

重庆与世界 2019年4期

□ 文/本刊记者 刘丁睿 Article/Journalist Liu Dingrui Translator/Li Hongyu




本次设计日主题为“设计与未来城市”,从该主题出发,为反思生活习惯和生活方式提供有效途径,带领人们以全新的认知能力、感知能力展望未来。活动期间,本届意大利全球设计日大使阿尔多·契比齐、意大利米兰理工设计学院教授Mauricio Cardenas、四川美术学院创作科研处处长潘召南及重庆大学建筑城规学院副院长谢辉围绕活动主题,与重庆设计领域从业者及爱好者进行了交流讨论。

每年定期在意大利米兰举行的时装展、家具展、艺术展代表了世界最高水平。文艺复兴的气息蔓延在各个行业,意大利的设计在这样的文化优势根基上呈螺旋式发展,以致成为当今世界的设计大国。米兰理工大学设计学院教授Mauricio Cardenas认为,意大利设计的核心理念就是对于美的追求,以及艺术对于生活的补充,带来非常实用且美观的设计。

The Italians regard design as the culture and philosophy, and their design style brings together the sediment of ancient Greek and Roman culture while continues to develop during the innovation of modern designers. From March 11th to 12th, the third “Italian Design Day” came to Chongqing, which was held in JS ECOOL Cultural and Creative Industry Park and the Derlook International Home space respectively.

The Italian Design Day is a publicity campaign sponsored by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, the Italian Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities, and the major public and private institutions in the design field. The Italian Design Day of 2019 will be held in more than 100 cities around the world, which is dedicated to explore the relationship between design and sustainable development.

With the theme on “Design and Future City”, this design day provides an effective way to reflect on living habits and lifestyles, and leads people to look forward to the future with new ability to perceive. During the event, Aldo Cibic, the Ambassador for Italian Design Day, Mauricio Cardenas, Professor of the Design School of Politecnico di Milano, Italy , Pan Zhaonan, Director of the Creative Research Department of the Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts, and Xie Hui, Vice President of the School of Architecture and Urban Planning of Chongqing University, organized exchanged discussions with practitioners and enthusiasts in the field of design in Chongqing around the theme.







Fashion shows, furniture fairs and art exhibitions held regularly in Milan, Italy each year represent the highest level in the world. The atmosphere of the Renaissance has penetrated in various industries, and the design of Italy has developed spirally on the basis of such cultural advantages, which has made Italy a design country in today’s world.Mauricio Cardenas, a Professor of the Design School of Politecnico di Milano, believes that the core concept of Italian design is the pursuit of beauty and the complement of art to life, bringing a very practical and beautiful design.

The rapid development of artificial intelligence has brought greater convenience to people’s lives and has also changed our way of life.However, Aldo Cibic said, “Smart city is not a necessity for people’s life.Space design should pay more attention to the needs of humanity. The world today is undergoing a historic revolution about nature, society and new technologies. The emergence of smart city is to meet the needs of human nature, and the core of urban intelligent development should be human-oriented.”

Born in the town of Schio in Vicenza, Italy, in 1955, Aldo Cibic has a strong interest in design from an early age. He is currently teaching at the Politecnico di Milano, Università IUAV di Venezia and the Domus Academy. He is also an emeritus professor at the College of Design and Innovation at Tongji University in Shanghai.

“When I came to the city of Chongqing for the first time, I was very surprised at the high-rise buildings around when I passed the Qiansimen Bridge.” Aldo Cibic said that he does not like the monotonous urban appearance and hopes to integrate the regional culture and unique characteristics into the urban design. “I also noticed that there are some footpaths with green plants and cobblestone intertwined in Chongqing.They are very beautiful. I like them very much.” Aldo Cibic said that Chongqing can make more use of the public spaces.

“Italy is China’s largest exporter of furniture. In 2018 , the export volume reached 500 million euros.” Davide Castellani, the Italian deputy consul general in Chongqing, told the reporter that Italy’s brilliant achievements in the design field come from a long tradition of art and the pursuit of excellence in beauty as well as the exquisite craftsmanship that is combined with contemporary industrial technology, allowing Italian designers to create unique products. In the field of design, Italy believes that it can become the most ideal partner in China with its rich experience and excellent skills.

阿尔多·契比齐、Mauricio Cardenas、潘召南、谢辉围绕活动主题展开交流讨论。

