

振动工程学报 2019年3期

杨骁 王天宇

摘要: 将梁中横向开裂纹等效为内部扭转弹簧,利用广义Delta函数和Heaviside函数,给出了具有任意条裂纹Euler-Bernoulli梁振动模态的统一显式解析表达式。在此基础上,引入裂纹附加模态的概念,并根据裂纹附加模态函数的构造特征,利用最小二乘拟合,建立了一种新的裂纹损伤参数识别方法。该方法计算简单,且仅需较少的测量点及测量点处某一模态的测量数据即可实现裂纹位置及深度的识别。最后,通过两个数值算例验证了裂纹损伤参数识别方法的适用性和可靠性,并考察了测量噪声对损伤识别的影响,结果表明裂纹位置识别精度高于裂纹等效弹簧刚度识别精度;前面裂纹识别结果影响后续裂纹的识别结果;随着测量噪声的增加,裂纹位置及裂纹等效弹簧刚度的识别误差增加,但仍在可接受的范围内,故该裂纹损伤识别方法在工程实际中具有一定的适用性。

关键词: 裂纹梁; 裂纹损伤识别; 等效扭转弹簧模型; 裂纹附加模态; 最小二乘拟合

中图分类号: TU311.3; O346.5 文献标志码: A 文章编号: 1004-4523(2019)03-0480-10


引 言






为了研究测点数对裂纹等效弹簧刚度识别精度的影响,将梁上测点数增加10个,即梁上均匀分布21个测点。利用测量点ξ*i = 0.05i(i = 1,2,…,8)处的测量数据*1(ξ)可得到基础模态近似函数0(ξ)。利用测点ξ*i = 0.05i + 0.6 (i = 1,2,…,7)处的测量数据得到裂纹附加模态值,拟合得到裂纹附加模态。其结果如图6所示。并由式(27)得到裂纹的近似等效抗弯刚度k*1。比较表2与3可得,增加测点数目对于裂纹定位及裂纹等效弹簧刚度的识别精度都有显著影响,特别地,对于裂纹等效弹簧刚度的识别精度提升更为显著。

4.2 悬臂双裂纹梁的裂纹参数识别



在得到第一条裂纹相关参数的基础上,进行悬臂梁第二条裂纹的位置及等效弹簧刚度识别。图10给出了第二条裂纹在测量点ξ*=0.65,0.7,0.75,0.8,0.85, 0.9,0.95,1.0处的裂纹附加模态测量值,可见第二条裂纹因存在于区间[0.6,0.65]内,由此得到图11所示的第二条裂纹的附加模态近似函数2D(ξ)。由2D(ξ)=0确定的第二条裂纹的近似位置ξ=ξ*2及其近似等效抗弯刚度k*2,如表5所示。比较表4和5可见,第二条裂纹的损伤识别精度较第一条裂纹差,其原因是第一条裂纹的识别误差会逐渐积累,因此对于多裂纹梁的损伤识别必须控制好模态数据的测量精度。

5 裂纹识别方法的试验验证

文献[28]利用加速度传感器对单裂纹悬臂梁的振型进行了測定。试验梁的几何和材料为:梁长L=300 mm,横截面尺寸b×h为20×20 mm2,弹性模量为E=206 GPa,材料密度为7800 kg/m3。裂纹位于距固支端140 mm处,裂纹深度为10 mm。图12给出了裂纹梁第1阶的归一化模态测量值。

取测点数目为11,均匀分布在梁上,利用测量点处的基振模态测量数据可得到基础模态近似函数。在此基础上,利用式(21)得到测点ξ*=0.6,0.7,0.8, 0.9,1.0处的裂纹附加模态值,其结果如图13所示。由图可见,裂纹存在于区间[0.4,0.5]中。基于区间[0.6,1.0]上的裂纹附加模态值,利用最小二乘法,可得到附加模态近似函数D(ξ),其结果如图14所示。表6给出了裂纹位置和深度的识别结果,可见在实际检测中,本文所提的方法仍然可以获得较精确的识别结果,具有一定的实用性。

6 结 论









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Abstract: Regarding the transverse open crack in a beam as an equivalent internal rotational spring, a unified explicit expression of the vibration mode of an Euler-Bernoulli beam with arbitrary number of cracks is obtained with the generalized Delta and Heaviside functions. On this basis, the concept of crack-induced additional vibration mode is proposed, and a novel method to identify the crack damage parameters is established with the constructive feature of the crack-induced additional vibration mode by using the least square fitting. The proposed method has the advantage of simple calculation and can identify the locations and equivalent rotational spring rigidities of the cracks using less mode measurement data. Finally, the validity and reliability of the proposed method for crack-damage identification are validated by two numerical examples, and the influence of the measurement noise on the identification results is examined. It is revealed that the identification precisions of the crack locations are higher than those of equivalent rotational spring rigidities of the cracks, and the identification result of present cracks has influence on the identification result of later ones. The identification errors of the crack location and the rigidity of the crack equivalent rotational spring increase with the increase of the measurement errors, but these errors are acceptable. Therefore, the proposed crack damage identification method can be applied in practical engineering.

Key words: cracked beam; crack damage identification; equivalent rotational spring model; crack-induced additional mode; least square fitting

作者簡介: 杨 骁(1965-),男,博士,教授,博士生导师。电话: (021)66133698; E-mail: