唐子奇 谢岚 张玉萍
摘 要:为帮助需要深入了解卡尔曼滤波器的研究人员或使用卡尔曼滤波器的工程人员深入学习这一非常有用的工具,利用高斯随机向量及其统计学特性,尤其是概率密度函数对卡尔曼滤波递归方程进行推导。在推导过程中,给出了卡尔曼滤波器推导所需的相关理论依据及数学工具。该推导方法简单、直观,更便于人们理解卡尔曼滤波器工作机理,并根据实际应用过程进一步開展更深层次的研究。
DOI:10. 11907/rjdk. 191361
中图分类号:TP3-0 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-7800(2019)005-0058-04
Abstract:To help researchers to have in-depth study of Kalman filter or engineers using Kalman filters to learn this very useful tool, the Gaussian random vector and its statistical properties, especially the probability density function, the recursive equation of Kalman filter was derived. In the process of derivation, all the mathematical tools needed for the Kalman filter derivation and the corresponding literature are given. The working mechanism of the Kalman filter can be understood without additional query of other data. In addition, specific references are given for the extension part of the Kalman filter for researchers to conduct further research.
Key Words: Gaussian random vector; probability density function; Kalman filter
0 引言
为了克服维纳滤波器工程实现较为困难的缺点,1960年匈牙利数学家Rudolf Emil Kalman提出了卡尔曼滤波器[1-2]。卡尔曼滤波器提出至今已将近60年,并被广泛应用于各个领域[3-9],但其依然是目标跟踪与数据融合等领域最有效且常用的工具之一。因此,有必要对其递推方程进行推导,从基本数学公式深入理解卡尔曼滤波器的每条方程,以便能更加灵活地加以应用,或根据具体应用情况对其性能进行改进完善。
1 高斯随机向量
3 结语
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(責任编辑:黄 健)