

世界建筑 2019年3期


Architect: Hoang Thuc Hao/1+1>2 Architects

1 外景/Exterior view





受到古镇建筑的庭院、槟榔园和特色藤蔓的启发,橙青社区中心通过阴影和空隙的组合,创造了一个灵活的空间序列。这座建筑代表了新的乡村发展,应对了当代的社交需求与城市化,同时也保持了其自身的独特性。希望该社区中心建筑的建设能够为其他地区带来值得借鉴和采纳的经验。□ (庞凌波 译)

项目信息/Credits and Data

地点/Location: 越南广南省会安市/Hoi An City, Quang Nam Province, Vietnam

设计团队/Design Team: Phan Duc Trung, Nguyen Thi MinhThuy, Le Dinh Hung, Vu Xuan Son

建筑面积/Floor Area: 550m2

摄影/Photos: Vu Xuan Son

2 鸟瞰/Aerial view

3 剖面/Section

4 外景/Exterior view

Located in the southeast of Hoi An - a tourism destination in the middle of Vietnam with ancient quarter and breath-taking seashore, Cam Thanh is known for its mangrove forests, crisscrossed waterways, areca gardens and small looming villages. Despite having such great potentials due to naturally diverse ecology and local handicraft business, Cam Thanh remains a poor area with low living standards. The lack of connection and support from the ancient town and different social/ scientific groups prevented this area from promoting tourism and fostering the local economy. Cam Thanh is also affected by climatic change: heat-wave, typhoons and rising sea level. These have raised the need for a physical platform acting as a community hub to strengthen the collaboration of Cam Thanh with other areas, creating more tourist opportunities and contributing to the economic development.

The Cam Thanh Community Centre was designed to fulfil this requirement.

The centre, locating in the commune's core,includes 3 buildings providing a continuous zoning flow. By using flexible partitions, the space can be modified to adapt different requirements: meetings,exhibitions, events, combining with library, training courses and cafeteria. The open courts resemble the Hoi An's ancient quarter houses, using convectional ventilation. The complex also has playground,organic vegetables farm, areca garden and sport field. Cam Thanh Community House is expected to become an experimentalorganic agriculture hub, a sharing place and an ideal rest stop for tourists in the future.

The structure is simple with the efficient usage of local resources and material. In consideration of minimising frequent heat-wave's effect, vines made of fishing net hanging across areca garden, together with the coconut leaves roof, can drastically reduce solar radiation and provide shade. Strong wood columns and bamboo frame support the large and sloping-in roof, collecting rainwater for reuse in irrigation and daily activities. Surrounding walls, made of double-layer adobe brick, create air cushions and insulation. This structure can assure the building to withstand windstorms.

Inspired by the courtyard of the ancient houses, areca garden and featured vines, Cam Thanh Community Centre is the combination of shades and voids, creating a flexible space chain. This building represents new rural development, adapts to contemporary social needs and urbanisation,simultaneously preserve identity. The development of this Community house hopefully will be an experience which can be applied in different areas.□

5 首层平面/Gound floor plan

6 剖面/Section

7 走廊/Veranda

8 内景/Interior view




SONG Yehao: Cam Thanh Community Centre is characterised by its courtyard system, permeability and creative use of local materials. The new courtyard system which inherited the organisation from the local courtyard space gives the small community centre a very rich spatial diversity, which is highly consistent with the need to accommodate many functions. The permeability is re fl ected in the two aspects of wind and light: both ensuring natural ventilation and fighting against large storms, ensuring natural lighting and avoiding excessive sunlight shining into the building space. Creative use of local materials is the basis for the perfect realisation of design concepts. The use of all materials will bring forth both familiar and unfamiliar experiences to the local people. (Translated by CHEN Yuxiao)

9 庭院/Courtyard

ZHONG Guanqiu: This project serves as a good example of low-cost buildings. It comes without any unnecessary decoration, while the concrete frame and in fi lled wall are clearly visible. Its floor employed the most common self-levelling cement. Moreover,the local bamboo technology has been used in the roof structure, and almost every piece of bamboo has a mechanical function. The function room seems to have a climate boundary, yet all the doors in the real picture remain open. This meets the requirement of air ventilation in the tropical climate. Additionally,it allows all the openings, including doors, windows and courtyards, to be bright. The most characteristic element is the fishing net which is tied to the trunk of the coconut tree. Both vines and fallen leaves are hung on the fishing net, creating a semitransparent sunshade. In the technical drawing of the section, it presents the usage of cavity walls and the air layers as thermal insulation. Nevertheless, they do not seem to work. (Translated by WANG Dandan)

10 用作会议空间/In conference use

11 用作游戏空间/In playground use

12 轴测/Axonometric drawing


8月海南气候动荡 农作物减产剧增