

现代电子技术 2019年6期

方明清 丁刚毅 赵艳玲

关键词: 移动自组织网络; 按需矢量路由; 路径权值; 链路稳定性; 节点能量; 服务质量

中图分类号: TN711?34; TPT393              文献标识码: A                      文章编号: 1004?373X(2019)06?0047?04

Abstract: The ad hoc on?demand distance vector (AODV) routing is a typical routing in the mobile ad hoc network (MANET). However, the shortest path is always selected for communication in AODV routing, which can lead to unbalanced traffic flow, or even congestions in the network, thus affecting the quality of service (QoS). Therefore, a weight routing scheme based on the AODV is proposed, which is marked as AODV?W. In the AODV?W routing, the path transmission delay, link stability and node energy are considered to calculate the path weights, and the path with the minimum weight is selected as the data transmission channel. The experimental data shows that the proposed AODV?W routing can improve the data packet delivery ratio and network throughput.

Keywords: MANET; AODV; path weight; link stability; node energy; QoS

移动自组织网(Mobile Ad hoc Network,MANET) [1?2]是无中心控制单元、并由节点自行构建的无线网络。由于节点可自由移动,MANET网络拓扑具有动态变化特性。而变化的拓扑使得网络通信链路不稳定。此外,节点的通信距离有限,节点需要通过多跳通信才能将数据传输到更远的目的节点。多跳通信是由一系列的中间节点转发而形成的通信方式。当拥有数据包的节点(源节点)需要以多跳通信方式向远距离的目的节点传输数据包时,源节点就需构建一条合适的路径[3]。实际上,此路径也是由一系列的中间节点组成。构建合适路径的过程也称为路由发现(Route?discovery)。然而,由于MANET的拓扑动态变化、节点通信距离短等原因,有效地完成路由发现过程存在挑战。



按需矢量路由(Ad Hoc On?demand Distance Vector,AODV)在MANET中广泛使用。AODV路由利用控制包RREQ的传递,建立路径。然而,现存的多数AODV路由在选择路径时只考虑单条链路的指标,而并没有充分考虑链路间指标的一致性问题。此外,它们也没有考虑到节点能量问题。


3  数值分析

3.1  仿真场景

利用NS2.35仿真软件建立仿真平台。N个节点随机分布于1 000 m×1 000 m区域,节点的传输范围为250 m。具体的仿真参数如表1所示。


3.2  实验数据分析




4  结  语



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