

世界建筑 2019年3期


Architect: SHAU

1 外景/Exterior view





在设计研究如何排列2000个冰淇淋桶时,我们意识到它们可以被演绎为“0”(切开状态)与“1”(封闭状态),让立面以二进制的形式传递出信息。我们请该项目的支持者万隆市长利迪万·卡米尔提供建议,询问他是否有信息要传递给微型图书馆及该社区。他提出:“buku adalah jendela dunia”——“书是通向世界的窗口”。 这条信息可以从左上角(面向前方)开始,沿周边螺旋式重复向下排列的顺序阅读。该立面不仅赋予了图书馆额外的意义,而这些冰淇淋桶也营造出愉悦的室内光环境——分散了阳光直射,扮演了自然光灯泡的角色。


社区居民对图书馆极为认可,而我们也经常收到学校各种 活动的定期反馈。□

(王单单 译)

2 轴测/Axometric drawing

项目信息/Credits and Data

地点/Location: 印度尼西亚万隆塔曼比马/Taman Bima,Bandung, Indonesia

客户/Client: Dompet Dhuafa (City of Bandung)

设计团队/Design Team: Florian Heinzelmann, Daliana Suryawinata, Yogi Ferdinand with Rizki Supratman, Roland Tejo Prayitno, Aditya Kusuma, Octavia Tunggal, Timmy Haryanto, Telesilla Bristogianni, Margaret Jo, Angga Rosiawan, Aistyara Charmita

承建商/Contractor: Yogi Pribadi, Pramesti Sudjati

标识设计/Signage Graphic Design: Nusae

支持方/Supported by: Dompet Dhuafa, Urbane Community,Indonesian Diaspora Foundation

建筑面积/Floor Area: 160m2(包括舞台/incl. stage)

造价/Cost: 35,000EUR

摄影/Photos: Sanrok Studio

3 夜景/Night view

4 阅读区/Reading area

5 立面内侧/Façade inside

The Microlibrary is located at Taman Bima,Bima Street in Bandung in a small square in a Kampung neighbourhood near the airport. The neighbourhood consists of middle class housing on one side and a Kampung (village) like structure on the other, where less affluent people live. The Taman Bima Microlibrary is the first realised prototype of a series of small libraries in different locations throughout Indonesia, which we intend to build.

With an Interest in books and reading declining in the past years, the illiteracy rate and school dropout rate in Indonesia remains high. Our mission is to rekindle interest in books by offering a dedicated place for reading and learning, availability of books, other media and courses. The Microlibrary adds identity and is a source of pride for all the people in the neighbourhood. The activities and teaching are currently supported and organised by Dompet Dhuafa (Pocket for the Poor) and the Indonesian Diaspora Foundation. However, the ultimate goal is to enable the local people to organise the content and maintenance independently.

The building is situated in a small square of a pre-existing stage that was already used by the local community for gatherings, events, hanging out and sports activities. Our intention was to add rather than take away, so we decided to enhance the open stage by shading it, making it rain-protected and covering it in form of the floating library box.

The building is constructed via a simple steel structure made from I-beams and concrete slabs for floor and roof. The stage was reworked in concrete and a previously missing, wide stair was added.As the building is located in a tropical climate, we aimed to create a pleasant indoor climate without the use of air conditioning. Therefore, we looked for available façade materials in the neighbourhood that were cost efficient, could shade the interior, let daylight pass and enable enough cross ventilation.Initially, we found several small vendors selling used, white and translucent jerry cans. However,prior to construction the jerry cans were no longer available for required quantity. Instead, we found used plastic ice cream buckets that were being sold in bulk. This turned out for the better as they have a more positive image and are more stable when cutting the bottom open for cross ventilation.

6 局部夜景/Night view of part of the building

7 立面近景/Nearby view of bucket façade

While studying design options of how to arrange 2000 ice cream buckets, we realised that they could be interpreted as zeros (opened) and ones(closed), thus giving us the possibility to embed a message in the façade in the form of a binary code.We asked the Mayor of Bandung, Ridwan Kamil, a supporter of the project whether he had a message for the Microlibrary and neighbourhood and his message is: "buku adalah jendela dunia" , meaning books are the windows to the world. The message can be read starting from the top left (facing the front) and spirals down around the perimetre repeatedly. Not only does the facade give additional meaning to the building but the buckets also generate a pleasant indoor light ambiance since they scatter direct sunlight and act as natural light bulbs.

The buckets were then placed in between vertical steel ribs spanning from floor to roof and are inclined towards the outside to repel rainwater.For more harsh tropical rainstorms translucent sliding doors in the inside can be closed temporarily.Mounting 2000 buckets, making the fixture and punching out bottoms of more than half of them is time consuming. However, the local craftsmen made their own punch out/cutting tools to be faster while also maintaining sharp and clean edges.

The building is very well received among the people in the neighbourhood and we get regular feedback about ongoing events, e.g. school class excursions, etc.□

8 剖面/Section



钟冠球:微型图书馆在社区广场用了底层架空的方式用作开敞的电影空间,把图书馆阅读空间用一个直跑梯连接到二层, 是一个适合用地的很棒的设计选型,仿佛多米诺体系原型的钢结构版。比较亮眼的二层表皮是用现成品冰淇淋筒作为像素(原有设计想用二手的油罐,但供应数量不够),形成了一个为图书馆室内过滤光的装置,二维码为冰淇淋筒的放置秩序提供了一个建筑师的说法(使用人群似乎不会关心),可以思考的是,冰淇淋筒可否有更多用途?比如种植罐,或者填充罐子变成遮阳罐?为了建筑更纯粹,四面均用相同的表皮,然而对于热带地区来说,四面均开窗为玻璃面,二层室内的舒适性不一定会很好。

9 二层平面/First floor plan

10-12 冰淇淋桶拼装实验/Ice cream bucket assembling experiment

13 内景/Interior view


ZHANG Xinnan: Site, climate, and material are the key words for the description of Micro Library in Bima,Indonesia. The open space where the library is located is between some middle-class residential compounds and rural settlements, which is fullof daily activities,so the design strategy of overhead bottom floor and redesign of the stage become focuses of site arrangement.Regarding its function as a reading space and the demand for comfortableness, the material selection is decided by how to introduce the wind and light into the interior space. Though due to the lack of supply of soft plastic materials, which was the first choice of the design, we lost the chance to see another possibility of the construction,the alternative plastic bucket material responds to the demand of the micro library in a better way because it can provide dual choices, i.e. "open" and "close", to the climatic boundary through its façade micro units, moreover, it endows the façade a chance to understand the signi fi cance of the micro library. (Translated by QIAN Fang)

ZHONG Guanqiu: The micro library in the community square has been designed as a stilted house, which allows the ground area to act as an open space for movies while connecting the reading area of the library on the first floor by the straight flight staircase.This approach can be considered to be a fantastic design option in terms of the use of space. It looks as if this is a prototype for the steelwork version of the Domino System. The eye-catching facade for the upper floor employed used plastic ice cream buckets as its pixel (initially used jerry cans were chosen, but the demand exceeded supply), becoming an installation that can help to filter the light for the interior of library. Moreover, the QR code serves as the architect's explanation of the arrangement of the ice cream buckets (however the users do not seem to care). It is worth pondering if there is any other approach to utilise these buckets.For instance, they could be adopted for growing plants, or be fi lled in to function as a sunshade. In pursuit of purity, the same facade has been applied to all sides. However, for the tropical zone, the four glass window walls might result in less comfort on the first floor


No.6 双汇父子冲突,万洪建发文炮轰父亲
冰淇淋True or False?
冰淇淋True or False?