韩延成,梁梦媛,Said M Easa,唐 伟,初萍萍,高学平
韩延成1,梁梦媛1,Said M Easa2,唐 伟1,初萍萍1,高学平3
(1. 济南大学水利与环境学院,济南 250022;2. Department of Civil Engineering, Ryerson University, Toronto, M5B 2K3, Canada; 3. 天津大学水利工程仿真与安全国家重点实验室,天津 300072)
0 引 言
根据渠道底部形状不同,传统的明渠断面可以分为2类:1)平底断面,包括梯形、矩形断面;2)曲线形断面,包括半圆形、抛物线形、悬链线形、蛋形等断面[1]。曲线形和平底断面均有各自的优缺点。学者们普遍认为曲线形断面有如下优点[4-11]:1)曲线形断面没有拐角,没有应力集中点,不易有应力集中导致的裂缝,因此渗漏少;2)曲线形断面从底部到顶部是逐渐扩大的,因而具有更好的边坡稳定性(特别是非衬砌渠道);3)曲线形断面具有更大的过流能力和更好的水力学特性;4)曲线形断面的防冻胀、耐久性特性普遍优于梯形断面[12-15],因而和使用寿命更长。正是曲线形断面的这些特点,使曲线形或复合曲线形断面成为灌区使用最广泛的渠道断面形式之一。例如U形断面底部采用了曲线形圆弧。虽然施工难度较梯形断面增大了,但其防渗漏、抗冻张、耐久性及过流能力均好于梯形断面,使其成为最广泛应用的断面之一。抛物线形断面是继梯形和U形断面之后发展的新断面,具有水流条件好,渠道不易淤积、抗冻胀能力强和节省耕地的特点, 并且随着施工机具的发展,抛物线形渠道在施工制模中更容易计算和控制,因此在水利水电工程、农田灌溉和排水及在南水北调工程中广泛应用[16-17]。河北省石津灌区、甘肃省洪水河灌区、宁夏引黄灌区都大量地使用了抛物线形断面混凝土衬砌防渗渠道,效果很好[16]。另外,广泛应用的圆形断面、马蹄形、城门洞、卵形均为纯曲线或部分曲线形断面,也是不可或缺的输水断面。学者们越来越重视新型渠道的研究,提出了许多创新断面。魏文礼等[18]提出了半立方抛物线形断面,Han等[9-10]提出了立方抛物线形断面和10/3次方抛物线形断面。学者们对新型渠道断面及曲线形断面的水力学特性展开了广泛的研究。Loganathan等[8,11]对抛物线形断面的设计及水力最优断面展开了深入研究,张宽地等[19]对圆形断面的水力特性进行了研究,梁元博等[20]对城门洞形、马蹄形断面进行了研究,文辉等[16,21-22]对抛物线形断面进行了研究。但曲线形断面也有缺点,例如建造的灵活性不如梯形断面,底部不易压实[3,6-7],不宜应用于大型宽浅型渠道(受曲线函数的约束),另外由于曲线形断面只有2个曲线侧边,缺少平底部分会使维护增加难度[3,6]。平底断面(如梯形、矩形)具有底部施工工艺简单,底部容易压实,底宽可以变化,建造灵活等优点[4,7-8],但其缺点是水力学特性不如曲线形断面,过流能力小且有明显的应力集中点和拐角,易造成裂缝和渗漏,易遭冻胀破坏[7,23],耐久性不如无应力集中点的曲线形断面。
1 平底悬链线形渠道水力断面特性和正常水深
1.1 水力断面特性
Note:is width of water surface for side portion of catenary section, m;is shape factor;is water depth, m;is bottom width, m;is side slope factor at water surface;hcis total width of water surface of horizontal-bottomed catenary section, m. Same as below.
图1 2种悬链线形断面
Fig. 1 Two types of catenary sections
1.2 平底悬链线形渠道正常水深计算
1.2.1 正常水深计算公式
1.2.2 牛顿显式迭代显式算法
1.2.3 简单显式迭代算法
1.3 平底悬链线形断面的水力最优断面推导
1.3.1 底悬链线形断面的水力最优断面模型
1.3.2 水力最优断面的推导
式中为拉格朗日乘子,为约束函数。由式(24)和式 (25),消掉可得到
联接方程组(33),可以得到= ±3.602,= ±0.855。由于工程中、、均为大于0的值,因此平底悬链线形渠道水力最优断面2个最重要的参数为
1.3.3 水力最优断面的水力学计算公式
2 应用案例及结果分析
2.1 平底悬链线形渠道水力最优断面公式应用案例
1)某地要建设一条渠道,已知糙率=0.014,渠底纵坡=1/20 000,流量=25.0 m3/s。要求按水力最优断面设计平底悬链线形渠道并求水面宽度、过水断面面积和湿周。
Note:is ratio of water surface width of side portion for catenary section () to shape factor ();is ratio of bottom width () to shape factor ().
图2 过水断面面积hc和、之间的关系
Fig. 2 Relationship between flow areahcandand
2.2 与平底及梯形明渠断面比较
2.2.1 与平底及梯形断面水力特性比较
平底抛物线形断面由平底和抛物线形侧边组成 (2007)[3,7],其形状定义为[3]
表1 悬链线形渠道与现有渠道水力最优断面水力特性比较
2.2.2 案例分析
表2 不同断面类型得到的水力最优断面结果
2.3 与传统悬链线形断面比较
3 结 论
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Optimal hydraulic section of horizontal-bottom catenary channel
Han Yancheng1, Liang Mengyuan1, Said M Easa2, Tang Wei1, Chu Pingping1, Gao Xueping3
(1.250022,; 2.M5B 2K3,300072)
A suitable channel section cannot only increase flow capacity of channel, improve efficiency of water resources, and reduce water leakage loss, but also decrease construction cost. This paper proposed a channel section with a horizontal bottom and catenary sides (HBC). The HBC section, on one hand, provided a larger flow capacity, lesser-sharp angles of stress concentration, less leakage, better slope stability and frost heave resistance than trapezoids and rectangles sections. On the other hand, it had lots of advantages of horizontal bottom sections, such as simpler construction, easier leveling and compaction of the foundation, and lesser construction cost. The most important advantage of this section was that the horizontal bottom and sides could be built with different materials or thickness for decreasing the construction cost or other purposes. The shape function for HBC was defined. The formulas for the flow area, wetted perimeter, and water surface width were presented. A simpler iterative algorithm for calculation of the normal depth was developed. The iterative convergence by this algorithm was evidenced. Comparisons showed that this simpler iterative algorithm was better than classic Newton iterative algorithm. The optimal model of the best hydraulic section of HBC was built. The general differential equations for all the sections having horizontal bottomed and curve sides were derived. The best hydraulic section of HBC channel was obtained according to Lagrange multiplier method and its characteristics were presented including shape factor, ratio of horizontal bottom width to shape factor etc. The results showed that the following optimum parameters were constant for the best hydraulic HBC section: bottom width to water depth, water surface width to depth, bottom width to shape factor, water surface width to shape factor, shape factor to water depth equals. The ratio of water surface width for catenary part to shape factor equaled 3.602, the ratio of bottom width to shape factor equaled 0.855, the ratio of bottom width to water depth equaled 0.405, and the ratio of shape factor to water depth equaled 0.474, and the ratio of total water surface width to water depth equaled 2.112. Various explicit formulae to calculate the normal depth, critical depth, shape factor, flow area, wetted perimeter and water surface width of the HBC section were derived for the best hydraulic section for HBC channel. These formulas should make the design of the HBC section easier and promote its practical applications. The optimum parameters of the best hydraulic section for existing horizontal bottom (HB) sections, such as trapezoidal, rectangle, horizontal bottomed parabolic, and horizontal bottomed semi-cubic parabolic were derived. The comparison results showed that the HBC section had larger discharge than those of existing horizontal bottom (HB) sections under the same conditions. In addition, the flow area, wetted perimeter, and water surface of the HBC section were the smallest, which means that earthwork cost, lining cost and land expropriation cost are all decreased, which means HBC section is more economical. Comparison with classic catenary section showed that the discharge of the HBC was larger than that of the classic catenary section under the same conditions. The flow area, wetted perimeter and water surface of the HBC were smaller than these of the classic catenary section, which means the HBC section has better hydraulic characteristics. Its economy was also superior to the traditional catenary section. The results were verified by examples. The proposed section should enrich existing types of open channel sections. The research provides a new practical and flexible channel section for channel design and theoretical support for horizontal-bottom catenary channel design and applications.
shapes; hydraulics; channels; horizontal bottom; catenary; best hydraulic section
TV 131.4
韩延成,梁梦媛,Said M Easa,唐 伟,初萍萍,高学平. 平底悬链线形明渠水力最优断面求解[J]. 农业工程学报,2019,35(6):90-99. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.06.011 http://www.tcsae.org
Han Yancheng, Liang Mengyuan, Said M Easa, Tang Wei, Chu Pingping, Optimal hydraulic section of horizontal-bottom catenary channel[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2019, 35(6): 90-99. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.06.011 http://www.tcsae.org