Serial entrepreneur David Moakler has seen his share of small business highs and lows.
Still, Moakler, 50, charted his way to success after launching a company in 2005. Its a Waxhaw based distributor of hotlines that helps employees facing personal challenges including massive debt and gambling addiction.
An app, the companys latest innovation, is timely, offering phone numbers to users struggling with suicide or abusive padners. News about the suicide of comedian Robin Williams and athletes facing domestic violence charges, he said, motivated him to add features that tap into contemporary issues.
But creating a product that he hopes makes a difference would not have been possible, he said, if he had not leamed to embrace his mistakes, and even laugh at them. “You arent what you accom-plish and what you dont,” he said. “Youre not your failures.” Ups and Downs Moaklers myriad business ups and downs started when he was a college student in Rhode Island. Uninterested in classes on business theory and more intrigued by practical application, he started a carpet cleaning company that grew into a janitorial service with 22 employees. He sold it five years later.
Seeking more sunshine, he moved to Charlotte in his mid-20s and began selling audio recordings of his own tips for helping entre-preneurs grow their businesses. He tumed it into a nationwide lec-ture series that lasted 18 months and toured 52 aties. After the tour, he published a catalog to sell more tapes but never got any orders.
Idea Crystallized
While he wishes he could “pluck out and rewrite” that part of his life, Moakler said what hes leamed about compliance helps him find the nght service providers for his now-profitable business, a venture he formed after a 14-hour flight to Argentina.
Next to him sat a social worker, frustrated that she did not have a go to list of trustworthy helplines to give to clients struggling with money.“By the time that plane landed in Buenos Aires, the idea had started to crystallize in my head,” Moakler said.
Using card-stock paper and a toll-free telephone switchboard, Moakler started the company, distributing laminated inserts with helpline numbers to social workers. He soon began mass-producing the numbers on 11x17- inch posters that employers could hang in break rooms.
“Those calls would go to experts. Employees wouldnt feel they had to bother their supervisor in an uncomfortable, awkward discussion about financial problems.” Moakler said.
A Perfect Fit
Moakler started developing the app after questioning his companys trajectory. “We are Iiving out of smart phones so much, thats gotta be where this has to go,” he said.
The app, Trusted Helplines, gives users access to experts able to help them with mortgage payments, student loan debt, child support collection, and credit score improvement, among others. Most recently, he added suicide prevention and domestic violence help. Providing connections on a range of issues, Moakler said,“is a perfect fit.” Quick access might make all the difference for distressed employees considering suicide, said Margaux Austin, executive director of HopeLine, a Raleigh crisis center. “When someone is in that crisis moment, it could be they just need someone to talk to,”Austin said.
“It might make sure the public gets a little more information about what the signs are,” he said. “Its a terrific way to show you care about your peoole. ” Moakler said.
在仔细考虑了公司的发展方向后,默克勒开始开发手机应用。“我们越来越离不开智能手机,因此必须朝这个方向发展。”他说。这款名叫Trusted Helplines(信赖热线)的手机应用,用户通过它可以和专家取得联系,寻求解决房贷、学生贷款、索要孩童抚养费、提高信用评分等问题的方法。最近,默克勒还增加了预防自杀和家暴援助服务。默克勒称,将人们与各种问题的解决者联系起来是一种“完美结合”。