加稻田CH4排放,免耕和复合种养(稻田养鸭、稻田养鱼等)会显著降低稻田CH4排放(图1)。稻田冬季种植绿肥并还田显著增加冬闲期稻田CH4排放量132.20%(< 0.05),显著增加双季稻CH4排放量43.88%(< 0.05)。对早稻CH4排放的促进作用显著大于晚稻,显著增加早稻CH4排放量76.46%(< 0.05),显著增加晚稻CH4排放量24.83%(< 0.05)。

与仅种植水稻相比,复合种养会显著减少双季稻CH4排放量37.02%(< 0.05)。其中显著减少早稻CH4排放量33.73%(< 0.05),显著减少晚稻CH4排放量30.99%(< 0.05)。与翻耕相比,免耕显著减少双季稻CH4排放量26.84%(< 0.05),其中显著减少早稻CH4排放量27.18%(< 0.05),显著减少晚稻CH4排放量21.39%(< 0.05)。


Figure 1 Effects of crop rotation, symbiosis ecosystem and tillage methods on CH4emissions from double cropping rice fields

2.2.2 施氮肥、施有机肥及秸秆还田对双季稻田CH4排放的影响

施氮肥会显著降低稻田单位产量CH4排放量,主要是通过显著增加水稻产量而对稻田CH4排放量无明显影响来实现的(表4)。施氮肥会显著增加双季稻产量73.87%(< 0.05),导致双季稻单位产量CH4排放量显著减少40.01%(< 0.05)。分别增加早稻、晚稻产量103.44%、43.52%(< 0.05),最终降低早稻单位产量CH4排放量47.73%(< 0.05),晚稻单位产量CH4排放量17.24%(< 0.05)。

表4还表明,施有机肥和秸秆还田会显著增加稻田CH4排放量,对水稻产量无显著影响,因此会显著增加单位产量CH4排放量。施有机肥显著增加早稻、晚稻和双季稻CH4排放量79.44%、81.21%、73.37%(< 0.05),最终显著增加早稻、晚稻和双季稻单位产量CH4排放量69.22%、75.21%、68.11%(< 0.05)。秸秆还田显著增加早稻、晚稻和双季稻CH4排放量73.41%、119.78%、111.67%(< 0.05),最终显著增加早稻、晚稻和双季稻单位产量CH4排放量117.41%、108.21%、71.80%(< 0.05)。


表4 施肥及秸秆还田对双季稻产量及CH4排放的变化百分数的影响

3 讨 论

3.1 稻作制度、施有机肥及秸秆还田对稻田CH4排放的影响


本研究得出绿肥还田会显著增加早稻CH4排放量76.46%(< 0.05),显著增加晚稻CH4排放量24.83%(< 0.05),对晚稻CH4排放的促进作用远远大于早稻。原因是早稻季绿肥刚翻埋还田,可以提供大量的易降解有机质。绿肥作物经过早稻季腐解,晚稻季虽然仍可继续提供易降解有机质,但数量已明显减少。这与朱波等[70]通过盆栽试验观测黑麦草翻埋还田对双季稻CH4排放影响的结果相近,试验观测到约60%的CH4排放来自早稻移栽前和早稻生长期。

3.2 施氮肥、耕作方式及复合种养对稻田CH4排放的影响





4 结 论





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Influencing factors of CH4emissions from double cropping paddy fields in Hunan Province, China based on Meta-analysis

Li Shuaishuai, Zhang Xiongzhi, Liu Bingyang, Zhao Xin, Zhang Hailin※


Warming climate has been a global concern. Methane is an important greenhouse gas. Double rice cropping system in Hunan province contributes a large proportion of the national rice production. In this study, we studied the effect of agricultural managements of rice on methane emissions from double cropping paddy fields in Hunan Province, China based on Meta-analysis method. Only studies designed as side-by-side paired field experiments were included in this study. Field management practices, treatments, and controls were described in detail in each study, and the location of the experiment was provided. If seasonal accumulative CH4emission fluxes were not directly provided, these values were calculated by multiplying time and mean CH4emissions by the measurement period. A total of 53 published peer-reviewed papers published before 2018were obtained by reference retrieval. From them, 840 groups of data were drawn. The management measures included crop rotation, symbiosis ecosystem, tillage, nitrogen fertilizer input, organic manure and residue retention. The control and treatment groups were fallow versus winter crops, paddy-rice system versus rice-duck and rice-fish systems, conventional versus no tillage, no fertilizer-N input versus fertilizer-N input, no manure input versus fertilizer-N and manure input, and fertilizer-N input versus residue retention. Natural log of response ratio was used as the effect size in the random effect meta-analysis. Results showed that CH4emissions from both early and late rice accounted for 97.9% of annual CH4emissions, and more CH4emissions from late rice was observed than that for early rice. In the double rice cropping system, adding winter crops could significantly increase CH4emissions from double rice season by 43.88% (< 0.05) compared to winter fallow. Moreover, the increase in methane emissions from early rice was significantly higher than that from late rice. Symbiosis ecosystem of rice (i.e., with ducks or fishes) and adopting no-till significantly decreased CH4emissions by 37.02% and 26.84% (< 0.05), respectively. The decrease in the emission from early rice field was much higher than that from late rice field. As for yield-scaled emission, application of N fertilizer decreased yield-scaled CH4emissions by 40.01% (< 0.05) mainly due to the yields increased by 73.87% (< 0.05). Additionally, organic fertilizer application and residue retention increased 68.11% and 71.80% (< 0.05) of yield-scaled CH4emissions without impacting the rice yield. The results suggested adopting symbiosis ecosystem rice production or no-till along with optimized N input is conducive to balancing rice yield and CH4emissions from fields with double rice cropping system in Hunan province.

methane; tillage; fertilizers; double cropping rice field; Meta-analysis










李帅帅,张雄智,刘冰洋,赵 鑫,张海林. Meta分析湖南省双季稻田甲烷排放影响因素[J]. 农业工程学报,2019,35(12):124-132. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.12.015

Li Shuaishuai, Zhang Xiongzhi, Liu Bingyang, Zhao Xin, Zhang Hailin. Influencing factors of CH4emissions from double cropping paddy fields in Hunan Province, China based on Meta-analysis[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2019, 35(12): 124-132. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.12.015


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