项目信息/Credits and Data
设计团队/Design Team: 梅洪元,陆诗亮,苑雪飞,梁斌,陈滨志/MEI Hongyuan, LU Shiliang, YUAN Xuefei,LIANG Bin, CHEN Binzhi
建筑面积/Floor Area: 43,000m2
设计时间/Design Time: 2009
竣工时间/Completion Time: 2013
摄影/Photos: 韦树祥/WEI Shuxiang
1 看台层平面/Stand level plan
2 南向局部外景/Partial view from the south
3 开台下空间/Space under stand
4 外景/Exterior view
The design of the tennis court is based on the principle of ordinary architecture thought.By combining the pure concrete main field structure with the straight steel side wall, the tennis court create an architectural context in which steel and concrete dialogue. The prototype of the tennis court draws inspiration from the elegant and natural beauty of the central venue's master plan, introducing the concept of "green wall" in the regular architectural form, arranging the steel side wall in the east-west direction,covering the vegetation of the four seasons and the glass with perforated metal plates, producing natural rich color changes. The tennis court's architectural structure and architectural functions are organically integrated, and the space and shape are perfectly unified, maximizing the ordinary design concept of saving materials and reducing cost, energy saving and environmental protection.□