

疯狂英语·新悦读 2019年4期

江苏南菁高级中学 秦 虞

Step 1感知·阅读导航


《她生命中的这些年》是加拿大作家莫利·卡拉汉(Morley Callaghan,1903—1990)的作品,讲述了一个小伙子Alfred在一家杂货店打工,老板Mr.Carr发现他经常把东西偷出去卖钱,有一天Mr.Carr抓住偷了店里东西准备下班的Alfred,但在决定报警之前打电话叫来Alfred的母亲Mrs.Higgins。Mrs.Higgins用其镇定、优雅的姿态成功说服Mr.Carr放弃报警而让她将儿子带回家。正当Alfred庆幸自己化险为夷时,他目睹了回家后的母亲独自喝茶时苍老崩溃的神态。那一刻给他带来了巨大的震撼,他明白了母亲这些年为他所承受的痛苦,也宣告了他告别叛逆青春走向成长的开始。节选部分讲述了Mrs.Higgins用她镇定、优雅的姿态改变了Mr.Carr的态度,使其放弃报警。








Alfred and Mr.Carrwaited butsaid nothing.At last they heard someone at the closed door.Mr.Carr opened it and said,“Come in,Mrs.Higgins.” His face was hard and serious.

Alfred's mother came in with a friendly smile on her face and put out her hand to Mr.Carr and said politely, “I'm Mrs.Higgins,Alfred's mother.”

Mr.Carr was surprised at the way she came in.She was very calm,quiet and friendly.“Is Alfred in trouble?” Mrs.Higgins asked.

“He is.He has been taking things from the store,little things like toothpaste and lipsticks,things he can easily sell.”

Mrs.Higgins looked at her son and said sadly,“Is it so,Alfred? ”


“Why have you been doing it?” she asked.

“I've been spending money,I believe.”

“On what?”

“Going around with the boys,I guess,”said Alfred.

Mrs.Higgins put out her hand and touched Mr.Carr's arm with great gentleness as if she knew just how he felt.She spoke as if she did not want to cause him any more trouble.She said,“If you will just listen to me before doing anything.”Her voice was cool and she turned her head away as if she had said too much already.Then she looked again at Mr.Carr with a pleasant smile and asked,“What do you want to do,Mr.Carr?”

“I was going to get a cop.This is what I should do,call the police.”

She answered,“Yes,I think so.It's not for me to say because he is my son.Yet I sometimes think a little good advice is the best thing for a boy at certain times in his life.”

Mrs.Higgins looked like a different woman to her son,Alfred.There she was with a gentle smile saying, “I wonder if you don't think it would be better just to let him come home with me.He looks like a big fellow,doesn't he?Yet it takes some of them a long time to get any sense into their heads.”

Mr.Carr had expected Alfred's mother to come in nervously,shaking with fear,asking with wet eyes for mercy for her son.But no,she was most calm and pleasant,and was making Mr.Carr feel guilty.

After a time,Mr.Carr was shaking his head in agreement with what she was saying.“Of course,”he said, “I don't want to be cruel.I will tell you what I'll do.Tell your son not to come back here again,and let it go at that.How is that?”And he warmly shook Mrs.Higgins'hand.

“I will never forget your kindness.Sorry we have to meet this way,”said Mr.Carr. “But I am glad I got in touch with you.Just wanted to do the right thing.That it is all.”

“It's better to meet like this than never,isn't it?”she said.

Suddenly they held hands as if they liked each other,as if they had known each other for a long time.

“Good night,sir.”

“Good night,Mrs.Higgins.I'm truly sorry.”

Mother and son left.They walked along the street in silence.She took long steps and looked straight in front of her.After a time,Alfred said,“Thank God it turned out like that.Never again.”

“Be quiet! Don't speak to me.You have shamed me enough.Have the decency to be quiet.”

Step 2 实践·文本解读


Understand the characters

Step 3 运用·读写整合

I.Understand the title

What does the titleAll the Years of Her Lifemean?

Ⅱ.Explore the theme

What is the theme of the excerpt in your opinion? (topic sentences followed by supporting details)


Step 4 提升·素养建构

Ⅰ.Writing style

1.What are the features of the language and description of the story in your eyes?

2.What are the features of the structure of the story?

Ⅱ.Write your own ending of this story



Gu Qingsheng, the guardian of Shennongjia 古清生,神农架的守护者