由浙江省文化和旅游厅主办的“美丽中国·诗画浙江”浙江传统工艺创新展,作为第五届伦敦手工艺周的单元展,5月在伦敦亚洲之家(Asia House)亮相。来自世界各国的手工艺人、设计师,在这里交流经验,碰撞灵感,探讨当代的“工匠精神”。
作为英国手工艺复兴的重要展示平台,“伦敦手工艺周”正在成为全球手工艺者相聚的盛會。正如伦敦手工艺周主席盖·萨特(Guy Salter)所说,“如今人们多少有些厌倦了千篇一律的东西,会去寻找一些特别的物品。它不一定要多贵、制作多耗时,但一定要有人情味儿。”
took place at the Asia House in Marylebone, an area in the West End of London in May during London Craft Week. Hundreds of designers, brands, and artists took part, along with galleries from 15 countries. Displays and activities, which included workshops and talks, took place at 150 locations across London.
As a platform for the renaissance of the crafts in UK, London Crafts Week is a huge gathering of craftspeople from all over the world. “People today are tired of stereotypes. They want something special, not necessarily expensive and time-consuming. They want something that touches human sentiments,”says Mr. Guy Salter, chairman of London Craft Week.
(Text by Chen Danning)