

阅读与作文(英语高中版) 2019年4期

不久前,一位叫做泰內尔的美国小伙和一位名为乔安娜的菲律宾姑娘结婚了。虽然跨国恋在如今这个时代并不稀奇,然而这两位的结合却充满戏剧性的浪漫与感动。14年前,7岁的泰内尔通过“圣诞儿童i-l-划”( Operation Christmas Child)这一慈善项目寄出了一份圣诞礼物,而远在菲律宾的8岁小姑娘乔安娜幸运地得到了这份惊喜。14年后,在这个慈善项目的牵线下,两人终成眷属。

When Joana received a gift-filled shoebox in the Philippines in 2000, she couldnt have imagined that one day she would meet the 7-year-old boy who packed the boxand that he would be her future husband in America.

Seven thousand miles and 14 years later, Joana and Tyrel Wolfe tied the knot October 5 on a cattle ranch in ldaho. If their story sounds like a fairy tale or a Hollywood movie, it isnt. No one is more surprised than the newlyweds themselves.

The Wolfes shared their remarkable love story.

The boxes were wedding gifts packed by friends and relatives.

“My mom is the one who originally came up with the suggestion,” Tyrel said. “Operation Christmas Child is what brought Joana and me together, so we wanted to somehow make the project a part of our celebration.”

Joana loved the idea and included“Pack a Shoebox”brochures with every wedding invitation. Some guests brought boxes;others gave a donation.

The couple transported the boxes all the way from ldaho, en route to contracting jobs Tyrel has this month as a state park trail. system developer in North Carolina and Tennessee.

A Lost Letter

During the summer of 2000, Joana received a shoebox at a Vacation Bible School graduation ceremony in Quezon City, a suburb of Manila.

The gift represented far more than a mere collection of fun gifts. It was through the box that she had heard a presentation of the Gospel and accepted Jesus Christ as her Savior. Not long afterward, her father also received Christ and eventually followed the calling God put on his heart to become a pastor.

Joana kept one memento:a small photo of a little blonde-haired boy in a cowboy shirt holding a lariat. The boy had included his name and address, so Joana later wrote him a letter explaining how his gift had impacted her and her family.

Joana mailed the letter, but for whatever reason, Tyrel never received it.

Fast forward to November 15, 2011. Joana decided to see if she could find the person who packed her box through Facebook.

“I still wanted to thank the person who gave me the box that had meant so much to me,”she said.

The only information she had to go on was a name:Tyrel Wolfe. Numerous options appeared when she did a search. One name popped up from ldaho. The child in the photo was dressed in cowboy-type attire with a rustic mountain background. She had never been to the United States, but she knew that ldaho had mountains. Was this Tyrel Wolfe the one?

She clicked on the|ink and submitted a friend request.

In the rural community of Midvale, ldaho, it was already after 8 p.m.Tyrel checked his Facebook account and was intrigued by a message from“a random girl in the Philippines.”

Thus began their Facebook friendship and an exchange of letters and pictures for the next year.

Journey to the Philippines

The more they corresponded, the more Tyrel and Joana found they had in common. They were both passionate about music-albeit different styles-and both sing and play at least one musical instrument. And Joana had always dreamed of a quiet life in the country.

Despite the 15-hour time difference and busy schedules, they would set aside a couple of hours in the moming and again at night for daily Facebook visits. But if their relationship was to progress, it was obvious they needed to see each other in person.

In June 2013, after saving up money for a plane ticket and receiving cautionary blessings from his parents, Tyrel flew to Manila. He had been on an overseas mission trip before, but had never been to Asia, and had never traveled by himself.

There were some nervewracking moments when he couldnt find Joana and her family when he landed, but an airport employee saw the distressed young man and showed him where to go.

“Once I saw his face, an amazing feeling came over me,”Joana said.“I was so happy I cried.”

Tyrel stayed for 10 days and got to know Joana in her home environment. Prior to the trip, they had agreed not to officially date until Tyrel asked her fathers permission in person. Midway through his visit he finally gathered up enough courage to ask the protective dad and pastor. Joanas father gave his approval without hesitation.

“I wanted to spend every moment I could with Joana while I was there, because once I left I didnt know what would happen next,”Tyrel said. “All I knew was Joana was the one.”

Taking the Plunge

Tyrel returned to ldaho fully determined to go back to the Philippines. He took on extra hours as a trails-and bridge-builder at area state parks, saving every dollar he could in order to visit Joana during the holiday season. This time he stayed for a month.

At last he was ready to pop the big question not to Joana, but to her father. Speaking in the Tagalog language, he asked her dad for permission to marry the girl of his dreams.

The couple held an engagement party in the Philippines and spent the next several months working with the U.S.Embassy to obtain a fiancee visa for Joana. Finally in early September, Joana was on a plane bound for ldaho to begin a new life.

Their wedding ceremony took place outside on a beautiful October day on Tyrels parents400-acre ranch. While his brothers dressed up in starched white shirts, jeans, and cowboy hats, Tyrels attire included a barong, the traditional embroidered shirt worn by Filipino grooms.

Now six weeks into married life, Tyrel and Joana are looking forward to their first Christmas together in the United States. They have started a tradition that they hope to continue every year for the rest of their lives-packing shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child.

“And when we start having children, we want to involve them in packing boxes too,”said a smiling Tyrel as he held his wifes hand. I remember as a little boy, I was so excited to know the toys and other items I put in the box would bring joy to another child somewhere else in the world.

“I just didnt know the joy it would bring back to me one day.”




































To the Light House—A Journey of Life from Moments to Eternity