

世界建筑 2019年4期


1 夜景/Night view









这些独立元件有梯形、三角形和矩形3种,赋予立面一种能调节全天候阳光反射的结构,创造出一种近乎于人工调控的外观。遮阳系统也是关乎建筑能源的一部分,该系统可以防止过热。当其紧闭,会将自然光引入室内。可旋转的百叶设计保证了从窗户到开放空间的视野不受阻碍。从可持续性和能源效率的角度看,该系统将现代办公领域的技术功能需求,在设计良好的建筑当中呈现出来。(天妮 译)

2 动态立面/Dynamic façade

All of the building façades on the campus have been designed according to the "Shell and Core"principle, which is expressed in two façade types:while the "shell" defines the façades of the building volumes towards the exterior and the open spaces,the "core" is oriented towards the interior courtyards and atriums. The objective of these design leitmotifs is to underline cohesion between the buildings and thus the architectural homogeneity of this campus beyond the shared formal language of its building volumes.

The "shell" type consists of a thermally effective floor-to-ceiling metal-glass façade in post,beam, or elemental building structure. A metallic shell has been placed in front of these at various distances to bear sun-shading systems, which differ from building to building. The material "stainless steel" defines the outer appearances of all of the building envelopes, to express a uniform corporate architecture. All of the façades are characterised by a dominantly vertical structure, so that the horizontal lines of the story levels fade into the background,making the façades look homogenous in appearance over the whole height of each building; these multilayered façade surfaces thus make the campus buildings look like abstract metal volumes. The individual buildings' partly recessed glazed ground floor façades and the glazed floor-to-ceiling building joints represent a further connecting element within the campus architecture.

The above-mentioned metallic-rough "shells",the reliefs of which differ in depth, stand in contrast to the coloured, smooth "core façades" of the campus buildings. While the exterior-oriented façades vary, the "core" façades are designed identically.The homogenous colour and surface design of the opaque "core façades" unifies the whole campus appearance, reinforcing the relationships between its buildings. The "core façades" have been clad from floor to ceiling in sheet metal panels painted using coil coating, and developed and produced especially for the Thyssenkrupp Campus. Their surfaces reflect daylight depending on the time of day and the light entering, creating nuances of colour that stand in dialogue with the natural colours of the green areas around the campus.

An innovative, highly efficient sun shading system was developed for large parts of the Q1 façade based on the design principles described above. Apart

3 元件随太阳位置而调节/Following the position of the sun

4 细部/Details

5 细部/Details

6 细部/Details

项目信息/Credits and Data

客户/Client: Thyssenkrupp AG

建筑面积/Ground Floor Area: 28,500m2

遮阳幕墙/Sunshade Façade: Frener + Reifer

绘图/Drawings and Diagrams: JSWD Architects and Chaix &Morel et Associés (fig. 3-6,8,10,11)

摄影/Photos: Christian Richters (fig. 1,2,12), Günter Wett and Frener + Reifer (fig. 7), JSWD Architects and Chaix &Morel et Associés (fig. 9)from the panorama window, this sun shading system defines the character of the Q1 building.

Its sun shading elements, which look like metal feathers from afar, consist of approximately 3150 routered vertical stalks; stainless steel double axes,onto which approximately 400,000 horizontal stainless steel louvers have been screwed. These rotatable and intertwineable elements represent an optimised system that combines the advantages of horizontal louvers (allowing light to enter) with those of vertical rotatable louvers (unrestricted views). The over 1280 lineal motor-driven, centrallycontrolled individual elements can perform the following basic operations:

(1) Closed (parallel to the thermal glazed envelope)

(2) Following the position of the sun (variable,perpendicular to the angle of entry of the sun)

(3) Open (the horizontal louvers intertwine over a double-axis, perpendicular to the thermal glazed envelope)

Their differentiation into trapezoidal,triangular, and rectangular individual elements gives the façade a structure on which the changing play of reflecting sunlight throughout the day creates an almost artificial-looking orchestration of the architecture. The sun shading system is also part of the building's energy concept. It protects from overheating and when it is closed, it directs natural light into the interior spaces. Views from the windows to the open spaces are still guaranteed due to the rotational function of the system. This system has made it possible to transfer the technical and functional necessities of a modern office working world, from a sustainability and energy efficiency point of view, into well-designed architecture.

7 动态立面/Dynamic façade

8 细部/Details

9 细部/Details

10 独立元件可以完成上述基本操作/The individual elements can perform the above basic operations

11 分析图/Diagram




12 内景/Interior view


YAN Da:The architects subtly integrate the control of the building's interior environment into the design of its exterior appearance. Considering the unified architectural style of the campus buildings, the architects take the alloy"shell" and the glass curtain wall "core surface" as the basic elements, but using different combinations of textures. On the one hand, the alloy shell creates more possibilities of the façade design by using various independent components and the way they are interlaced, and on the other hand, it provides a shading system that can spontaneously adjust itself according to outdoor weather conditions.The horizontal louvers and the vertical rotating louvers are interwoven together.This not only refers to the changing solar altitude angle throughout the day but also meets people's requirements of sunlight and view while they are staying indoors. (Translated by CHEN Xi)

ZHANG Yufeng:The "Shell and Core" principle provides more spaces for façade design.The balance and optimisation of multiple performances is always a big challenge for shading design. The horizontal and vertical combination, solar and thermal properties of the material, and the various forms' varieties all contribute to the coordination of heat,light and field of vision. Conversation with the sun is the core of shading design. The contradictions and requirements occurred in various orientation and time are effectively responded by switch of unit shape and sun-tracking control. Compared to the common rigid, monotonous and "invasive" design of shading, the combination of three types of independent units revitalises the façade, while the orderly back and forth arrangement of"Shell and Core" responds positively to the internal space function. Although improvements exist in winter sunshine control, technical complexity, and operational and maintenance cost, it is definitely a good example for making shading design harmonious and perfect.

